noice…tanqs fer dat eh?
"The Abyss, the Abyss
The Abyss you can't miss
It's right where you are
At the top of the stair
-Theodore Roethke
noice and nik'd
>How were all of those accents lost and became the "American accent?"
Evolutionary Creativity…America was known for that once upon a time
5:5 Mister P
Yarrrrrrrrr. Let's hope they all are.
Toots is always here in spirit Anon
Roger dat.
Smoken' if ya got 'em!
>Wow, I actually didn't know until now that she an hero'd.
There but for the grace of God goeth many of us.
What a battle it has been…
NAGA in India and the Far East is the Great Serpent…
>Is everybody drunk or is everybody stupid?
55 Dat!
>be a fuckin' man and scratch your balls with authority to assert your dominance
>Please do not tell the grammar cat
Bashō would be proud.