Anonymous ID: d93689 Nov. 25, 2023, 6:23 p.m. No.19977259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7272 >>7525 >>7736 >>7893 >>7961

Pavlov's Dogs and the Conditioned Response; Don't Be the Dog


Psychology - Pavlov’s Dog: The Psychology Experiment That Changed Everything


Pavlov's dog experiment is a very well-studied event. Pavlov (a Russian physiologist) conditioned dogs to respond in a specific way. Every time he fed his dogs, he rang a bell. Over time, the dogs associated the sound of the bell with being fed. After conditioning the dogs, he rang the bell but did not feed the dogs. What happened? Salivating dogs happened. The dogs associated the sound of the bell with food so strongly that they drooled even though they were not fed.


Please review the followingPB

>>19948044, >>19948049 Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

Check out the FLETC PDF paying close attention to the "Role Players" who (according to FLETC) "enact simulated threats…".



Anon would like to suggest to law enforcement, who are being trained at places like the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, that you consider the possibility that you are being conditioned to respond in a certain way to the people you swore to protect and serve. Anon has noticed that people express their patriotism in many different ways. Anon would suggest that the people who are burning shit down and causing harm to others are the threat. Just because a person wraps him or herself in patriotic and/or historic symbolism, doesn't mean they are bad or racist or phobic or any other ism/ist.


Anon would also like to ask ordinary people to consider the possibility that you are being conditioned to respond in a certain way to law enforcement. The talking heads on your TV, on your social media platforms and on your streets are working to influence a specific response from you. We are all being played against each other.


Anon remembers another Pavlov experiment from psychology class. Anon can find no reference to this in any search and the textbook is long gone. You'll have to believe Anon or not. This experiment involved prey fish and predator fish. Pavlov set up an aquarium with a glass divider in it. On one side of the glass were prey fish. On the other side of the glass, was a predator fish. The prey fish crowded to the far side of the tank, while the predator fish hurled itself into the glass. The predator fish, after many encounters with the glass divider, finally stopped trying. The prey fish relaxed and moved about their side freely. Eventually, the glass was removed. The prey fish stayed on their side (and only their side) of the tank and the predator fish stayed on its side of the tank. Anon believes that the predator fish died of hunger but is not certain of that.


We all need to consider the possibility that someone is trying to erect a glass wall between us and normal lives. Anon suspects that this has been happening for a long time. We should always look for ways around the glass. Sane lives are out there and we should strive to get them back.