it was a bad idea
so it was withdrawn
Here is the unebelievable true story of a small group of people who have virtually controlled and shaped the world we live in - and continie to do so to this very day. A summary of (((their))) evil accomplishments is impressive indeed. in fact it is truly miraculous - see for yourself:
THEY control a WW cabal which controls the minds of the entire general population
THEY control the media
THEY control hollywood
THEY control all banks
THEY created the system of usury which enslaves the planet with debt
THEY created a fake holocaust to make themselves look like victims
THEY caused all the WW wars
THEY perpetrated the 9-11 attack and publicly celebrated the disaster
THEY control the President of the USA and the Congress and the Supreme Court
THEY have a secret arsenal of nuclear weapons
THEY infiltrated and control the internet through the JIDF
THEY control the Vatican and the Pope
THEY created an evil mystical doctrine known as kabbalah which hides satanic activities
THEY created the talmud which are holy books describing their evil beliefs
THEY created a WW synagogue of satan as they are lucifer worshippers
THEY believe they are superior to all others and consider others animals
THEY killed our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
THEY devised and published detailed protocols to control the world
THEY sacrifice children and drink their blood
THEY run the WW slave trade
THEY run WW child traffic and organ harvesting
THEY have been expelled from many countries for their evil deeds.
THEY cause hatred of themselves as a hoax to remain as victims on the WW stage and make criticism impossible
THEY are only loyal to others in their tribe and to their evil state
THEY are unpatriotic
THEIR state was established to control a WW cabal they operate
THEY have forced America to pay for and fight wars for their sole benefit
THEY illegally occupy land and abuse the human rights of all others
Now if that is not enough - at the same time as all this has been occurring THEY have managed to amass a truly staggering record of other activities - far far far too numerous to mention. THEY make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.
THEY make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction.
MORE? OK THEY wrote the entire BIBLE - 100% of it - which is considered the greatest book of all times - but only because THEY lied to you about that.
MORE? OK - THEY were all of the Apostles - and even more astounding - JESUS - the most important individual that ever walked the earth - was one of THEM. Now given all of this can THEY be considered anything less than the most unique and most significant group of humans that ever lived?
YES - STILL MUCH MUCH MORE - Here are some links to browse:
Q has just clearly confirmed that the muhjoo shills are wrong. Q posted Mossad is a problem - Masons are a problem - the Pope and Vatican is a problem - DOJ/FBI are a problem, and so on and so on - however this latest Q post states that every large organization has sinister elements and theplan will NOT destroy the organizations - it will purge them of the sinister elements. POTUS has also said this many time about the DOJ and FBI and CIA.
this is exactly as set forth in the post below and just as common sense and all anons (other than the muhjoo shills) have been posting all along. And confirmed by POTUS many statements of support.
that said - i will concede that the cabal could not operate without the jews. So in that sense they are culpable and should be exposed and destroyed - however, it is just as true to say that non cabal activity could also not operate without the jews - as the jews have a substantial and key presence in these activities as well.
Why do the jews have such a disproportionate role in world affairs? Well if you believe in the Bible the answer is easy - they are the key to redemption. If you believe in Annunaki or other aliens then it is clear that the jews have proven themselves extremely helpful - for both the good guys and the bad. If you are an atheist thenjust look at the objective statistics and this proves out. The jews are disproportionately powerful in both good and evil causes.
from 40000 feet it must be seen and conceded that the jews have a major role to play in the GA - on both sides of the conflict. and it also must be conceded that Q and POTUS have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling the Nazi/skinhead/muzzie wet dream of jewish genocide. This does indeed remain a CABAL false flag - blame the jews - but the CABAL will never give up their jews - never. And genocide will never happen - nor should it from any rational approach.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: cdb588 No.1948303 📁
Jun 28 2018 19:04:44 (EST)
Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.
With power comes corruption.
Like alphabet agencies, not all are bad apples.
Should the bad spoil the bunch?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:Dx5TPc5d Thu 09 Nov 2017 23:24:35 No.148781546
[C]los[I]ng [A]ct:
Impossible to clean.
Operations → [N]o [S]uch [A]gency
muhjoo shills on pace to post 150 times per bread
thank you BO for exposing the subversion
no filter
no ban
anons cab smell the FEAR as the narrative collapes
mpre volume of lies will not save them