This is what Hollywood anon thinks we should do with C_A's mind control system, cultist controlled Hollywood, where HA has worked 30 years (counter programming division)
This anon watched the Matrix bros turn into the Matrix sisterhood over lunch . It starts with cardigan sweaters, and when they turn angora you know the tits are about to come out. Seriously anons, it was freaky. Cast a cold eye on life, on death.
Here is my thinking on negotiating the transition phase of our human adventure. It's what alchemists called the nigredo, or blackening, in social terms it is reckoning with sins, acknowledgement of same, penalties and then reaffirmation of values, and explicit re commitment to those values, for our purposes truth, factual information about reality. That will be first and foremost what we need. One of the ways humanity has been deceived is by the falsification of both current and historical events. Selective suppression of some historical events and the extraordinary emphasis placed on others has rendered our history discontinuous, full of paradoxes and missing bits,altered documents and augmented with disinformation. Historical Forensics with be a popular passion, the way ancestry research is today for numerous people.
The will be emphasis on accurate, error free programming. The programming will need to offer reassurance and accurate verifiable accounts of reality - even the "fiction" entertainment.
Drama was sacred in Greece for a reason. Drama has the power to rewrite our minds and change who we are. This was once no secret. It's why the Church fought theaters from Shakespeare's time until today. When we watch filmed entertainment we relax. We lower our critical barriers. We are non-critically perceiving. This means we have opened our unconscious minds, and they are wide open to inputs normally screened by our attention. IE unprotected and available for the insertion of messages below the viewers conscious awareness. This has been done and can be shown to have been done by Walt Disney company, by Warner Brothers, HBO, and by others. I am NOT talking about subliminal messaging but something more subtle. Many of the guilty parties are the same influential figures raping children and young people looking for work. Not surprisingly the possessors of mind control systems like to use them.
few people understand what happens in an information war, how the damage is inflicted and how it is repaired using the same tools employed to inflict it.
Hollywood bears responsibility for much of the damage done. It will not survive in it's current form due to pervasive corruption as well as subversive seditious or treasonous activities by c suite figures and celebrities.
Hollywood's job RIGHT NOW produce entertainment that will necessarily meet new standards of fidelity to reality, and to convey the astonishing things going on right now in science.
We have exponential growth kicking in, it's showing up on the bottom line. Things like nano lubricants mean machines don't wear out and so on.
You NEVER hear about this on mainstream media, there are many scientist anons. All the cures, the ability to extend lifespan (without no fetus eating) are all there. I've seen a bunch of them. All this stuff is backed up in the lab. Amazing stuff that will prosper and not harm us, not to be a TED talk shill.
A key to unlocking many possibilities is our ability to use virtual space. Right now it is unsafe, and it will be until we have a new kind of networking to replace the internet.
For example 360 video VR and MR offer multi-party realtime tele-presence. This is the digital frontier.
They cultist all want to control it. Because it would control us all. That's why Facebook paid 2 billion for Occulus.
They are all spending billions. How do you secure that domain, virtual space, for the public, not for some corporation?
By building this new kind of network, this digital republic vest ownership in users, and gives them title and control when initial investors returns are capped out a multiple of original investment.
This has to happen because streaming 360 video over the internet means anyone with access can inject into the stream, which is a direct high bandwidth path to the brain.
Anyone who uses VR MR from an untrusted or source can be colonized (cough) or hit with a Neal Stevenson grade mind virus. Why do you think FB so anxious to roll this VR crap out that the ginger clone dropped two billion on Palmer Luckey for a bunch of old tech held together with masking tape?
pic not unrelated