Why does that cobbled street with lots of bicycles look so much like Amsterdam if Trump supporters did this?
Or are you saying that Trump supporters in Europe now outnumber Antifa there?
Why does that cobbled street with lots of bicycles look so much like Amsterdam if Trump supporters did this?
Or are you saying that Trump supporters in Europe now outnumber Antifa there?
Anybody ever watch the TV series The Mentalist?
Remember Red John?
Who says MSM is going to start reporting real news? Why would they?
Nothing is gonna change when the cabal is taken down, NOTHING!. Unless of course, people want it to change and then it will change in the way that the people change it. Which pretty clearly is not gonna be any kind of central planning committee from the communist party of Q Research. So you are barking up the wrong tree and asking your question of the wrong audience.
There are well established techniques for surveying the population, but the key element is that you have to GO OUT THERE and ask REAL PEOPLE.
Yes, I do. I can do darn near anything.
Here's how.
Google "make QR code"
I'll let you take it from here, OK?
My Little Pony is the show that got my little daughter red pilled and made her into a conservative who rants about liberals and the perversion of the education system. Now she is 11yo and watches a YouTube channel called The Truth Factory where a cat from CNN, the Cat News Network, tells it like it is.
She started on MLP cannon ( that is MLP jargon for the actual My Little Pony cartoon series) and then went on to various MLP fan channels. First the people who made MLP slide shows with their own dialogue like fan fiction. Then the commentaries analyzing the stories and pointing out all the little details ENCODED in MLP. And then on to Praeger University as well.
Thing is, I didn't really encourage any of this, in fact I tried to get her to do OTHER THINGS like read books, go out to physical activities and so on.
In fact, the reason I got into digging on the Illuminati is that she came home and when I asked about school she would mention an Illuminati confirmed incident from time to time. This was in her class a few years back when she was 8yo. So I started digging and discovered much of what we discuss on Q Research.
The younger generation is NOT a lost generation. Among them are some very aware individuals who are just coming into their own. In the next year or two they will be red pilling people in their schools and there will be a SEA CHANGE in the younger generation, probably more so than the people who are involved in MAGA groups.
I think we should discourage people from this shit
That is LIBERAL mentality
And it is Illuminati programming
Superheroes are BULLSHIT!
They do not exist.
Behaving like a superhero will just get you killed.
There is a reason why real warriors talk about things like
A band of brothers or he's got my back
That's because no matter how physically strong you are
You need to fight in a team, or shield the weaker members of the group
As a team. It is always teamwork that wins
Putting one person up on a pedestal
While everyone else waits for them to do their magic
Is a recipe for failure.
On a badge in one photo it says
Biz alla bilen
That is an eastern turkic dialect and it means
Why are people upset about this Obama photo.
I saw one comment about height which is bullshit. It is common for children to be taller than their parents, especially if the parents are from a generation that either grew up in the 3rd world, or that grew up before the 60s when corn syrup started to be added to everything. Barrack and Michelle are old enough that they predate the corn syrup generations
Hey, maybe people aren't buying Heinz because they are making their own ketchup. It is possible to do this.
Or maybe it's because more people realize that huge monopolies like Kraft-Heinz are an implementation of Communism with Communist central committee planning replaced by interlocking directorship among members of the cabal.
So we can all buy smaller local brands. In Canada there is a company called French's that makes ketchup and mustard who have TV ads pointing out that they are a local company so why not support them.
Many of you probably know about Black Rifle Coffee, but how many take the trouble to look for non-Starbucks coffee shops in your local area?
It's the same as MSM. When we had a free press it was because there were literally THOUSANDS of new sources competing in a free market. Now there are 6 sources and they all get their 4am talking points from one central committee called Gannett, A division of Clowns In America Inc.
How many of you go to your local film school and talk to young film makers about being independents rather than plugging into the Illuminati machine of Hollywood?
We need diversity and HEALTHY competition.
If what you say is true then he almost certainly has contacts with the Trump camp via the US military. They have likely shared with Obrador information on which military and police units are loyal, and Obrador will use similar strategies as Trump did and surround himself with a buffer zone of loyal armed forces.
Also, remember in North Korea we had JSOC teams go into the palaces and fortresses of the real powers in the country and take them out? We could very well do the same thing in Mexico. But because of the hydra problem, this has to be carefully planned and done at the right time. Cutting off the head only works when there is pressure on another front that prevents the cartel from growing a new head. Otherwise we will see the same bottom to top takedowns that are happening in the USA.
In fact the first publicly visible sign of things changing is likely to be almost zero central american illegals at the southern border. If Mexico stops the illegals from entering Mexico, we will notice it on the USA border.