Yes!! I love it anon ty! Will screen shot and use if ok?
The kind that make cabals heads blow off? Lol (wow I’m mean this morning I should have more covfefe)
;) as you should be! Pride is only a bad thing when it hurts others..enjoy the feeling/moment
What I know is this ..15 yrs ago I heard in my head I’d meet a nice short stocky red head and married him (happened) then 10 yrs ago my head told me he would break his leg, three days later hurt at work..2yrs 18 surgeries lost his leg…your welcome to believe whatever you want but I know what I believe and at times it’s trippy!
Hey I was thinking about it too! Lolll
My mom has a whole 4th of July tree with flags and cross stitched stuff sewn stuff and these eagles she’s found …I wasn’t planning on going that far,but it does make her “happy” and isn’t that what we all be happy in life
On 7/7 you think anon?
If you wish to know what I believe it’s simple …be honest in your fellow man…follow the 10 commandments….follow the golden rule….follow the laws of the land….and raising children is about RESPECT not popularity if you have the child’s respect the rest will fall into place….anything else anon?
I agree anon ..nervous excited and a bit scary all at the same time! Lol
You can not punish a child for the evils of the father …..only for their own, just like judgement day we only answer for ourselves (thankgod)
No worry here anon , I still won’t wear my Trump campaign shirt out of my home to check the mail! Q shirt about to be just as dangerous I’m sure
May I share a saying with you? Ppl who think they know EVERYTHING can’t learn my suggestion is this keep learning,always more to learn
Agreed ;)
I watched on tv that was horrific enough waking up to
We all work on those things, your never alone and we all have moments of weakness ;) we only stop learning when we pass…because then the veil is lifted and we become completely awake
Should it type Whois ? So I don’t look like a L?
You still tripping on the pot plant anon? Nancy Reagan made it a schedule 1 whyll high on her pain meds(opiates) that says it all in a nutshell far as I’m concerned
I think I remember their was a wounded warrior charity scandal and it’s been cleaned up …but don’t take my word for it …if I can donate I do it locally ..plenty of food banks shelters and military base in my area to go right to the source then it passes thru others hands to decide for me
Ok I gotta say it …ya kiss baby on head or the toes or hand..not on the crotch! No one does so wtf does that tell ya? PLenty
That’s a dude
Dude that all sounds well and good but when your a tiny weak chick I’d rather not get my ass killed or beat up in the store parking lot..get it?
Wait are we missing part of the obvious? What happens to “the clock” in Alice in wonderland ..the white rabbit has it and…(can’t remember gonna ask kids lol)