I've read this post and I have considered all aspects of your assertion that there will be no civil war. If we are to frame it in the context of the first Civil War, you are correct.
While the MSM is fanning the flames of division within the country, there remains a solid core of Trotskyites who are firmly resolved to bring down the system. Combined with the ideologues are the globalists and the funding with [George Soros]. As a student of history, the level of conflict within the society has always escalated into physical violence. Not even POTUS can overcome history.
The international bankers are at the very top, the globalists are below them, the leftists true believers are below them and the indoctrinated masses are at the bottom. While it's easy to brush off the pussy hat wearing harpies and soy boys, the next ranks behind them are likely making bombs and other measures of rather potent violence. I'm a boomer and was a kid in the 1970s and saw the bombs that Bill Ayers and his ilk used. It was not a peaceful time.
When I look back at all of the warfare that has cost the blood and treasure of America for the profits of Goldman Sachs, it is clear that the power elites don't mind killing many people for fun, control and profit.
I've seen LA and other cities burning. Chicago is hell on earth for the blacks.
While there are some positive trends such as #WalkAway, Candice Owen, Kanye West, etc. I do not know how the overall black population is feeling right now. Likewise I don't know how the hispanic or asian populations feel and how they will respond to devastating news.
There have been 5th columns in the country for over a century. Communists infest the State Department and other branches. We've seen weaponized IRS and other agencies.
My point is this: our movement, The Great Awakening must make some strides across ALL segments of the population to avert riots and violence on a large scale. There will still be riots and violence - it is a matter of degree.
The summer is upon us. The weather is hot and so are tempers. I pray for peace every day, but I am prepared for war.
We anons have researched the hell out of the evil satanists. We have the data and we are ready to share with our fellow countrymen when THEY are willing to listen.
I have been studying the NWO since 1982. I'm considered smart. Hell, the clowns tried very hard to hire me back in the day. Really hard.
There MUST be a break into the consciousness of everyday Americans and it must come soon.