Anonymous ID: db3f1b Nov. 25, 2023, 9:18 p.m. No.19978006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8027 >>8055 >>8203 >>8346 >>8529

24 Nov, 2023 21:15


Russian evacuees brought home from Gaza


More than 100 people have arrived on a charter flight to Moscow ahead of ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war


Russia has repatriated 103 evacuees from Gaza on a charter flight to Moscow that was completed just before the four-day ceasefire began in Israel’s war with Hamas.


The Russian nationals were brought home on an Ilyushin-76 transport plane on Friday morning, according to a statement by Russia’s Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM).


Such evacuations have been carried out over the past two weeks amid a conflict that has left more than 14,000 people dead in the Palestinian enclave. Over 900 people – including 639 Russian citizens and 271 Palestinian relatives – have requested Moscow’s help in fleeing the war zone.


More than 750 Russian evacuees have been brought out so far, and some 650 have been flown back to Moscow, according to the latest EMERCOM figures. Over 300 children have been transported on the evacuation flights.


The temporary ceasefire began on Friday morning after weeks of negotiations brokered by Qatar. Hamas released 24 of the approximately 240 hostages taken during its October 7 attacks on southern Israel. Among them were 13 Israelis, ten Thai farm workers, and one Filipino. In exchange, 39 Palestinians were reportedly released from Israeli jails. The halt to combat operations is also expected to allow for increased deliveries of food, fuel, and other humanitarian aid into besieged Gaza.


(Every other countries works to get their citizens out of Gaza except the US!)

Anonymous ID: db3f1b Nov. 25, 2023, 9:25 p.m. No.19978022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8034 >>8203 >>8346 >>8529

24 Nov, 2023 22:59

Biden suggests he was the reason for Hamas attack

The US president has speculated that Palestinian militants sought to derail a Saudi-Israeli peace deal


US President Joe Biden has offered a theory on what might have triggered the surprise Hamas attacks that ignited the Palestinian militant group’s latest war with Israel: himself.


Speaking to reporters in Nantucket, Massachusetts on Friday, Biden speculated that Hamas was motivated to launch its October 7 assault on villages in southern Israel by US progress in negotiating a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The president claimed that the talks were heating up after a massive railway project, including a link between Riyadh and Israel, was announced at the G20 summit in September – a deal for which he took credit.


I cannot prove what I’m about to say,” Biden said. “But I believe one of the reasons why Hamas struck when they did was they knew that I was working very closely with the Saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having recognition of Israel and Israel’s right to exist.”(Fuck Joe Bidan)


Biden made his comments after a four-day ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict began on Friday morning. He credited “extensive US diplomacy,” including telephone calls that he placed from the Oval Office, with bringing about the temporary halt to fighting in Gaza. Hamas agreed to release 50 hostages in exchange for 150 Palestinian civilians held in Israeli jails.


“Today has been a product of a lot of hard work and weeks of personal engagement,”Biden said. “From the moment Hamas kidnapped these people, I along with my team have worked around the clock to secure their release.”


The October 7 raids killed an estimated 1,200 people in Israel, and the Islamist militants took around 240 hostages back to Gaza. The attacks triggered a war that has left more than 14,000 people dead in the Palestinian enclave, according to local health officials.


Saudi Arabia, which was reportedly nearing an agreement to normalize relations with Israel, put the deal on ice after the latest conflict in Gaza began.


Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump had brokered the Abraham Accords, under which Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates established diplomatic ties with Israel. Sudan and Morocco later signed the accords.


(Fuck Joe Bidan)

Anonymous ID: db3f1b Nov. 25, 2023, 9:38 p.m. No.19978065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8106 >>8203 >>8346 >>8529

24 Nov, 2023 20:08

Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 – Kiev’s top MP

David Arakhamia led Kiev’s delegation in the talks with Moscow


Russia was ready to stop the fighting had Ukraine agreed to remain neutral,but the West advised Kiev to keep going, the head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s parliamentary faction – and thechief negotiator at the peace talks in Istanbul – David Arakhamia admitted on Friday.


Arakhamia, who heads the ‘Servant of the People’ parliamentary group, told the TV channel 1+1 that Moscow had offered Kiev a peace deal in March 2022, but the Ukrainian side did not trust Russia.


“Russia’s goal was to put pressure on us so that we would take neutrality. This was the main thing for them:They were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality, like Finland once did. And we would make a commitment that we will not join NATO. This was the main thing,” said Arakhamia.


However, agreeing to neutrality and giving up NATO membership would have required changing the constitution of Ukraine, Arakhamia explained. “Secondly, there was no trust in the Russians that they would do this. This could only be done with security guarantees,” he told 1+1.


During the talks, Arakhamia added,British then-PM Boris Johnsonarrived in Kiev and told Ukrainian officials to keep fighting andnot sign any agreements with Moscow.


Johnson’s role in scuttling the peace talks in Istanbul was revealed in May 2022 by the outlet Ukrayinska Pravda. However, neither the British politician – who was ousted as PM in June that year and eventually landed a job at an American think tank – nor the US government ever officially acknowledged pressuring Kiev into reneging on the draft agreement, which Arakhamia himself had signed with the Russians. Kiev had likewise never officially commented on the matter – until now.


Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed to African leaders that Moscow and Kiev had signed a draft agreement “on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for Ukraine” at the talks hosted by Türkiye.


As soon as Russia pulled back its troops from the vicinity of Kiev, as a gesture of good will, Ukraine reneged on the deal, Putin said.


The Russian withdrawal was presented by Western governments and media as a Ukrainian military victory and they began sending heavy weapons and equipment to Zelensky’s government, fueling the conflict for the next 18 months.


(Kiev is getting back at their masters. Bidan and Johnson are going to take the blame of 200,000 young Uhranian men dying in a war the West wanted. Ukraine is going to pretend they were forced to do it.Fuck Joe Bidan!)

Anonymous ID: db3f1b Nov. 25, 2023, 9:45 p.m. No.19978078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8203 >>8346 >>8529

25 Nov, 2023 02:22

China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

Officials say the Western nuclear tech-sharing deal could kick off a new arms race


The international community must address nuclear “proliferation risks” posed by the three-way AUKUS agreement between the US, UK and Australia, Beijing’s envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said.


Speaking before the IAEA board of governors on Friday, Chinese envoy Li Song argued that the AUKUS deal “runs counter to the purpose and objectives” of the landmark Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and threatens the Asia-Pacific region.


Li went on to call for formal “intergovernmental discussions” on the matter between IAEA member states, saying they “have enough wisdom, patience and determination to properly respond to the AUKUS-related proliferation risks.”


AUKUS was established in 2021 between Washington, Canberra and London in part to facilitate the transfer of military technology among the three allies, with the US military pledging to help Australia obtain nuclear-powered submarines.


Though officials from each country have maintained that the bloc is not a formal military alliance and is solely focused on technology-sharing, Beijing has condemned the project, claiming it would only kick off an arms race in Asia and help to spread nuclear weapons around the globe.


“The three countries have gone further down the wrong and dangerous path for their own geopolitical self-interest, completely ignoring the concerns of the international community,”Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said earlier this year, adding that the AUKUS pact is based on a “Cold War mentality which will only motivate an arms race, damage the international nuclear nonproliferation regime, and harm regional stability and peace.”


In previous comments to the UN nuclear watchdog, Li argued the IAEA’s “current safeguards system is not able to achieve effective monitoring” for technology-sharing between the AUKUS partners, adding that the deal “seriously undermines the authority of the Agency and its safeguards system.”


Tensions between Washington and Beijing have steadily escalated in recent years, with US President Joe Biden repeatedly labeling China as America’s top “competitor” and deploying warships near the country on a near-monthly basis since taking office. Though the US leader recently held “productive” talks with his Chinese counterpart, Biden went on to label Xi Jinping a “dictator” soon after the meeting, prompting a sharp response from Beijing.


(Joe is only playing his part to make China look like the victim.Fuck Joe Bidan)

Anonymous ID: db3f1b Nov. 25, 2023, 11:01 p.m. No.19978276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8278 >>8285

Bizarro World occurring daily

24 Nov, 2023 22:21

==‘Pussy Riot’ founder admits giving ‘humanitarian aid’ cash to Ukrainian army=

The activist Russia wants arrested for hate speech was pranked by comedians Vovan and Lexus


Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the founders of the feminist punk band ‘Pussy Riot,’ admitted on Friday that she helped funds that were raised for humanitarian purposes to find their way to Ukrainian troops.


Earlier in the week, the notorious Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus published two recorded conversations with Tolokonnikova, in which they posed as former Ukrainian Minister of Culture Alexander Tkachenko and President Vladimir Zelensky, respectively.


According to the recordings, the ‘Rioter’ spoke of sending money to the Ukrainian military, tricking American artist Shepard Fairey into making pro-Ukrainian art, plotting to steal Russian cryptocurrency on behalf of Kiev, and hoping to renounce her Russian citizenship.


“I told the Ukrainian foundation that you can publicly declare that all the money will go to humanitarian needs, but in reality spend it however you want,” she said at one point in the conversation.


On Wednesday, Tolokonnikova responded with a cryptic post on X (formerly Twitter): “Mood: Burn my Russian passport and send money to the Ukrainian Army.”


She followed up with a lengthier post on Friday, confirming that some of the money she raised in February 2022 went to the Ukrainian military – and that she'd advocated this herself – but insisted that the group that did so was “a democratic organization where people vote what to do.”


The final decision, she said, was to send money to the Come Back Alive foundation – for medical kits, cars and body armor – the official ethereum account of Ukraine; the Happy Paw fund to help animals; and the Outright International fund to help LBTQ soldiers.


She also admitted to helping Zelensky’s wife fundraise “for humanitarian needs” and to using her own money – from the sales of ‘Putin’s Ashes’ artwork – to fund a Ukrainian unit fighting near Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) in February this year. According to Vovan and Lexus, her ex-husband Pyotr Verzilov was fighting in the unit at the time.


Tolokonnikova insisted that the crypto theft scheme didn’t actually exist but said it was a “cool idea” and that she would be willing to work with whoever wanted to help make it happen. She added she would “gladly renounce Russian citizenship and become a stateless person” but can’t do so because she is currently wanted in Russia on criminal charges. Earlier this week, a Moscow court issued a warrant for her arrest on charges of insulting religious believers in social media posts.


“There is nothing more sacred and important for me now than the support of Ukraine,” she concluded her post on X. “Glory to Ukraine!”


Tolokonnikova is one of the founding members of ‘Pussy Riot,’ advertised as a “feminist punk band.” The group gained global notoriety – and US government support – by staging an expletive-laden “punk mass” at Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 2012.


The stunt also earned Tolokonnikova and two others a two-year prison sentence for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.”Her sentence was commuted in 2013. At some point she moved to the US, and is believed to currently reside in Los Angeles.