Anonymous ID: 3b1688 Nov. 26, 2023, 3:56 a.m. No.19978853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8861

>>19975697 (pb) American Thinker: First They Came for the Smokers…


One crusader for the cause said that nearly everyone agreed that secondhand smoke causes cancer, including the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society. The problem, as the show points out, is that they were all basing that conclusion upon the same flawed 1993 Environmental Protection Agency study that suggested that up to 3,000 people per year die from secondhand smoke. In 1998, a court rebuked that study, saying that it “cherry-picked” its data and “deviated from acceptable scientific procedure” to “ensure a pre-ordained outcome.”


Also in 1998, a study by the World Health Organization reached the unequivocal conclusion that its “results indicated no association between childhood exposure to ETS (environmental tobacco smoke) and lung cancer risk” and that the risk of cancer from secondhand smoke among adults was “not statistically significant.” The problem was that those conclusions were buried in the report’s findings. Most people didn’t read beyond the press release headline, which made a claim that is directly refuted by the findings of the study it was directing the public toward: “PASSIVE SMOKING DOES CAUSE LUNG CANCER, DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU.”


They lied. They lied to us. They overestimated, ignored their own findings, ignored their own standards of significant risk in order to reach a politically arrived at conclusion. They lied.


They lied about smoking

They lied about drinking

They hyperinflated every tragic death into "NEW LAWS FOR SAFETY".



Surely some Bar Owner in America has the Stones to stand up against this Tyranny.



Anonymous ID: 3b1688 Nov. 26, 2023, 4:03 a.m. No.19978861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


con't from Article


The point is, the COVID tyranny did not happen in a vacuum, and the government didn’t learn that it had such power overnight. As this man knew, and we should recognize now, losing something as seemingly trivial for most people as the right to smoke in a bar was a monumental loss for individual liberty that would directly lead to the kind of tyranny that we later experienced.


We didn’t push back against the government’s fabrication of data to construct a narrative presenting secondhand smoke as a substantial cancer risk, because most people didn’t smoke, and they would prefer not to endure smoke in bars to fighting for their fellow citizens’ right to liberty. But in doing so, we accepted that it was appropriate for the government to limit individual liberty on the basis of its health prescriptions, and what’s more, the tyrants learned that they could invent the reasons for doing it by hiding behind studies that their agencies created and marketed, and that the hoi polloi supposedly wouldn’t understand.


Just like with secondhand smoke, myriad government agencies acted as one organ in 2020 to distribute the message that school lockdowns, economic shutdowns, silly cloth masks, and mandates to inject a hastily concocted drug were the only ways we could stay safe from COVID-19. You had to be saved from yourselves and your fellow citizens who did not choose to follow the state-approved guidance.

Anonymous ID: 3b1688 Nov. 26, 2023, 4:36 a.m. No.19978944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8963

The Stars

The Star Rating System


5 Star Max

Michelin Stars

The Michelin Man

The Tire Man

The King of Tyre


Repeated symbols used for a ranking date to Mariana Starke's 1820 guidebook, which used exclamation points to indicate works of art of special value:


…I have endeavored… to furnish Travellers with correct lists of the objects best worth notice…; at the same time marking, with one or more exclamation points (according to their merit), those works which are deemed peculiarly excellent.[1]


Murray's Handbooks for Travellers and then the Baedeker Guides (starting in 1844) borrowed this system, using stars instead of exclamation points, first for points of interest and later for hotels.[2]


The Michelin restaurant guide introduced a star as a restaurant rating in 1926, which was expanded to a system of one to three stars in 1931.


Hotel luxury is often denoted by stars.


Other classifiers, such as the AAA Five Diamond Award, use diamonds instead of stars to express hotel rating levels.


5:5 is a Sino-US-Israeli secret handshake?

Anonymous ID: 3b1688 Nov. 26, 2023, 4:41 a.m. No.19978963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8972



The M5S was conceived as a post-ideological movement,[206] within the context of post-modern politics,[207] and has been described as anti-establishment,[208][209][210] environmentalist,[15][211][212] progressive[213][214] and populist.[215] It has promoted left-wing issues, such as a basic income and green-inspired policies,[216] and has been compared to the anti-austerity movement in Spain, Pirate parties, and Occupy Wall Street.[217] From 2014 to 2019, the M5S also supported some right-wing policies, especially on immigration,[218][219] and has been described as a New Right or right-wing party,[220][221] or also compared to the post-war populism of Guglielmo Giannini's Common Man's Front.[222] Additionally, it has been variously described as anti-globalist,[223][224][225] anti-immigration,[226][227] big tent,[228][229] Eurosceptic,[230][231][232] and pro-Russian.[233][234] Its members stress that the M5S is not a party but a movement, and the five stars in the name and logo are a reference to five key issues for the party, among them the common good, integral ecology, social justice, technological innovation, and a green economy. The M5S has promoted e-democracy,[235] direct democracy,[16][236] the principle of "zero-cost politics",[237] degrowth,[238] and nonviolence.[239] Grillo himself once provocatively referred to the movement as populist.[240]


In the M5S, themes are derived from ecology and anti-particracy, promoting the direct participation of citizens, who converge in the management of public affairs through forms of digital democracy, such as e-democracy. The movement wants to be a "democratic encounter outside of party and associative ties and without the mediation of directive or representational organisms, recognizing to all users of the Internet the role of government and direction that is normally attributed to a few".[241] From the economic point of view, it embraces the theories of degrowth, supporting the creation of "green jobs", and the rejection of polluting and expensive "great works", including incinerators and high-speed rail, aiming for an overall better quality of life and greater social justice.[242] The M5S proposes the adoption of large-scale energy projects, elimination of waste, sustainable mobility, protection of territory from overbuilding, and remote work.[243] The movement's political discourse often refers to the Internet as a solution to many social, economic, and environmental problems. This approach bears similarities with North American cyber-utopianism and the Californian Ideology.[217]



Anonymous ID: 3b1688 Nov. 26, 2023, 4:44 a.m. No.19978972   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> digital democracy, such as e-democracy

Anon doesn't give ratings anymore


"Judge not, lest ye be judged by the same measure."


Companies aren't entitled to Anon's Input.

Anonymous ID: 3b1688 Nov. 26, 2023, 6:59 a.m. No.19979500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Bridge

The Moosehead


Can you use a bridge in professional pool?

(d) Mechanical Bridges - The player may use up to two mechanical bridges to support the cue stick during the shot. He may use his own bridge if it is similar to standard commercial bridges. (e) Gloves - The player may use gloves to improve the grip and/or bridge hand function.,and%2For%20bridge%20hand%20function.