Since when can we read george magazine online? Am i retarded?
Shes singing "if i could turn back time", right? I have a friend that will play the original video on repeat, if we let him. The navy being involved is pretty sketch. Shes wearing basically nothing. Could they get away with that now? Theres got to be some significance. Im always down for time travel. 2004. 2007. Or meeting jfk jr in a bar for a one night stand back in the day.
I used to have the last two issues. It was like reading something from another planet. Information available. What a weird way to feel when the internet is so much moar now. Let me pop in my encyclopedia brittanica cd-rom and get to the bottom of things. Or ill thumb through my hard copy set, much faster.
Who is like unto god?
Its that we stood for it. We wouldnt have let anyone kill our president and get away with it, if we gave a fuck at all.
Mind over matter. The "surgeon general" cant tell me how to be me.
With the taste of your lips, im on a ride. How many people are there actually then? Real people.
Johnny numba 5 is alive!!! Whats with the 5's anyway? Maroon, Ben Folds, mambo #? Baby when the lights go out…