Anonymous ID: 77a2f4 Nov. 27, 2023, 4:01 a.m. No.19984465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4987


>Another day for the fortunate people of the world to enjoy such an existence albeit by means of corruption and lies. Still, a life of fun and enjoyment with less work and more money.

The greatest enjoyment is the feeling of accomplishment.

Having great wealth without accomplishment does not bring satisfaction,

so many seek more and more and more, but the more they get, the more empty they feel.


When you get up early in the morning because you have another day to do something incredible,

that is more valuable than any fantasy numbers in bank accounts.

Anonymous ID: 77a2f4 Nov. 27, 2023, 4:13 a.m. No.19984509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4519



>but this st michael character is like a god compared to you, correct?

No, the St.Michael meme reminds me to have the strength to do what I do to the best of my ability just because I can, and because that is what I do. That also means refusing to compromise on my standards. But that's just how I see it, feel free to have your own opinions.

Anonymous ID: 77a2f4 Nov. 27, 2023, 4:21 a.m. No.19984527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550


>Well it is a symbol of Christianity specifically Catholicism.

>The symbol has been adopted by many groups including LEO's and Neo Nazi's.

>AND EVERYONE KNOWS that Catholicism has been a proponent of Freedom, Logic, Reason and Free thought since it's very inception so that is just another dead end…


That may be true, but I was asked what it meant to me.