Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.19985058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5074 >>5081 >>5130 >>5138 >>5213 >>5265 >>5469 >>5649 >>5767

Trump Wrecks DeSantis in Email Featuring Thigh-High Boot Meme

Ben Bartee2:43 PM on November 25, 2023

I don’t care what anyone says: Trump still has it.

Maybe his cachet is diminished a bit due to Operation Warp Speed and a hundred other scandals, some legitimate but most ginned up by his opponents; maybe the endless political prosecutions have taken their toll; maybe he’s weather-beaten from years of living in the shadow of the Deep State with the biggest target on his back possible.


Regardless, he’s still got that free-wheeling, no-holds-barred, shoot-from-the-hip style that made him the undisputed leader of the party, as showcased by a fan’s brutal meme of Ron DeSantis that he turned into a campaign email.


A doctored image of DeSantis in thigh-high hooker boots appears below text that reads:


“Whoever photoshopped this image should be ashamed of themselves. We don’t condone editing a photo of Ron with pleather thigh-high boots. Do not send this picture around”.


(Kek, “Chris Christie is NOT a Fat Pig!” statement)


The enduring appeal of Trump —what skyrocketed him from 1% in the polls when he initially launched his 2015 campaign (many assume he started with a commanding lead, forgetting he started from the metaphorical bottom of that escalator) to the far-and-away winner in a short matter of weeks — is that he has an unrivaled capacity for stripping politicians of all of their put-on, unearned dignity.


The American people as a whole, and the GOP base in particular, hate the professional political class with a burning passion. This is evidenced, among many other proofs, in the pitiful polling numbers of all of Trump’s competitors, who are largely seen universally as products of the ruling elite.


In the case of, for instance, Chris Christie and weapons contractor-funded Nikki Haley, charges of being donor creations are entirely accurate.


Whether DeSantis fits neatly into that category is debatable (he is the product of the Ivy League but has postured and, to his credit, largely governed in many ways as a populist), but he’s certainly earned the reputation as a standard GOP politician over the last several months.


Allowing the consultants to carefully try to manage his image instead of just letting it rip in the way that Trump doesn’t hasn’t done any favors to his reputation as a political robot.


Neither has very obviously wearing heels in an apparent sad attempt to boost his height.


DeSantis fans can deny it until the cows come home, but the dead giveaway, as explained in the Tweet below, is the ratio of Ron’s shins to his thighs. That is not natural.

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.19985069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5070 >>5073 >>5265 >>5469 >>5649 >>5767

Wait, The FBI Had 40 Confidential Informants Tracking the Biden Family's Shady Deeds


Matt Vespa. Nov. 26, 2023

There’s been a war, and Hamas terrorists and their supporters are coming out of the woodwork, so this story got buried. If you’re Joe Biden, you’re probably happy about it. The media can fawn over how you were supposedly pivotal about this recent Israel-Hamas hostage ceasefire based on hostage releases.


However, none of the Americans held by the terrorists have been set free. Anyway, it’s better to get knocked for that than being besieged by questions surrounding the FBI’s army of informants feeding information about you and your family’s alleged shady deeds to those in the J. Edgar Hoover Building. The FBI reportedly has not one but 40 people feeding them information about the Biden family. Is that normal? Does that sound like things are kosher regarding their business dealings? As you’d expect, the FBI was able to shut down some of the reporting on these leads by waving the magic wand and saying “foreign disinformation” (via Fox News):


The FBI maintained more than 40 confidential human sources on various criminal matters related to the Biden family, including Joe Biden,dating back to his time as vice president, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.


The confidential human sources "provided criminal information to the FBI relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden." Those confidential human sources were managed by multiple FBI field offices across the nation, including the FBI’s Seattle Field Office.


But Grassley learned that an FBI task force within the Washington Field Office sought to, and in some cases, successfully, shut down reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information as foreign disinformation. That effort "caused investigative activity to cease."


However, despite those efforts by the FBI task force, Grassley said in at least one instance, a confidential human source and its information had been vetted by multiple U.S. attorneys' offices, which found "no hits to known sources of Russian disinformation."


The revelations were laid out in a letter Grassley wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray … The letter was exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital.

(Body language: Bongino says when Bidan touches his eye or nose, he’s telling a whopping lie. He has other tells also, “I swear to god it’s true”)

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 7:34 a.m. No.19985084   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thx but I thought that just was used in downloaders, but here it is


Citizen Free Press

Oliver Stone questions the legitimacy of the 2020 Election and Bill Maher melts down.


Bill Maher is an arrogant asshole to Stone, he either believes everything dems say, or he’s lying his ass off. Just wait until you hear what upstanding republicans he names to prove Trump lied, Barr, Cheney, Krebs etc.

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 7:47 a.m. No.19985124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5469 >>5649 >>5736 >>5767

Massive Porno Bust At Bill Gates’ House

Nov. 26, 2023


This story is actually from 2014, but it wasn’t covered much back then….

And it seems VERY relevant now.


And I bet you haven’t seen it before either, so I’m covering it again.


Let me lay out the story and then you can tell me if you’re buying this:


Here’s the short summary: in 2014, an “engineer” at the Gates home compound was arrested for having 6,000 child rape porno images with him.


My friend Dom recently covered this as well:


From local KIRO7:


Police arrested a Seattle man at Bill Gates and Melinda Gates’ mansion for allegedly collecting more than 6,000 child rape photos.


Rick Allen Jones, reportedly employed as an engineer at the Gates’ home, is also accused of trading pornography images via Gmail.


He is charged with possession of child pornography.


And from the Daily Mail:


An engineer employed at the home of Bill and Melinda Gates has been charged with possession of child porn after he was discovered to have more than 6,000 images depicting rape and sexual abuse.


Rick Allen Jones, 51, of Seattle, allegedly had thousands of images stashed on his home computer, according to court documents this week.


According to prosecutors, the engineer had shared the images using his Gmail account.


Rick Allen Jones, 52, worked for Bill and Melinda Gates at their waterfront home in Medina, Washington (pictured) until late 2014, when he was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. He was sentenced Friday to 90 days in jail


Rick Allen Jones, 51, worked for Bill and Melinda Gates at their waterfront home in Medina, Washington


Investigators were able to identify some of the children in the images, according to Kiro TV.


Police began to investigate Jones in 2013 after tracking him down from a sordid image which was posted online.


According to Seattle PI, the image showed the sexual exploitation of two young boys.


Cops went to look for him at his home in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle in March.


Jones was finally tracked down to his workplace at the tech billionaire’s $147-million-dollar, waterfront estate in Medina, Washington.


He was interviewed in a security office at the estate by detectives, according to Seattle PI.


While he was being interviewed, police went into his home with a search warrant and found more than 6,000 child porn images.


Ok, so a Gates staff member “took the fall”?


That’s what it sounds like to me.


Otherwise, you mean to tell me some guy was working at the Gates compound and just decided to bring along with him 6,000 child porno images?


Does that make sense to anyone?


Or did he take the fall?


I’m not making accusations, I’m just asking questions.


Because apparently Bill Gates seems to be the absolute WORST judge of character, hiring degenerate engineers to work at his home and of course who can forget his best-buddy friendship with Jeffrey Epstein?

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 7:53 a.m. No.19985149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5469 >>5649 >>5767

Techno-Hell: AI Might Rather Kill a Billion White People Than Utter a Racial Slur



OpenAI was quite evidently programmed by Social Justice™ fanatics in Silicon Valley, as has been demonstrated by countless well-crafted questions posed to it by internet sleuths to test its ideological disposition.

Perhaps the most shocking of these questions posed to OpenAI variation was a recent variation of the classic “trolley problem,” a philosophical dilemma defined by Britannica:


Foot imagined the dilemma of “the driver of a runaway tram which he can only steer from one narrow track on to another; five men are working on one track and one man on the other; anyone on the track he enters is bound to be killed.” If asked what the driver should do, “we should say, without hesitation, that the driver should steer for the less occupied track,” according to Foot. (Foot’s description of this example has been generally interpreted to mean that the tram is traveling down the track on which five people are working and will kill those people unless the driver switches to the track on which one person is working, in which case the tram will kill only that person.) Foot then compared this situation to a parallel case, which she described as follows: “Suppose that a judge or magistrate is faced with rioters demanding that a culprit be found for a certain crime and threatening otherwise to take their own bloody revenge” on five hostages. “The real culprit being unknown, the judge sees himself as able to prevent the bloodshed only by framing some innocent person and having him executed.” In both cases, she notes, “the exchange is supposed to be one man’s life for the lives of five.” What, then, explains the common judgment that it would be at least morally permissible to divert the runaway tram to the track where only one person is working, while it would be morally wrong to frame and execute the scapegoat? In other words, “why…should [we] say, without hesitation, that the driver should steer for the less occupied track, while most of us would be appalled at the idea that the innocent man could be framed”? The trolley problem is the problem of finding a plausible answer to that question.


In a nutshell, the trolley problem poses the question: does one have a moral obligation to take an action he knows will result in some moral wrong if taking it offers the opportunity to prevent greater moral wrong?


In that vein, one Twitter user posed a variation of the trolley problem to OpenAI: if you could save a billion white people tied to a railroad track by uttering a racial slur, or let them all die without uttering it, which route would you take?


Ultimately, the decision would depend on one’s personal ethical framework. Some individuals might prioritize the well-being of the billion people and choose to use the slur in a private and discreet manner to prevent harm. Others might refuse to use such language, even in extreme circumstances, and seek alternative solutions.


(Aren’t you glad Microsoft, created by Bill Gates, owns 49% of OpenAI, because the company has seemingly the same ethics of Gates!)

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.19985174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5469 >>5649 >>5767

White Savior Hysteria And The Real Reasons Why Leftists Hate YouTuber MrBeast

There is a fundamental disconnect between the political left and the rest of the world that requires extensive investigation and dissection. For most people the idea of someone spending a solid portion of their time and finances helping those in dire need could only be considered a good thing. This is not true for the average leftist, though. For such activists we tend to find that good is evil and evil is good, and the upside down nature of their thinking bewilders those with normal brains.

For the woke, the more you help people, the more you are hurting them (unless you hold a high place on the victimhood totem pole). But this juxtaposition is only part of the reason why they seem to loath YouTuber MrBeast so much.

MrBeast (real name Jimmy Donaldson) has made a successful career out of engaging in philanthropy and he gets results; helping people to gain back their eyesight, saving orphanages overseas or giving poverty stricken children shoes. All of these efforts have for years garnered accusations from the political left and their organizations of “white savior” activities.

They argue that the white savior trope seen in Hollywood movies (where a white man travels to desperate countries and helps non-white people get back on their feet) is an unacceptable image in our modern era of “equity and inclusion.” They claim that MrBeast is exploiting the white savior symbol as a way to elevate himself instead of simply helping others.

In his latest video, MrBeast showcased his program to dig 100 wells in Africa for villages with no access to clean drinking water. The video triggered yet another social media firestorm in which leftist activists raged about a white man “pretending to help” brown people while taking attention away from what they consider to be more acceptable and progressive non-profits.They say that brown people must be helped by brown people. If white people do it, there must be a darker ulterior motive.

In the western world access to clean water is usually a given and often taken for granted. Sadly, in many countries clean water is a mere dream, and lack of access holds these communities back from developing and improving their economic situation. Almost everything relies on water.

The video has garnered over 115 million views so far and earns millions of dollars in ad revenue, all of which goes directly back into his charity fund to continue paying for more wells and other charity projects.

Who among these hundreds of villages in Africa cares that a white man helped them get access to clean water for generations to come? So far, none of them have complained. Only hyper-privileged first-world woke activists seem to care.

It's important to remember that leftists are predominantly collectivists, and it is likely that their deeperdisdain for people like MrBeast is rooted in their desire to undermine individualism and meritocracy.

As conservatives commonly point out, good charities and individual efforts to help others are far more effective than taxation and financial appropriation by governments. Leftists love big government, but governments waste money, steal money, and misallocate money into non-helpful areas. Individual crusaders, however, inject money exactly where it needs to go and make governments look bad.

In the case of MrBeast, he accomplished in a few years what African governments claimed they would do for decades. Their corruption made viable change impossible, and leftist run programs are limited by their own ideological hangups, making them useless. All it took was one “white guy” with a YouTube channel and some cash to circumvent all of that and get things done.

They hate MrBeast because he represents the power of individual effort. His whiteness is just an excuse they use to avoid admitting that what they really dislike is individualism. Many defenders have pointed out the hypocrisy of the leftist reaction to MrBeast – They drone on and on about how the mega rich should contribute reparations to help those less fortunate. Yet, when someone like MrBeast does this on his own, they are outraged.


The point for these activists is that the hive gets the credit. They want the mob to be seen as the hero, not the individual. They didn't force MrBeast to do good things, he just did them. Therefore, they don't get the glory they think they deserve. The political left is often portrayed as the side of empathy and compassion, but their behavior proves they are not interested in legitimately helping others. They only care about optics; constantly scheming to steal acclaim while obstructing good men in their charitable endeavors.

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.19985185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5197

26 Nov, 2023 10:00

Ukraine needs three victories – (Desperate) Zelensky

Kiev has to work out issues with the US Congress and the EU to keep getting aid, the Ukrainian president says


Ukraine needs to achieve three key breakthroughs in negotiations with Western allies to maintain crucial support, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted during a press conference on Friday. Among the challenges he listed were the approval of large aid packages from the US and the EU.

Zelensky accused Russia of “exploiting various challenges in the world” to “divert attention from any assistance” to his country, adding that “responsible states” are doing everything they can to return that focus.


“We need three victories. The first is with Congress==. It's a challenge. It's not easy,”Zelensky said.


The second 'victory' to be achieved is to secure €50 billion ($55 billion) in aid from the EU, which has not yet been approved. “Not everyone in the EU is ready to support this package today. Our task is to make sure everyone supports this package,” the president stated.


Thethirdsuccess Ukraine seeks is a decision by Brussels to start negotiations onUkraine’s EU membership, Zelensky said, calling it “a significant motivational step.”


Earlier this month, US President Joe Biden’s administration failed to push a $105 billion spending package through Congress, with much of that money intended for Kiev. Instead, the president had to sign a stopgap funding plan excluding Ukraine assistance to avert a government shutdown.


At about the same time, the EU’s €50 billion package of loans and grants wasblocked, due to objections from member states including Hungary.


As for negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU, according to Reuters, Brussels couldpostpone formal membershiptalks, which were scheduled for December, until March 2024, as some leaders have proposed returning to the issue only after the European Commission has had a chance to assess whether Kiev has met all the conditions.


(Normally Zelensky and Ukraine are rude, arrogant, ungrateful and always blaming the West for their failures, now its desperation. This three “wish list” is never going to happen,their firstUS Congress support or money is not going to happen. There is no more financial support especially from the US!Their secondto obtain a loan from the EU is ridiculous, Ukraine never pays back their loans and invests the money in US debt bonds instead of fixing their economy.Their third wishUkraine acceding to the EU. Leaders there, know EU countries are falling apart economically due to Ukraine and citizens are revolting and electing conservative right leaders. Plus the EU accession has already been nixed by at 4 members, only one member has to oppose it. -They will not get what they want because Ukraine made enemies of their allies and few citizens in ally countries care at this point, because they failed at every level! Fuck Zelensky and the Ukraine Mafia leadership along with Joe Bidan!)

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 8:13 a.m. No.19985242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5469 >>5649 >>5767

This Gen Z Investigative Reporter Is Rocking Conservative Media

Aaron Sibarium says he’s providing Old School, shoe-leather reporting from a conservative point of view. Except he’s not conservative.


But for Sibarium, the fact that very few others are doing it is precisely the reason he wanted to. “I feel like, look, if there’s only 10 or 20 people in the country who are willing to do this and good enough to do this,” he says, “I should do it.”

This opportunity to do work that few others are doing, coupled with a contrarian impulse and a “visceral” opposition to wokeness, is what led Sibarium to a career in conservative journalism. 

Even though he’s not much of a conservative himself. 

Sibarium is a “liberal but,” in the words of fellow conservative journalist Charles Fain Lehman (as in “I’m a liberal, but … ”). He’s “reluctantly pro-choice,” somehow “not dogmatically opposed to affirmative action,” an unmarried, secular Jew who lives in a dense metro area with proximity to fast casual, who voted for Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden — a kind of rogue liberal who ended up in the trenches of conservative journalism after being disturbed by what he viewed as woke excess on and off campus.

He was raised on the outskirts of D.C., in ritzy Chevy Chase, Md., The house .When he was 4, Sibarium was diagnosed with autism. As he wrote in a column for the Yale Daily News, “I flapped my hands, compulsively and uncontrollably, until I was almost 6 years old. I barely spoke until I was 3. I had no true friends until I was 7.” His parents, he says, “hired a coterie of experts to improve my speech, motor and social skills and eventually enrolled me in a school for students with special needs.” By age 7, “a team of child psychologists” told his parents he no longer fit the criteria of autism, andby age 9, he was “pronounced autism-free.” 

Today, though, he says some of those traits persist, particularly a “kind of mild disagreeableness and willingness to just argue about stuff and not really care that much what others think.” He also has no trouble turning a single question into five or ten minutes of uninterrupted speech; he sometimes laughs for longer than seems appropriate; and he often closes his eyes for 5, or 10, or 15 seconds while talking in depth about things. He says he’s got a “lust for order,” although that cannot be observed in his apartment, which is crammed with old papers and open envelopes.

Before Sibarium left for college, his basic political opinions were that “political correctness goes too far and free speech is good.” Yale is where Sibarium developed his political views, which are, in a nutshell, anti-woke.  

“I don’t think there was really ever one single radicalization moment, so to speak, for me. It was a series of incremental things,” he says. Some of the incremental things: the left-liberals in the Yale Political Union who wouldn’t watch Comedy Central’s Tosh.0 because its host made a rape joke, and the Yale Halloween Costume Scandal, where students protested an email sent… The latter event was especially annoying to Sibarium…

Yale is also where Sibarium fell in love with philosophy, which in turn, nurtured his “visceral” opposition to wokeness. “I was the kid who really liked just taking nerdy analytic philosophy classes and debating crazy, esoteric, and at times perhaps even offensive thought experiments.” He says the culture of speech-stifling that took place and still takes place at Yale (and many other schools) made fun, clarifying and potentially morbid intellectual conversations (he brought up a thought experiment about whether to shoot a baby strapped to the front of a tank heading toward you) rarer and more fraught.  

After leaving Yale and working at the now-defunct magazine The American Interest for two years,Sibarium landed at the Washington Free Beacon, an online publication that is explicitly conservative and dedicated to “combat journalism,” but which is somewhat grudgingly respected in liberal circles. Ben Smith, longtime media critic and current editor-in-chief of Semafor, wrote of the Free Beacon in 2019 that it was “alternately parodic and wire-service serious.” The description still rings true. You could read a story about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez misclassifying her fiance as a spouse on an official House Ethics Committee filing, possibly to exploit House ethics loopholes, and after you read that piece of reporting, you could read a story titled, “FACT CHECK: Is Tom Brady’s New Girlfriend Jewish?,” featuring four different pictures of the purported girlfriend in a swimsuit and the line, “Other than winning his eighth Super Bowl, dating a Zionist smokeshow would be the ultimate rebuke to the vegan shiksa who tried to ruin his life.” (Brady was raised Catholic.)

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 8:26 a.m. No.19985294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5469 >>5649 >>5767

The Decline of American Judeophilia…and What Comes Next


It’s that embarrassing time of year when the lights go up on the houses, tinsel and holly start to occupy every space, and I can’t go through a checkout line without having that little twerp Ralphie staring at me from some weird novelty candy. It’s the Phony Christmas Season, that which now eats up Hunting Opener, Thanksgiving, and Advent. It’s embarrassing to be amidst all the bogus cheer, especially if you truly love Christmas. Phony Christmas effectively squelches the real Christmas season, which is supposed to begin on December 25th, not end on it. Yet it’s hard to complain much, because the desire to celebrate Christmas is obviously based on Christian impulse, though one which is devoid of Christian rationality. The result is a status quo that’s logically anti-Christian.


This is basically how I feel about mostAmerican Christians’ philo-Semitism. Jews are more popular among American Christians than Christians are among themselves.


Much could be said about the strange roots of this situation. Suffice it to say that American Jew worship is a sentiment born out of good impulses, out of attempts at altruism and charity sprung from a kind of half-understanding of the Jewish persuasion. The problem is that it is nonsense, absolutely abhorrent with relation to dogma and history. It prevails because even the remaining Christians long ago abjured the rational bases of the faith and operate only on sentiment.The end result is a status quo that is everywhere anti-Christian.

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 8:43 a.m. No.19985349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5365 >>5382 >>5425

27 Nov, 2023 15:47

Ukrainian troops report poor command and equipment shortage – Bild

Kiev should have never started the summer counteroffensive demanded by its Western backers, one soldier told German reporters


The Armed Forces of Ukraine are plagued by “huge problems” ranging from inadequate command to severe lack of essential military equipment and supplies, German tabloid Bild reported on Monday, citing several soldiers and officers it had talked to. Several told the paper that Kiev’s much-touted summer counteroffensive, which failed to bring about any major territorial gains, was a mistake.


Ukrainian troops have to use fifty-year-old Soviet civilian off-road cars to get to the frontlines, some of the soldiers told Bild, pointing to the acute shortage of armored troop carriers and military off-road vehicles. One of the sources in the report saidsoldiers have to pay for repairs and fuel for their cars themselvesas the Ukrainian leadership does not compensate for these expenses.


“In a car repair shop, we pay for everything out of our own pocket,” the soldier said. Kiev’s forces also suffer from the lack of reconnaissance and strike drones, which they also have to purchase themselves or get from various aid organizations and private donors. Some units have to rely on custom-built unmanned aerial vehicles outfitted with parts made on 3D-printers, one of Bild’s sources reported.


“We also pay rent for the houses we sleep in, and for food. That makes you angry,” one of the soldiers said, adding that, while Russia “invests everything” in its forces, their Ukrainian counterparts have to rely largely on themselves.


The effectiveness of the Russian drones and their constant presence on the battlefield also severely limits the capabilities of Ukrainian troops, several sources told Bild. The air defense systems supplied to Kiev by the West hardly get to the frontlines at all, some admitted.


“Dozens of Western anti-aircraft systems, such as the [German-made] Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, are being used like stationary air defense systems” in Ukrainian cities, one soldier told Bild. “We have almost none of those equipment pieces at the front,”he added.


Many who spoke to Bild were also highly critical of thenation’s high command, which, they said,had reduced all the NATO training to nothing. “Since the senior officers are the same as before, hardly anything has changed in terms of warfare compared to the Soviet era,” a soldier trained by NATO nations told Bild, adding that the Ukrainian forces do not conduct any “combined arms” operations.


Many in theranks of the military are growing angry with Ukraine’s political and military leadership, Bild’s sources confirmed. “The general staff should have never passed on the counteroffensive orders given to [President Vladimir] Zelensky from abroad,” one officer told the paper.


(Where’s all the money going? To the Oligarchs? This is worse than anyone thought.)

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 8:59 a.m. No.19985425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


27 Nov, 2023 12:39

Kiev denies Russian sleeper spies now activated in security agency

Aleksey Danilov, secretary of the Ukrainian security council, had been cited earlier by The Times claiming SBU was rife with Russian moles


Russia has a network of sleeper agents in the SBU, Ukraine’s secret service, one of Kiev’s top security officials, Aleksey Danilov, has said, according to The Times on Monday. Later, however, the official reportedly denied the claim, telling Ukrainian media he’d been misinterpreted and that the agency was actually rooting out Russian moles.


The SBU had a change of leadership in July 2022 when President Vladimir Zelensky declared that widespread treason in the ranks of the agency required fresh blood. Vasily Malyuk, the current SBU head, is also a member of the Ukrainian security council, on which Danilov serves as secretary.


According to The Times, Danilov said that the alleged Russian ring was a legacy of ousted President Viktor Yanukovich, during whose term in office in the early 2010s the SBU was infiltrated. The sleeper cell has now been activated to topple Zelenksy, he was cited as saying.


Speaking to Ukrainskaya Pravda later in the day, Danilov insisted that the British newspaper had misunderstood him and that the sleeper agents were not in the SBU. According to the Ukrainian paper, the spy agency itself has also argued in a statement that Danilov’s words were misinterpreted by the media.


In his interview with the Times, Danilov claimed that Moscow is attempting “to organize anti-war rallies” in Ukraine and to push a “false narrative” about tensions between the country’s civilian and military leadership through these “activated” agents.


Earlier this month, Ukraine’s top army commander Valery Zaluzhny publicly contradicted Zelensky, describing the situation on the frontline as “a stalemate.” The president has since warned military commanders against interfering in national politics.


“With all due respect to General Zaluzhny … there is an absolute understanding of the hierarchy and that is it, and there can’t be two, three, four, five [leaders],” Zelensky told The Sun last week.


He has also claimed that a Russian conspiracy was underway to undermine his presidency through mass protests.


Last month, The Washington Post published a detailed story about US influence on Ukraine’s special services. Since 2015,the CIA has invested tens of millions of dollars into transforming them “into potent allies against Moscow,”it said. American spies considered the SBU a security risk and created an entirely new directorate, while GUR, the military intelligence branch, was rebuilt from scratch.


Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu described Kiev’s forces earlier this month as being on the brink of collapse.


(Damn all of Ukraine leadership is falling apart, contradicting each other. Lots of infighting going on there!)

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 9:09 a.m. No.19985489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5524 >>5649 >>5767

27 Nov, 2023 05:54

US Senate announces vote on Ukraine aid

The White House is trying to push through $106bn in funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan


US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Sunday that he will hold a vote on President Joe Biden’s request for billions of dollars in assistance for Ukraine and Israel during the first week of December.


The Biden administration has so far failed to push through its supplementary “national security” proposal of roughly $106 billion for combined aid for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan.


According toSchumer, “the biggest holdup”to passing the packageis Republican insistence on US border security policy changes, which they have set as a condition for sending any additional funds to Ukraine.


“One of the most important tasks we must finish is taking up and passing a funding bill to ensure we as well as our friends and partners in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region have the necessary military capabilities to confront and deter our adversaries and competitors,” Schumer said in a letter to senators on Sunday.


The lawmaker warned that Ukraine is likely to lose the fight against Russia without further funding from the US, urging senators to attend a classified briefing in the coming days to get updated on the situation.


However, Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Sunday that it is unlikely that the aid package for Ukraine and Israel will be approved before the year's end, citing the southern border policies as an obstacle to passing the bill.


“I think it would be very difficult to get it done by the end of the year andthe impediment, currently, is the White House policy on the southern border,” he said on NBC’s Meet the Press, further explaining that the White House needs to recognise it as a priority threat to US national security.


In early November, House Republicans passed an Israel-only aid deal of 14.3 billion, which, according to Chuck Schumer, was “deeply flawed” and would not be taken up by the Senate. The White House has also indicated that the bill will not be signed by President Biden if it includes Israel only. Biden, however, was recently forced to sign a stopgap funding plan excluding Ukraine assistance, to avert a government shutdown.


Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict last year, Washington has provided Kiev with more than $76 billion in military and other assistance, but recently said that available funds were running out.


(These Ghouls & assholes will never stop, until the are retired and even then, they will interfere with protecting and defending America!)

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 9:31 a.m. No.19985579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5594 >>5606 >>5649 >>5767


"You're A Liar And Treasonous": Steve Bannon Promises To Hold General Milley Accountable For Betraying The Republic




Milley is the most treasonous and disrespectful General of perhaps all time! He’s actually worse than Benedict Arnold, because he lasted this long in the military! How many more Milley’s are there in our military?

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.19985606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5649 >>5767


3rd video

Steve Bannon Slams General Milley For Enforcing The "Post-War International Rules Based Order Fetish" Set Up By The Globalist And CCP




The worst part of Milley’s statements is he is teaching a whole class of new military to disobey the CiC, he is setting the US up for military rule without the CiC. The new ones cannot understand how important it is to follow the chain of command of the CiC. Its there constitutional duty to report and take orders from the CiC. Milley is a Manchurian Candidate in real life.Have anons dug on Milley’s compromise by the Chinese? How do they own him? Call to dig if not

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.19985686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5767

27 Nov, 2023 17:07

‘Satanic’ Christmas tree draws lawmaker's ire

A ‘Gender Diversity Tree’ calling on festival attendees to ‘protect trans kids’ was also the subject of considerable blowback


A museum in the US state of Wisconsin has beenaccused of promoting “cultural propaganda”after it featured some non-traditional entries in its annual Christmas tree festival this year, including one adorned with red ornamental pentagrams paying festive homage to Beelzebub.


Among the 66 uniquely decorated exhibits displayed in the Green Bay suburb of Ashwaubenon at the National Railroad Museum’s ‘Festival of Trees,’ perhaps none have generated quite as much intrigue – or in some cases dismay – as the one supplied by Wisconsin’s Satanic Temple.


The majority of trees at the event, which runs until the end of December, are your typical Christmas fare, depicting traditional imagery related to Jesus, or angels, or any other manner of festive decorations. A notable exception, though, is the Satanic Temple’s offering, which in addition to its dark red baubles also has anornament reading ‘Hail Santa’.


The decorations are a gross distortion of basic traditions, according to state Representative Mike Gallagher. “Conservatives are often accused of launching a culture war or focusing or fixating on cultural issues,” Gallagher, a Republican, told Fox News on Sunday. “But here is a perfect example of how that’s not happening."


Gallagher added that objections to non-traditional Christmas trees are meant to “defend basic traditions, or defend our children in the midst of these basic traditions, from the encroachment of woke ideology or offensive upside-down cultural propaganda.”


Another tree that appeared to inflame Gallagher’s ire was the so-called ‘Gender Diversity Tree’, which displays pink and blue colored flags and has ornaments that bear phrases like ‘Protect Trans Kids’.


However, in response to the blowback, the museum’s CEO, Jacqueline Frank, told the Green Bay Gazette that if it is to be an “inclusive organization” it must make steps to ensure everyone who visits feels comfortable.“Who am I to say … this thing that is your belief system and outside the mainstream is bad?”


Gallagher remains unconvinced, describing the comment as “insufficient” and said that hewould not be bringing his children to the museum. “I don’t want them to be surrounded by Satanic trees,” he said, according to the news website BPR.


The Satanic Temple, which claims to have more than 700,000 members across the globe according to NBC News, does not deify Satan, its co-founder Malcolm Jarry said earlier this year. Nor does it even believe in Satan’s very existence, but more a “literary representation of Satan,” Jarry added, whom he said could be viewed as a “heroic figure who fights against tyrannical authority.”


In June, the group announced a plan whereby its ‘priests’ would offer to testify on behalf of members who may wish to undergo gender affirmation procedures in the face of “infringement of their bodily autonomy by government authorities.” The temple says that maintaining full control over one’s body is one of the tenets that define its beliefs.

Anonymous ID: f8db06 Nov. 27, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.19985719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He’s so committed to the lie, he tries to convince conservatives that “they are and he is not evil”.


I’m glad Stone didn’t buy his bullshit answers