Anonymous ID: 763b50 Nov. 27, 2023, 2:57 p.m. No.19987026   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7072



on his death bed Poe was yelling the name "Reynolds"

he's referencing Jeremiah Reynolds, who he based his novel 'Arthur Gordyn Pym' on.

Reynolds was a cabinet member of John Quincy Adams and notorious explorer of the South Pole

he believed he could find a hole in the Earth to a place called "Ultima Thule"


one of Edgar Allen Poe's only surviving portraits is named, or atleast has written on it -"Ultima Thule."


this sparked a memory from a previous Q dig

Ultima Thule base in Greenland

Ultima Thule is now predominantly used by Space Force

>In more recent times, activities at the Thule Air Base have focused on space defence. The US Air Force Space Commandโ€™s 21st Space Wing, headquartered at the Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, US, uses the military base in Greenland to house its suite of space sensors.


I don't want to fill the bread with random shit but there is something here

I will keep dibging