Anonymous ID: 86c8b8 Nov. 27, 2023, 2:46 p.m. No.19986968   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6976 >>6983 >>6998 >>7057 >>7071



Fed's (you)s evidence exposed his posts on 8chan


FBI agent accidentally reveals own 8chan posts; attempts to redirect white supremacist rage against Russia

The legal case stems from the April 27th shooting at a California synagogue by white supremacist and 8chan user John Earnest.


The day of the shooting, Earnest is believed to have posted to 8chan a link to an anti-Semitic Pastebin manifesto and a not-so-cryptic suggestion that he was about to commit a murderous act of violence to back up his beliefs. In the accompanying affidavit to the search warrant application, FBI Special Agent Michael J. Rod requests the “IP address and metadata information about Earnest’s original posting and the postings of all of the individuals who responded to the subject posting and/or commented about it.


As it turns out, this text is to let the user know that they are looking at their own posts! This means that Special Agent Rod inadvertently exposed himself as 8chan user ID “8f4812” by including these screenshots as his supporting exhibit.

Anonymous ID: 86c8b8 Nov. 27, 2023, 2:49 p.m. No.19986983   🗄️.is đź”—kun




The longest reply can be found here:


Guys. Read my posts. I believe that thw ahooter did post on here but there is also more. Ive been here all day. There are at least two others that are posting in a bot, shilllike fashion to promote this. This theead never would have made the first page, where I found it this morning.

think there is outside involvement. Likely Russian.

In the posts not attributed the man himself, these two not only hyped this thread in an awkward way, they continued an odd pattern of posts to keep this thread alive. Look at the parallel language and style. pol does not talk like that.

Look at the memes chosen in these posts. Not even a fucking clown.

While I believe John may have been motivated by hia own beliefs and reasons, I believe that there are other forces at work here that may have provoked him.

The original link leads to a Tarrants Lads group In russian.

He may have been rightfully upset with the way the world is, but he may have been manipulated into this by something that is not.

I’d blame Mossad, the CIA and FBI too, but this time I am not so sure. We know all three of them can meme because we are shilled all day long by them.

He chose a crappy pistol. Anyone would have planned a litte more thoroughly. If BT is a hero to him as he describes, he would have learned from this mistakes, or at a minimun made an effort to emulate him and do the same. To walk in there completey unprepared with a single pistol sends off even more red flags,

This is very unusual. This is not the typical (((conspiracy))) and I am worried. I dont believe this is the end of this.

I hope some one else takes it upon themselves to investigate what I posted above as well.


In another series of replies the fed poster follows up on the Blame Russia theme:


This was posted by one of the shills that

knew of the shooting prior. Notice screen shot is at 20:00. That correlates with ukraine and western russia if you do the math


Seriosuly, one of you has to dig on this. Please review this thread.There is some russian/ukranian involvement.


At one point, another user accuses the fed of being Mossad:

extremely fake. who believes this shit? sloppy job mossad


The fed replies:

No. Not mossad. Stop attacking the board and sliding this thread. Sloppy job putin. Dick


The other user:

suck my ball



Its balls. Let putin know your psyop worked, but you fucked it up with your shit english.


I presume you were chosen because you said you could talk, speak, and type “like american?”

Anonymous ID: 86c8b8 Nov. 27, 2023, 3:27 p.m. No.19987195   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7209 >>7239 >>7247


Remphan (the star god)

False idol the jews worshiped


Acts 7:43


Referring to the idolatry of the ancient Israelites, Stephen mentioned the godMolech and “the star of your god Rephan”(Acts 7:43). Other versions of the Bible spell the name of the false god as Remphan (KJV, NKJV) or Rompha (NASB, AMP). They are all talking about the same false god.


In the context of Stephen’s reference to “the star of your god Rephan,” he mentions the golden calf that Israel worshiped at Sinai (Acts 7:39–41).


He then says that “God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the sun, moon and stars” (verse 42). One of those “stars” they worshiped was the star of Remphan (verse 43). Finally, Stephen points to God’s determination to send Israel into exile in Babylon (verse 43).


Stephen’s argument before the Sanhedrin was that the current generation of Israel was just as “stiff-necked” as their ancestors, “always resist[ing] the Holy Spirit!” (verse 51). They hadproved their stubbornness in their rejection of Jesus Christ.