>will expose islam for the death cult that it is
All the Abrahamic religions are a death cult. Stupid shits have been killing one another for centuries and are too fucking ignorant to realize they're all being played.
>will expose islam for the death cult that it is
All the Abrahamic religions are a death cult. Stupid shits have been killing one another for centuries and are too fucking ignorant to realize they're all being played.
It's getting ridiculous at this point. They'll all believe that their governments lied to them. They'll all believe that big pharma lied to them. They'll all believe that history is a lie. But don't you dare talk about religion.
Yup. They'll say they're fighting an "elite cabal of Satanic pedophiles," but lose their minds when you point out that "God" created Satan, allowed him to rebel, then cast him and 1/3 of his angels out of "Heaven" to Earth. Rather than destroy them, he allowed them to "tempt" his children with "sin." Then, "God" doesn't even claim them, once his "only Son" comes to Earth, who he allows to "sacrifice" himself for "humanity's sin."
So, in essence, every bit of bullshit we have to deal with, right now, is due to their "God?" Even Q tried to tell them, but they wouldn't listen. The Great Awakening was to learn the truth about everything.
Including religion.
>Clearly, you haven't found God because once you do, there's no denying it.
Actually, I have "free will," remember? I have the choice to not believe in your fairy tale, granted by your "God," himself. Now be a dear and prove that you're truly a Christian and forgive me.
>What are you doing here, besides mocking Christians?
Mocking Jews and Islam. It's notMYfault you all are too stupid to believe in yourselves and humanity as a whole. You need some "invisible deity" to hold your hand, rather than own your shit.
>at least the muzzies and jews are honest about it
>they'll just slaughter you
So will Christians. They're just better at hiding it. Remember if you don't use your "free will" to kneel before "God" then he sends you to "Hell" for eternity. That's not "free will." That's an ultimatum.
They're just too blinded by their dogma to see the "or else" part.
>What do you have?
Kek. I have more than a sub-par pantheon taken from low-budget Dungeons & Dragons ripoff, for sure.