Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 4:17 a.m. No.19989927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9931

Newly Discovered Letter by Thompson Potential Cause of TSA Placing Innocent Americans on Terror Watchlist

by: Kyle Seraphin 11/27/2023



On January 6th, 2021, "insurrectionists attacked the United States Capitol intent on preventing the certification of a democratic election and, apparently, inflicting violence upon elected officials… Several lives were lost, including at least one Capitol Police officer…" wrote Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), then-Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security to Transportation Security Administration Administrator David Pekoskeon January 11th, 2021, in a previously unrevealed letter. This committee "focuses on legislation and oversight related to the security of the United States" with the goal of "[ensuring] that the American people were protected from terrorist attacks."


Chairman Thompson started his letter with unproven charges and false information in this salacious statement of fiction ashe requested an Executive Branch agency ignore due process and deprive thousands of Americans of their Constitutionally protected rights to travel freelywithin the United States (a right recognizedsince at least 1870.) Rep. Thompson's account of the events on January 6th, 2021, could have been lifted directly from a far-left opinion website like HuffPost or ProPublica. While Thompson does not source his wild allegations, he could have easily credited a ProPublica article that made identical claims: law enforcement agencies were "unprepared," and "the attack was planned largely in open internet forums." A subsequent article by the same author falsely claimed that "Officer Brian Sicknick died defending the Capitol."


But CongressmanThompson's concern was not about how to better protect the U.S. Capitol. His immediate concern, less than a week after the events of January 6th,was punishing those who came to Washington, DC, without trial or investigation. He said the "perpetrators have continued to enjoy freedom of movement throughout the country. Only a fraction of the insurrectionists have been arrested, and many of those arrested have been released pending a future court date. To our knowledge, the Federal government has not prevented a single insurrectionist from boarding an aircraft." Perhaps the Chairman is less than familiar with the U.S. Constitution to which he was required to swear allegiance in his 15 terms as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, but the 5thAmendment is quite clear on the following: "No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."


Chairman Thompson continued with a statement he attributed to "growing online chatter," which informed his belief that "many of the same groups that planned and carried out Wednesday's attack intend to return to Washington, D.C., to cause further disruption and violence in the coming days, including at the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden."


Those of us who were working in law enforcement during the inauguration of Joe Biden marveled at the speed and efficiency of locking down Washington DC into a Police State scene out of the Cold War. The anti-scale fencing, which was nowhere to be found during the summer riots of 2020, was installed with an efficiency that shocked the government sensibilities in a place like Washington, DC. But at the bottom of his third paragraph, Rep. Bennie Thompson says the so-called quiet part out loud: "It appears little is being done to disrupt the travel of terrorists who just attacked the seat of the U.S. Government and wish to do so again." Furthermore:


"Please provide a briefing not later than the end of this week on the following topics:

“Current efforts to disrupt the travel of white supremacist and other domestic terrorist groups who may be planning further attacksagainst the U.S. Government and may be targeting the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden;

Options available for quickly denying air carrier service to individuals identified as posing a potential threat, including TSA's authorities to prevent individuals from flying on a temporary or flight-by-flight basis;"


After this letter was received by the top official at the TSA, many Americans who had simply traveled to the National Capitol Region on or around January 6th, 2021, were welcomed to the "Quiet Skies." Theseunsuspecting (and unconvicted) American citizens were added to a secretive program known as Quiet Skies—which the TSA claims identifies "international travelers who may require enhanced screening" by a "set of risk-based, intelligence-driven scenario rules." It further claims that "these rules have strict oversight by the Department of Homeland Security, including the privacy, civil rights and liberties, and general counsel offices." Continued…

Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 4:18 a.m. No.19989931   🗄️.is 🔗kun



However, several Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) whistleblowers and retired supervisory FAM Sonya Labosco have blown the lid off some of the abuses of this program in numerous national interviews and a previous article published by UncoverDC. Additional coverage by UnCoverDC's Wendi Mahoney introduced those unfamiliar with Quiet Skies to the "Quad S" designation.


The simple fact is—thousands of Americans are now subjected to invasive "security" screenings for several years as a form of extrajudicial punishment that was called for by a powerful Congress member and implemented by a feckless administrative agency. The saddest part for those of us who have engaged insurveillance activities of alleged but unindicted terroristsis—legitimate investigations of sworn aspiring members of ISIS or Al-Qaedaare not nearly as destructive to those members' lives. The entire point of covert surveillance in a law enforcement setting is to document the subject's behavior without them altering it from the heavy-handed or visible presence of police. The "SSSS" designation on the boarding passes of many attendees of a 1st Amendment-protected activity or even those who coincidentally flew into the region during that timeframe leads to an experience that is the opposite of productive for any "domestic terrorism" investigation. We only know this information because of the tireless work of the AMNC and former FAMs like Sonya Labosco.


Labosco is the Director of a private advocacy group called the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC). Historically, the FAMS have spent the majority of their time traveling internationally. Armed federal agents with specialized training to stop a terrorist hijack attempt or reclaim a seized aircraft, the FAMS are unique in their skillsets and focus on a post 9/11 airborne jurisdiction. But since January 2021, this highly specialized counterterrorism force has been aimed at surveilling Americans who have not been identified under any other federal law enforcement agency watch list.


The AMNC has been quietly working to unravel the chain of events that has led to the weaponization of this agency. This letter from Chairman Thompson appears to be one of the first movements by the eventual "Chairman of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol" (J6 Unselect Committee) to craft the Democratic Party fantasy that "white supremacists and domestic terrorists groups" were the cause of the riot that day. It also appears to be an underhanded request to the TSA, an agency Congressman Thompson's Committee had "special oversight functions" over, to "disrupt the travel" and "[deny] air carrier service" to Americans who simply found themselves on the wrong side of the Congressman's politics. Of note, this letter was co-signed by the Committee's Ranking Member, John Katko, a 3-term New York Congressman who declined to seek re-election in 2022. Former Rep. Katko is currently a senior advisor to Hill East Group—a Washington, DC-based consulting and lobbying firm.


What Americans should know after reading this letter is that the Democrat narrative regarding what they would set out to show in their highly curated, nominally bipartisan Committee on January 6th was already sent out as marching orders to one of the federal government's most inefficient and theatrical entities: the TSA.

Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.19990038   🗄️.is 🔗kun

28 Nov, 2023 10:27

EU officials fear Ukrainian military collapse – WSJ

The concerns have reportedly come amid heavy losses for Kiev’s troops during its counteroffensive


EU officials fear that Ukraine’s position in its conflict with Russia could “unravel” this winter, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.


This comes, according to the article, amid heavy losses for Kiev’s troops during their counteroffensive which was launched in early June,and a “dysfunctional” military conscription system “plagued by corruption.”


Since the conflict with ukraine escalated in February 2022, Western states have actively supported Kiev by sending military aid. A month after the conflict spiralled, NATO member states issued a joint statement, saying, “Massive sanctions and heavy political costs have been imposed on Russia … We remain determined to maintain coordinated international pressure on Russia.”


In late September, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the bloc would “stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes.”


In mid-November, however, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky complained that aid deliveries from the West had “decreased.”Last week, Zelensky admitted in an interview with Fox News that the counteroffensive had not gone as planned.


The Wall Street Journal report noted that many of the replacements in the Ukrainian army are “men in their 40s and are often sent to the trenches with too little training.”


On Friday, Roman Kostenko, secretary of the parliamentary committee on Defense, National Security and Intelligence, told Ukraine’s Radio NV: “We all know that we have a problem with mobilization now, we can say a failure of mobilization,” adding that if the situation does not change, there will be “very big problems.”


Earlier this month, the BBC reported that around 20,000 men who are eligible for the draft have fled Ukraine, despite a ban on leaving the country during martial law, which was declared at the outset of the conflict. Another 21,000 have attempted to flee but were caught by the authorities.


According to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, as of late October, Ukraine had suffered more than 90,000 casualties since the start of the counteroffensive. On Wednesday, Shoigu released new figures showing that Kiev’s forces had lost more than 13,700 more troops in November alone.

Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 5:05 a.m. No.19990072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

28 Nov, 2023 08:45

US ‘blind’ to Ukrainian terrorism – Zakharova to RT

Washington is ultimately responsible for Kiev’s attacks on civilians, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has said


The US created the “regime” of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, as such it is expected that Washington will ignore Kiev’s terrorist tactics in its conflict with Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has claimed in an interview with RT.


TheUS condemns terrorism carried out by Palestinian militant movement Hamas, but condones Kiev, Zakharova pointed out, commenting on a recent article in the Washington Post by US President Joe Biden.


The spokeswoman said itexemplified American double standards, which she called “the key problem.”


“The Biden administration was the one that created the Zelensky regime. Moreover, it fed it with money, weapons and, what was most awful, the sense of impunity,” Zakharova claimed.


Contrary to Washington’s assertions, Ukraine invests the money and weapons it receives from foreign backersnot in the defense of democracy, but to attack non-combatants, including through acts of terrorism, she alleged.


The opinion piece attributed to Biden was published two weeks ago, and described Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin as two challenges that Washington must tackle.


“Both Putin and Hamas are fighting to wipe a neighboring democracy off the map. And both Putin and Hamas hope to collapse broader regional stability and integration and take advantage of the ensuing disorder,” the US president claimed.


Zakharova called the article“a mixture of truth and fiction,”and said it had misrepresented Moscow’s position. Russia suffered from international terrorism in the 1990s, so it rejects “any form of terrorist actions” as a matter of principle, the diplomat added.


Moscow has accused Kiev of numerous terrorist attacks, including two bombings of the Crimean Bridge, in which civilians were killed, as well as the targeted assassinations of Russian public figures, including journalist Darya Dugina and military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky.


Ukraine has effectively claimed responsibility for the bridge bombings, arguing that the infrastructure is a military target and pledging more attacks. Western media have also confirmed that theCIA-funded Ukrainian intelligence services were behind the assassinations of Russian public figures.


Zakharova accused the West of encouraging bloodshed in Ukraine, citing the failed peace talks with Kiev in spring 2022.


“It was the West, particularly Washington and London, which blocked, literally prohibited Ukraine from negotiating with our side,” the spokeswoman said. “Why? Because talks are a path to peace, de-escalation and ceasefire. And they did not want those.”


Ukrainian MP David Arakhamia, who heads the parliamentary faction of Zelensky’s party, confirmed last week that then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson had derailed a proposed truce, telling Kiev “to just make war.”


The Russian diplomat further claimed that the US benefits from chaos and violence in various parts of the world, including the current conflict in the Middle East.

Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 5:13 a.m. No.19990102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

28 Nov, 2023

Polish farmers join Ukraine blockade

Workers protesting the EU’s trade regulations with Kiev have created a roadblock at one of Poland’s busiest border crossings


Farmers from Poland’s Deceived Village Association have joined a round-the-clock roadblock at Medyka – one of the country’s busiest border crossings with Ukraine – as part of amajor protest against the EU’s soft trade policy towards Kiev.


Farmers and truckers have been blocking the Medyka crossing since Thursday, from 9am to 8pm local time. On Monday morning, they began a 24/7 blockade of the entry point, which is expected to last until January 3.


“Only two lorries are to be let through every hour,”Roman Kondrow, a representative of the association, told the Polish Press Agency (PAP), adding that exemptions would be made for humanitarian aid and war supplies.


Medyka is the fourth border point Polish workers have blocked since November 6, leaving thousands of lorries stranded for days. Truckers have also been prevented from traveling at crossing points in Dorohusk, Hrebenne-Rawa Ruska, and Korczowa.


The massive protest was organized in another attempt to attract attention to the damage inflicted to the sector by the EU’s decision to relax the bloc’s regulations for Ukrainian transport companies in 2022.


Theregulations have led to Polish truck drivers losing out to Ukrainian companies, which offer cheaper prices for their services and are now transporting goods within the EU, rather than just between the bloc and Ukraine.


Polish farmers joining the rally are pressuring EU officials to extend support to help them cope with low grain prices.


“I would like to end this protest as soon as possible, because it is as burdensome for us as for everyone around us,” Tomasz Borkowski, the leader of a Polish transporters union, told Reuters, while warning that they have no intention of giving up until their demands are met.

Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 5:25 a.m. No.19990142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

28 Nov, 2023

Talks with US unlikely – Moscow

Russia will not agree to ‘unilateral concessions’, a senior diplomat has said


Meaningful negotiations with the US are impossible under the current circumstances, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Monday.


“I don’t think that, in the foreseeable future, thedialogue will return to how it was before its unilateral suspension by the US,” Ryabkov told reporters on the sidelines of an international policy forum in Moscow.


Ryabkov added that Moscow is still considering whether to respond to a letter which Washington sent last month informally requesting that the countries restartcommunication about “strategic stability.”If Moscow decides to send a formal reply, “our American colleagues will be unlikely to find something looking like a concession,” he said.


Unilateral concessions from our side are out of the question,” Ryabkov stressed. “Right now, it’s not even an issue of concessions or the search for compromises, but whether there is any sense in communications of that sort.”


Russia maintains that it is open to dialogue with the US on nuclear weapons and other issues, but only as equals. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this month thatWashington should stop “lecturing” Moscowif it hopes for useful negotiations to happen.


The unprecedented tensions between Russia and the US unfolded after Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022.


Washington has since imposed sweeping sanctions on Moscow and provided weapons and other aid to Kiev. President Joe Biden has said that the US would continue backing Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”


Russia insists that the delivery of Western-made heavy weapons to Kiev makes the US and other NATO countries de facto direct participants in the conflict.


(Bidan Admin trying to do this, to show our country we can get along with Russia to influence the 2024 elections. Bidan is fucked!)

Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.19990184   🗄️.is 🔗kun

27 Nov, 2023 22:21

Another NATO member runs out of weapons for Ukraine

Aid will continue but in other ways, the Czech defense minister has announced


The Czech Republic does not have much left in its military stockpiles that can be sent to Kiev, Defense Minister Jana Cernochova told state TV on Sunday. Prague, however, intends to contract with private companies to continue weapons and ammunition deliveries, she added.


Earlier this month, the Czech Defense Ministry published a report listing all the equipment donated to Ukraine, which had an estimated value of 1.2 billion crowns ($54.1 million) after depreciation.


“There are not many items of military material that we could send to Ukraine,” Cernochova told the host of the show ‘Otazky Vaclava Moravce’ (Questions of Vaclav Moravec) on Czech state TV. “On the other hand, we will try to compensate for the impossibility of sending material from our stocks, because we do not want to jeopardize our defense capability, with export licenses that we grant to private companies.”


According to Cernochova, the Czech military industry has the capacity to supply Ukraine with ammunition and weapons, if contracted for them. She brought up the fact that Prague has sent Kiev close to 50 infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, 2,500 pistols, 7,000 rifles, 500 light machine guns and 500 sniper rifles, all paid for by Denmark.


Czech instructors have also trained up to 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers as part of the EU Military Assistance Mission (EUMAM) and deployed mobile training teams in Poland, Cernochova said.


Prague’s determination comes after the new government in neighboring Slovakia blockedits predecessor’s plans to donate €40.3 million ($43 million) of weapons and ammunition to Kiev.


Over the past 18 months, the US and its European allies in NATO have raided their closets to replenish Ukraine’s losses in the conflict against Russia. By October, however,they began to admit that the stockpiles were running out. First Britain, then France halted donationsto Ukraine, admitting their cupboards were bare. Of the million 155mm shells the EU promised Kiev, it only delivered 300,000.


Russia’s military industry appeared to be outpacing the West, Cernochova’s predecessor Lubomir Metnar said in the same broadcast. The current defense minister agreed, but argued that Moscow also had help from abroad.


“Catching up and outpacing the other side in the arms race is not easy, and it may mean for Ukraine that some things do not go as planned,” Cernochova said.


(EU states realizing Kiev’s failure for any success, makes them understand they don’t want to support the Welfare state of Ukraine. It was bound to happen. The corruption scandals didn’t help either.)

Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 5:42 a.m. No.19990227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0269


This is fantastic, how no one will win against Trump, because of his supporters, policies etc. No One is gonna beat that!



Anonymous ID: 93ff36 Nov. 28, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.19990662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Full Beaver Moon: Spiritual Meaning, And The Gemini Full Moon, (with Sun in Sagittarius)

Let's examine the unique qualities of the Gemini Full Moon on November 27, 2023.

__What happens during full moons?__Full Moons stand as the apex of the lunar cycle in astrology, marking when we've gathered energy to its brim and need to release it. They occur when the Moon and Sun oppose each other, casting their light on areas of life that beg for scrutiny and alteration. In this luminous clash, the Sun's rays illuminate our concealed emotions, intentions, affections, and hidden truths. It's a moment to share what's been locked within, but it also entails the responsibility of discerning what should be relinquished.

Why the November Full Moon is Named the "Beaver Moon"

The November Full Moon is aptly named the "Beaver Moon" due to Native American traditions. During this time, beaver traps were set to gather warm furs for the approaching winter. Symbolically, it reflects the need for our preparations as the colder, darker months approach. Alternative November Moon Names. November’s Moon names highlight the actions of animals preparing for winter and the onset of the colder days ahead.Digging(or Scratching) Moon, a Tlingit name,Deer RuttingMoon Dakota and Lakota term,WhitefishMoon the Algonquin, spawning time for this fish. Seasonal change Nov. called theFrostMoon by the Cree,FreezingMoon,TradingMoon, andSnowMoon by the Anishinaabe are.OakMoon (can be either in November or December). In Celtic tradition, named theMourningMoon or theDarkest DepthsMoon.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Beaver Moon

The Full Beaver Moon in November carries a profound spiritual significance. Much like the beavers' preparations for the harsh winter, this Moon urges us to assess our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It serves as a metaphor for our lives, calling us to be resourceful and make necessary changes. Just as the beaver adapts to shifting seasons and environments, this Moon emphasizes adaptability and balance, compelling us to reevaluate structures and habits and retain only what is essential.

What Does the Full Moon in Gemini 2023 Mean in Astrology?

The November Full Moon finds itself inGemini, a sign known for its adaptability and communication prowess, while the Sun resides in Sagittarius, a seeker of freedom and truth. Gemini's strength lies in its ability to view situations from multiple angles, which can also make you scatterbrained. Sagittarius, on the other hand, encourages a broader perspective. Gemini's duality signifies the balance between the conscious and unconscious mind, often resulting in a harmonious or conflicting interplay of emotions and thoughts. This unique dynamic provides an excellent opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. The Full Moon in Gemini is an ideal time for inquiring and reflecting on your thoughts. It emphasizes the importance of being a good listener and thinking clearly, especially with Gemini's propensity for mental clutter. Let go of any mental burdens and remain flexible to make the most of this period. Gemini encourages quick thinking and adaptability, thanks to its connection to Mercury, the messenger of the Gods. This Full Moon also promotes socialization and relationship-building, given Gemini's emphasis on communication and connection. It provides an excellent window to enhance your mental skills,engage in research, and express yourself effectively. Use it to harness the energy for meaningful and intelligent communication.


Donald Trump. Astrology

Borough of Queens, New York, United States. June 14, 1946 at 10:54 AM (Birthtime accuracy: excellent)

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality.

(Full moon last night in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius. PDJT’s birth chart: Moon in Sagittarius and Sun sign Gemini. Interesting):

Sun in 22° 55'Gemini

Moon in 21° 11'Sagittarius

Mercury in 8° 51' Cancer

Venus in 25° 44' Cancer

Mars in 26° 46' Leo

Jupiter in 17° 27' Libra (r)

Saturn in 23° 48' Cancer

Uranus in 17° 53'Gemini

Neptune in 5° 50' Libra (r)

Pluto in 10° 2' Leo

North Node in 20°45’Gemini(r)

Chiron in 14° 54' Libra

Ascendant in 29° 56' Leo

MC in 24° 19' Taurus