Anonymous ID: 25d469 Nov. 28, 2023, 7:50 a.m. No.19990763   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0891 >>1004



Previous bread has over 830 post now as the Board Admin Team frantically deletes posts by anons. Fear is so real for bad actors on this board right now. It's funny. And before [you] reee about this fact, be prepared to answer the following:

  1. Q told us the board admins are comped

โ€“ which is evidenced by deletions, cp, edits

  1. Plenty of screenshots of deletions of anon posts that are totally normal but listed as deleted for CPโ€ฆ Reconcile that before you reee (both issues therein)

  2. It's been going on six years and is worse now than ever. They want to corrupt this board ahead of 2024 election.. since they can't permanently take it down (this has been the pattern, so if you reee about this, remember it's been evidenced for 6 years over multiple iterations)

Anonymous ID: 25d469 Nov. 28, 2023, 8:40 a.m. No.19991031   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Life in general is censored.. doesn't make it right.. isn't that in essence what the Awakening part of the Great Awakening is about?




Screenshot of Baker thanking 77-post person. Now, you can see the Baker has over 30 posts.. and is thanking the shit-poster who has over 70.. You still feeling good about your agenda to self-censor, condone censorship and support censorship here? You remind me of Japan E-baker who fucked up and fame-fagged his X account for Elon BS, but accidentally left his E-bake banner pic in his posts. You seem that confused.


Link to that bread - read it for yourself -


Swallow censorship if you choose, everyone makes his own choices.. Try to sell it here, anons will not buy it.

Anonymous ID: 25d469 Nov. 28, 2023, 9:48 a.m. No.19991451   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1480 >>1581


Q told us they're all here, plus Media Matters.. a real circus. The administrate the board, censor and shadow-ban anons. BO recently had to "investigate CP" to "make sure" it was CP (what a freak), so anons know we fight in hostile territory. But it is our territory, because there is Q and there is Anon. (not just one or the other). The enemy would be nothing without anons, and the enemy would NEVER BOTHER ANONS HERE if it was all for a LARP. Anons are re-establishing presences and that's only going to increase as we move toward election day. God wins, so it's all popcorn and moabs, fun for anons who were chosen for a specific reason (shills don't know what that reason is).

Anonymous ID: 25d469 Nov. 28, 2023, 9:58 a.m. No.19991536   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Also, do you recall the downfall of lionized "messengers"โ€ฆ Elon will gain your trust, grant your wish, then be in the perfect position to tear it down by claiming whatever worksโ€ฆ Anons have seen this so many times.. Easy to be a traitor. Being a Patriot takes esteeming Right over Wrong.