Anonymous ID: a85a76 Nov. 28, 2023, 8:37 a.m. No.19991006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1016 >>1073


Using a web source viewer ( )you can see a section of web code to use for a store, a cart, a newsletter and a donation.



var fourthwallTheme = {

strings: {

addToCart: "Add to Cart",

redeemGift: "Redeem Your Gift",

viewCart: "View Cart",

checkout: "Checkout",

outOfStock: "Out of Stock",

unavailable: "Not Available",

soldOut: "Sold Out",

soldOutSuffix: " - Sold Out",

missingQuantityError: "Please choose the quantity.",

generalError: "An error occurred. Please try refreshing the page.",

item: "item",

items: "items",

startShopping: "Start Shopping",

subtotal: "Subtotal",

backToShopping: "Back to Shopping",

cart: {

heading: "[item_count] [item_count_label] in your cart for [total]",

emptyHeading: "Your Shopping Cart is Empty",

tableHeader: {

item: "Item",

quantity: "Quantity",

price: "Price"


deleteModal: {

heading: "Are you sure you want to remove [title] from your cart?",

cancel: "Cancel",

delete: "Delete"



newsletter: {

missingEmailError: 'Please enter your email.',

invalidEmailError: 'Please enter a valid email.'


donation: {

missingAmountError: 'Please select or enter the donation amount.',

invalidAmountError: 'Please enter a valid donation amount.',

missingNameError: 'Please enter your name.',

missingMessageError: 'Please enter the message.'



urls: {

cart: "/cart",

cartItemLocalizedPrefix: "",

cartAddUrl: "/cart/add",

cartChangeUrl: "/cart/change",

allProductsCollection: "/collections/all",




<script src=

