Kek. Oy vey!
I still laugh that people haven't put together that not a single Jewish-NGO has ever called out any of the "survivors" (including Elie Wiesel) who were exposed as being frauds and lying about their experiences in muh "concentration camps" (tm).
An accessory is someone who aided or contributed to the commission or concealment of a crime. There are two categories of accessories: accessory before-the-fact and accessory after-the-fact. Unlike an accomplice, an accessory does not need to have been actually or constructively present during the commission or concealment of the crime.
Is this faggot still around? I'm still waiting for him to save me for $29.99.
Kek. Looks like we have new BVs.
>They really are saying something about Israel?
They play both sides of the fence, Anon. You haven't figured that out yet? Can't be a victim, if you don't have a bully.
>NYC Wants Less PoliceโฆWhy?
>Confirm that Jesus is our Lord and that he died for us and cleansed us of our sins.
Um, we wouldn't evenHAVE"Satan," if it wasn't for "God," Anon. You can't have the sweet without the sour. Just pointing out the obvious.
Security around Embassies isn't that lax, Anon. If they did that and tried to blame Iran, or Hamas, or Syria or whomever they wanted to blame to enshrine their fabled "victimhood status" (tm), it would completely fall apart, as all eyes would be on Israel, itself. They're losing the narrative war.
You project. Kek. Or are you saying that "Satan" wasn't originally Lucifer, the "Lightbringer" and "God" allowed him to exist, after he rebelled and was cast out of Heaven, to Earth and allowed to tempt humanity to "sin," when "God" could have destroyed him utterly, to protect his flock?
That's pr0n, "Anon." I think we can all get behind the notion that sexual exploitation of a child is both criminal and deviant behavior.
>doesn't affect us directly, Karen.
"Karen?" Seems my comments directly affected you more than you care to admit. Fill this out and return it to your nearest Ministry of Truth office, ASAP.
It's your choice to comply, Anon. "Free will" and all. The fact that you're even here says that you're not willing to.
>Could you just post the Federal Obscenity code test instead of Projecting your Mormon lack of knowledge of The Law you ignorant sister fucker.
kek. I'm not the one that appears to be a supporter of incest and child rape, but you do you, "Anon."
>Anon isn't Mormon
>Stop projecting
So this is twice now that you've implied that I am a "mormon," which I am not, but you seem dead set on keeping your narrative going.
I merely pointed out that it should be, at the barest minimum for a civilized society, to see kiddie pr0n as deviant and criminal behavior. (You) seem to have a problem with that. Makes me wonder why you're actually hereโฆ.