Reminds of muh childhood asthma the specialists circa 1970 said might have some emotional trigger. Said the doctor with a cigarette in his hand to my mum with a cigarette in her hand. The neighbor lady who babysat with me said, ‘Mmm mmm mmh,’ with a cigarette in her hand. My mom prolly shared that tidbit with my Tiparillo smoking date as he cleaned out our woodburning fireplace. Oh yeah, muh emotional triggered asthma disappeared before I reached muh teens. Go figure. Not sure but we did convert to gas log round muh teens.
*date s/b dad
It’s okay anon. That got me for a second too. The cap was posted only for the picture of a corona virus, not as a recent newsworthy item. I was about to call him on the date the article was posted as well. If it was me posting that, I would have simply isolated the pic from the article and just post that. But…anons gettin careless these days. Don’t give a shit.
Muh thanks for instruction.
You have muh fuck off.
I will carry on as I fucking damn well please.
Muh okay?
Anyone got the Q post that says, “except for random Twitter account”?
>you said train derailment
That’s an OLD article guise. But your comments on mask idiots are timeless truth. Carry on.
>trust Barr
I think there is another type of trust that we have ignored. It is that you can ‘trust’ your enemies ti behave in ways that are intended to harm you. (Except re trust from a book follows.)
Bohdi Sanders, Ph.D. Bohdi Sanders, Ph.D.
Bohdi Sanders, Ph.D.
Bestselling, Award-Winning Author of 16 Books and…
Published Feb 7, 2018
“Ultimately, the only peace and security you can hope for from your enemies is their disappearance. Robert Greene
Never trust that your enemies have all of a sudden had a change of heart. This is hoping for the impossible. Even if your enemies do not have the courage to face you man-to-man, they are still hoping with every fiber of their existence to destroy you. Hoping for peace and security from them is about as productive as hoping Santa leaves you a new car under your Christmas tree.
If you are a good man, your enemies will not be men of honor; they will be men of the lowest kind of human trash. Good men have no issues with other men of character, only with thugs and scumbags. Just remember, a leopard never changes its spots!
Don't expect your enemies to stop harassing you and maliciously working behind the scenes to hurt you in some way. That is exactly what these kind of people do. They will spend years trying to destroy you, rather than spend even one day trying to improve themselves.
(Be sure to check out the new changes on The Wisdom Warrior website at:!)
The only peace and security that you can hope for from these type people is their disappearance. Until they are no longer around, you must always be alert and ready for even the most unexpected attack. These kind of low-lifes are obsessed with bringing down good men. That is what they live for. Don't hope that they will somehow magically change.
Instead, work to make sure that you have no weaknesses that they can attack. Make yourself so strong that they will never be able to bring you down, no matter how hard they try. At the same time, remember that if you have a fox that keeps raiding your chicken coop, he will not stop on his own; it takes either trapping him or destroying him to make your chickens safe. You must work to make your enemies disappear from your world.
Everyone has the desire to have peace and security in this world, but you do have to work for it. This world owes you nothing! If you want freedom from your enemies, you either have to cause them to disappear from your life or you have to destroy them to the point that they no longer have the power to harass you. Warrior up!” Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior.
>clothing fags?
>Asking for a fren.
Depends. What’s your question? Why Melania not dressed in black? Only immediate family are generally expected to wear black. Anyone else? Not. Not forbidden but not required. Her choice of a ‘dark’ color, not bright is perfect.