Anons that say the SSDD like every X22 episode does.
I know its gonna end just like a Hannitus stay tuned to the end bigly news buy muh book letdown.
But, I'll still watch to see how it turns out anyway.
kek they better not spell moar wrong
It's from the Larpwood Productions crew so you know it will have a great cringe ending.
Can't wait.
> I only saw CP,
Legit removal unless someone reported some obvious is obvious legit roastie as a minor.
> Maga Patriot violence provocateur
That's goofy - it's just NotToilet shitposting.
This is banhammer gone too far.
> Parakletos fascinated spam
Guilty of namefagging but what else?
This one is pathetic.
Grandfather Clause unless going full tilt 400+ speedposting like that one GY Shift long ago.
Swordy, that's kinda not wrong.
There are anons still here so the "Just" meaning all there is part is wrong if taken literally - that's for sure.
Yeah, it's arbitrarily applied tho.
Max Subjectivity tilted along favored/unfavored lines indeed.
That's where (most of) the blowback is coming from and I can see their point.
>Everybody is OSS
Yay, the goto slur towards any questioning of how the board is being run.
Been gone awhile, kinda missed it.
Does he threaten anyone or anything directly?
Or does he just make fanfic pr0n that's been used everywhere and anywhere all over the internet since forever?
If the former and it's clearly obvious - ban/delete away.
If it's just the latter then this place is no different than the compd Twatter era of @Jack.
Now there's a chance to cap Trip 17's again.
Thanks Larpwood!
took liberties to anglo it up a bit m8
Incite violence is being used too broad here.
All those MAGA whatever style memes have existed here for a long time and nothing has come of it.
Even back at the tail end of Active Q when there was a much bigger chance of someone trying to pull the shut it down excuse.
This chicken little shit style is just an excuse to wield authority and play favorites.
Anons know when they see a legit could easily be taken serious direct threat and have no issues hitting the Report button.
>portray the board as violent
Some of you are clearly newfags in the sense of never did much time on /pol/ before Q.
There is no such thing as portraying a board as anything in a totally anonymous setting.
They're just posts and no one post outranks any other.
So, that's a shit reason.
Just admit it's totally subjective and often feelz based already and tell me to eat shit if I don't like it.
At least that's closer to the truth and I can accept that.
Yeah, that's just like Larpwood to be unable to even operate a countdown clock properly.
American Black Culture is antebellum Southern White culture.
They've maintained its precepts moar harder than the rednecks have.
Yeah, past fuckery that smells the same as current fuckery is Larpwood adjacent at the very least.
Nikki must be in the Deep State doghouse or being forced to dance like a monkey by PDJT if Loomer was put in charge of tanking her campaign for good.
I dunno tho.
Lewandowski has slept with half of DC and half of the State Fem Guvnahs so maybe it's no big deal now.
>she's into blacks
NotToilet, you know damn well that chicks that look like Nikki don't have that many inter-party opportunities if you catch my drift.