Anonymous ID: 25a48e July 2, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.1999722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Story today about Sen Collins (R-WA) not supporting an anti-Roe v Wade, POTUS SCOTUS nominee.


Q, isn't it time to drop truth on the nation about what happens to Planned Parrnthood aborted fetuses? When the nation knows what happens to the babies and and their, "parts," PP will instantly lose relevancy and abortion will be a YUGE negative point. Look, I'm not even a Pro-Lifer, per se, but PP operation is on the same level as human trafficking. It's evil, and has been from the beginning.


Isn't it time, Q, for the nation to have all of the truths dropped? When that sick political candidate from the East Coast made public that he was a pedophile, even my Liberal friends condemned it. And with FB polling Americans about their, "feelings," on pedophelia, it's clear that /THEY/ are nervous about their true natures being exposed. /THEY/ are hoping that their social engineering, up to this point, has been successful enough to weather the MAGA/Great Awakening. It has not been successful. This nation will NEVER (even Liberals) accept the, "normalization," of pedophilia, human trafficking, child sacrifice, Occultism, wars-for-profit, private bankers owning the money system, or the secret claims of ownership of the USA by the, "Elites." We have it ALL! Drop the bombs and end these sick people and their evil agendas.


Even most Liberals love America. They have just been fooled by the ENORMOUS social engineering efforts that have been perpetrated against us. Once it is all exposed, they may not, "convert," to Conservatism, but they CERTAINLY will stop supporting the evilness of the propagandized social shift from the likes of Soros, et al.


I can think of no better time, than the week of the 4th of July, to pump out brutal truths mixed with pro-America rhetoric to get people questioning /THEIR/ agendas and operations.


God Bless MAGA/The Great Awakening!