IRANIAN OFFICIAL: Obama Granted CITIZENSHIP to 2,500 Iranians Ahead of Nuclear Deal
The Obama administration granted citizenship to approximately 2,500 Iranians -including family members of politicians and other VIPS- in the run-up to the Iranian nuclear agreement, said a senior cleric inside the Islamic Republic. According to Fox News, an Iranian member of Parliament confirmed Obama’s White House issued the citizenship orders as a “favor to senior Iranian officials linked to President Rouhani.” “He claimed it was done as a favor to senior Iranian officials linked to President Hassan Rouhani, and he alleged the move sparked a competition among Iranian officials over whose children would benefit from the scheme,” writes Fox News. “When Obama, during the negotiations about the JCPOA, decided to do a favor to these men, he granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians and some officials started a competition over whose children could be part of these 2,500 Iranians,” claimed the cleric. “If today these Iranians get deported from America, it will become clear who is complicit and sells the national interest like he is selling candies to America,” he added. Read the full report at Fox News.