how many fucking times???
they are sealed documents
I dont care what the graphic says. They are sealed documents, not indictments.
Fuck all of you half way truth seekers. They are NOT ALL indictments.
Q did not confirm they were ALL indictments. It was confirmed there WERE indictments in it.
Is this lawfag from The Simpsons?
Why are you spreading disinfo? Those sealed docs are a combination of indictments, search warrants, subpoenas, etc
I've suggested before that the anon keeping that list should change the title and never listens.
Anon, the point is to represent what it is accurately. They are not all indictments.
It could involve 1000 people or 400,000 - we dont know.
Point is to use accurate language because we are going to come under a lot of scrutiny soon.
You can find it
Here asshole
As you can see in this example, you can even seal testimony.
Another example
You're dim.
Q confirmed there were sealed indictments, did not confirm there were 40k sealed indictments.
You can invent reality if you want but you're wrong.