Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:01 p.m. No.19994143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4149 >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.


Donald Trump has taken to his Truth Social platform to slowly and clearly explain his penchant for substituting “Obama” for “Biden” during campaign speeches – after corporate media outlets and masses of online Ron DeSantis supporters accused the 45th President of having dementia as a result. “Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left ‘Disinformation Machine,’ go wild saying that ‘Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired,'” Trump posted early on Monday: “No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country.”


Trump has interchanged Obama and Biden a number of times this year during campaign speeches, in a move that his most ardent supporters have understood to be an indication of who is really pulling the strings at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Former President Barack Obama has exercised an unprecedented level of influence over the Biden White House. The National Pulse previously reported Obama has overseen White House policy on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent months. Many in Washington, D.C. are beginning to acknowledge Obama has in fact secured a third term in office; going so far as influencing the staffing the Biden White House and handing down recommendations from his home in the D.C’s exclusive Kalorama neighborhood. Last week, Donald Trump’s doctor released a statement giving the former President a clean-bill of health. “His physical exams were well within the normal range and his cognitive exams were exceptional,” Dr. Bruce Aronwald, D.O. said, before adding: ” It is my opinion that President Trump is currently in excellent health, and with his continued interest in preventative health monitoring and maintenance, he will continue to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle for years to come.”

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:07 p.m. No.19994171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4174 >>4179 >>4181 >>4183 >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win


There’s a strange disjunction in the discourse about the 2024 elections. On the one hand, when presented with the proposition “Trump can win,” people will nod their heads sagely and say something along the lines of: “Of course he can; only a fool would believe to the contrary.”


At the same time, whenever polling emerges showing that Donald Trump is performing well in 2024 matchups, a deluge of panicked articles, tweets (or is it “X”s?), social media posts, and the like emerge, reassuring readers that polls aren’t predictive and providing a variety of reasons that things will improve for President Biden.


As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Elections analysts seem to know that they are obliged to mouth the words that Trump can win, but deep down, they don’t believe them. The notion that Biden is the favorite is deeply internalized, likely for a variety of reasons.


So let us set the record straight: Trump can win. Not in a “maybe if all the stars align and then Russia changes the vote totals (even somehow in states like Michigan that use hand-marked paper ballots)” kind of way. Just flat out: Trump can win.


As of this writing, Trump leads Biden by 2.6 percentage points nationally in the RealClearPolitics Average. This is Trump’s largest lead in the RCP average to date. Not for 2024, mind you. Ever.


Let’s put this in perspective. In 2016, Trump led Hillary Clinton for all of five days in the national RCP Average, each of those days in the immediate aftermath of the Republican convention. He led in 29 polls taken over the course of the entire campaign, 10 of which are recorded in the RCP averages as Los Angeles Times/USC tracking polls.


In 2020, Trump never led Biden in the national RCP Average. He briefly closed to within four points in early January of 2020, but that is it. He led in five polls all cycle.


So, counting the L.A. Times tracker as a single poll, Trump led in a total of 24 national polls. This cycle? He’s led in that many since mid-September. He’s led in more polls in the past three weeks than he did against Biden in all of 2019-2020.


You may be thinking that we don’t elect our president via the popular vote, but rather do so through the Electoral College. This is, of course, true. It also makes Trump’s current position in the polls all the more striking. After all, Trump has consistently outperformed his polling, and his Electoral College positioning has consistently been stronger than his national positioning. That doesn’t mean that this will necessarily hold in 2024, and at some point, the GOP’s worsening position in the suburbs will reverse the Electoral College dynamic that has plagued Democrats for the past few cycles.



Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:08 p.m. No.19994174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183 >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696


>Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win



But we can look at state-level polling as well. In 2016, Trump (somewhat infamously) never led in a poll in Wisconsin. He was never within more than three points of Clinton there. He led in a single poll in Michigan and a single poll in Pennsylvania. His lead in North Carolina never exceeded two points in the RCP averages, while in Florida, his largest lead was 1.2 points.


The 2020 comparison is even more striking. Trump led Biden in Florida in the RCP averages briefly, in October and March of that year. In Arizona, it was the same story. North Carolina was a little better for Trump, as he led in the RCP averages perhaps a quarter of the time. In Ohio, Trump led in only six polls all cycle. He led in five polls in Pennsylvania. In Michigan it was five polls, and in Wisconsin, it was four.


To put this in even deeper perspective, Mitt Romney never led President Barack Obama in the RCP Average in Wisconsin (and led in just three polls), Pennsylvania (likewise, he led in just three polls), Michigan (he led in just eight polls), or Ohio (Romney led 10 polls all cycle). Things were a bit sunnier for Romney in Florida, where he had leads in the low single digits frequently. The same is true for North Carolina, although Obama led there until May.


What does the state polling show today? Trump leads in the RCP Average in Michigan for the first time, ever.


Pennsylvania? He leads for the first time ever, and has led in most polls.


He narrowly trails Biden in Wisconsin but has already led in almost as many polls as he led in the state in 2016 and 2020 combined. His 0.7% deficit compares to his previous best showing in the state: A 3.5% deficit in August of 2020.


Florida? Trump has led or tied in every poll, including some double-digit leads.


Arizona? He leads by five in the RCP Average.


Georgia? He leads by six.


Ohio? Polling is sparse, but he leads by 10.


In other words, analyzing this election correctly isn’t just a matter of giving lip service to the notion that Trump can win this election. The correct position right now is that Trump is better positioned in the polls to win this election than any GOP nominee since at least 2004. Not only that, he habitually over-performs his polls. Frankly, if you are willing to set favorites this far out, you should almost certainly declare Donald Trump the favorite.


Does any of this mean that Trump will win the presidency in 2024? Absolutely not. There are good arguments why perceptions of the economy will improve between now and then (although maybe they won’t). Perhaps Trump will under-perform his polling this time, as the GOP did in 2022 (although, maybe he won’t). There are good arguments that Trump’s criminal trials will erode his standing in the polls (although having watched Trump scandals unfold for the better part of four decades now, maybe they won’t).


These all make for fun speculation and are useful reminders that if a week is a lifetime in politics, then a year is, well, a very, very long time. Analysts should, of course, feel free to indulge in gaming out the possibilities.


But when the conversation returns to what we do know, there honestly is only one correct answer: Trump can win this election, and is well-positioned to do so.

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:12 p.m. No.19994196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4206 >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

Trump 'The Nominee' Before March 2024


In the past couple of weeks, I’ve been a bit out of my normal rhythm. I spent some time away celebrating a significant milestone, only to return last week to an abundance of work crammed into the shortened week before the holiday weekend.


However, something on social media caught my eye, and it reminded me that we’ve arrived.


The primary season is here.


You know that people are touting for their preferred candidates from all the endorsements. And since I have a microphone, a TV camera, and a keyboard, all the candidates have wanted me to know why they think they are left standing.


Nikki Haley’s team has mastered the art of texting me 78 times per day. Ron DeSantis zero texts, but quickly proffers current office holders and former Trump supporters’ endorsements as soon as they happen. Ramaswamy’s strategy to be the Trumpiest non-Trump in the race has sort of fallen apart (and his numbers reflect it.) And the disgraceful former Governor of New Jersey is still banking on down-splaining to the base why they’re wrong, and he’s right is going about as well as you’d think it would.


The silliest part of it is that none of it matters because none of them will be the nominee and likely won’t even be on the ticket, in the cabinet, or even on the shortlist.


The media really tried hard to make their candidacies “a thing.” Radio and Television networks did contests to give away seats at the debates—the lowest watched in modern history.


Basically, everyone who wished it has tried everything they could wish for, and the result has had one outcome: Donald Trump has a bigger lead.


A TV network programming director asked me this week to rank the top ten news stories of the year, and then he asked me if I felt the POTUS debates were among them. …

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:16 p.m. No.19994230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4240 >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him


Former President Donald Trump’s campaign juggernaut is roaring through the country with such force that now, he is winning the general election generic vote with 53% support from likely 2024 voters.


Coming on the same day that a Morning Consult survey had him leading the GOP race with a high of 61%, a Rasmussen Reports survey said that more than a majority of voters plan to vote for him.


And that includes Democrats.


Asked, “How likely are you to vote for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election?” 30% of Democrats said “very” or “somewhat likely.” Some 50% of black people agreed, as did 80% of Republicans.


What’s more, voters appear so focused on Trump that they don’t care who he picks as vice president.


Likely voters overwhelmingly said that his choice for a running mate wouldn’t matter. Asked, “Would the choice of a vice-presidential candidate not make much difference in whether you vote for Trump?” 57% agreed. The rest were divided over his pick of a woman, a black person, or a nonpolitician. …

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:20 p.m. No.19994251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4258 >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

‘We Need Him Back!’ — Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and U.S.


Brexit leader Nigel Farage said that the world needs Donald Trump back in office, pointing to the former president’s prediction in August that Biden’s Iran deal would have “deadly consequences” for Israel and the United States.


The attacks from the Palestinian Islamist terror group Hamas on Israel, which began on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret on Saturday and have been described as the “worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust,” have so far taken the lives of over 1,000 people, including at least 11 American citizens.


According to reports, the terror attacks against Israel were planned with the assistance of “Iranian security officials”. This has led to increasing scrutiny of the Biden administration for signing off a payoff of $6 billion to Tehran in exchange for the release of five American hostages held in Iranian prisons. The White House has denied that it was a “ransom” payment, as the money was mostly Iranian oil profits that had been frozen in South Korean banks since 2019 when President Trump imposed a ban on oil exports from Iran and enacted sanctions on the Islamist nation’s banking sector.


While the funds have yet to reach Iranian hands, it has been noted that because money is fungible, Tehran may well have financially backed the attacks with the expectation of coming into possession of the $6 billion shortly. Iran has a long history of funding Hamas, with the American State Department estimating in 2020 that Tehran provides the Palestinian terror organisation over $100 million per year and has been described by Hamas leadership as their “largest supporter”.


Responding to a resurfaced statement from former President Donald Trump, Nigel Farage wrote on social media on Tuesday: “Trump warned us in August that Biden’s capitulation to Iran would have deadly consequences. We need him back in charge.” …

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:21 p.m. No.19994258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

Donald J. Trump




>‘We Need Him Back!’ — Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and U.S.


Nov 28, 2023, 8:10 PM

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:24 p.m. No.19994276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4278 >>4283 >>4296 >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?


Instead of analyzing how the world’s supreme intelligence agencies and superpowers missed HAMAS’ attack on Israel, the media is sensationalizing its actuality. That’s the scary part, its not a miss, it’s a deliberate act of weaponization by the Biden administration of our national security apparatus.


The intelligence community, like our national command authority is directed by one thing, the Commander-in-Chief. Whether you grow its size is a red herring, when you reorient thousands of career individuals trained to detect prospects of war, you have less personnel and capacity detecting the threat environment. Its simple; there is only so much money, machines, and manning to direct against our enemies.


I know first hand during the Trump administration, our national intelligence priorities were foreign terrorist organizations, and defeating a nuclear Iran. We had specific cells and groups within the IC dedicated against groups like HAMAS and Iran, they were top tier priorities. President Trump made this mission simple, defeating our enemies will always be the top priority in his national defense arsenal. We used all options, overt and covert.


The National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), is the bulwark of our national security efforts. What is the NIPF? Simply defined, amongst a multi-tier threat analysis, each White House is charged with the duty of prioritizing the greatest threats to the United States and our allies. In the Trump administration, this was simple, AQ, ISIS, and foreign terrorist organizations were all top priorities. Each year the White House creates a new rack and stack within the NIPF, for example during Biden’s first year, climate change was the top priority. Don’t believe me, his DoD’s first CONOP (concept of operations, the mandate that moves the DoD’s rudder) was on climate change. Not terrorists, not the CCP, not Iran, and not the cartels (like we did during Trump’s term), but the weather. There’s your critical intelligence failure driven by Biden’s desire to weaponize intelligence for political narrative purposes. And it was intentional. That’s the difference between Trump and Biden. Now the world sees what happens when you do not.


Immediately after the Biden administration just weeks ago provided Iran with $6billion of funding, the fake news declared this an overarching win because they carried the false narrative that this was a victory for global security. The day after Iran received this stack of cash, they kicked out every single UN inspector that guarded against their production of nuclear weapons grade material.


The media continued to print false stories that America will have oversight of all funds because Biden administration told them to say so. You now see the power of these disinformation campaigns. The reality, Iran’s president, the day after receiving the cash stated unequivocally Iran will use the funds as they see fit, with zero oversight. As a side, it’s a total fiction to believe America could have any oversight of these funds- to wit Afghanistan and Ukraine.


You do not need to be in national security to know planning a declaration of war of this magnitude by HAMAS and Iran takes thousands of people, months of work, and painstaking collaboration. Are we to believe the Biden IC ‘just missed’ on the intel, it was a gap? Not for one second, it was an intentional decision to prioritize the weather, diversity/inclusion, and giving money to terrorists, then the safety of us and our allies. …

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:27 p.m. No.19994283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696


>Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?



When you demand the thousands of IC officials whose entire careers are spent fighting against actual top tier threats, and force them to study climate change and diversity, this is the result. We cannot expect America, nor its allies, to destroy terrorism, when you have demanded them to guard the setting sun. Trump had dedicated intelligence and defense cells focused against Hamas, Iran, and Shia militia groups. That work can only be stopped by reorganization of the NIPF at the charge of the commander-in-chief. It’s not complicated government gymnastics, rather simply government weaponization to satisfy a destructive radical agenda and the media.


Don’t believe me, here’s another dose of reality, Jake Sullivan, the current national security advisor to the president, and author of the false Russia Gate Alfa Bank narrative, definitely declared just one week ago, the Middle East has never been more at peace. How’s that aging?


When you have corrupt Government Gangsters running our national security, this is the result. As a side note, since we sent 7 years worth of surface to air missile defense systems (just one example) to the Ukraine along with $120 billion, what happens when Israel calls on us for aid.


Worse yet, what happens when we find out hostages taken by HAMAS are American, or those killed were one of ours. Do you trust this administration with our national security? Perhaps Biden will again give another $6 billion to Iran on 9/11.

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:28 p.m. No.19994295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4301 >>4517 >>4621 >>4696

Biden Has Let Over 70,000 Illegals From Muslim Countries into U.S. in 2 Years.


Stunning new U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data has revealed that over 70,000 illegal immigrants from Muslim countries have been encountered inside the United States over the past two years. CBP considers these “special interest aliens” as their countries of origin are considered by the U.S. government to be hot-beds of terrorism and pose a national security threat. It is unclear how many have been apprehended, detained, or deported, though the Biden regime operates a “catch and release” policy that usually allows illegals to abscond into the U.S. unabated. According to reports, 538 illegals originated from Syria and 139 from Yemen. Both countries have experienced bloody civil wars, with radical Islamist groups participating in the respective conflicts. A huge 659 of the “special interest aliens” originated from Iran, 123 from Iraq, 6,386 from Afghanistan, 164 from Lebanon, 3,153 from Egypt, 1,613 from Pakistan, 15,594 from Mauritania, 13,624 from Uzbekistan, and 30,830 from Turkey.


In light of the barbaric surprise attack launched by the terrorist organization Hamas against Israel, the number illegal immigrants trying to enter the U.S. from unstable Muslim nations known to harbor terrorist groups is especially concerning. The CBP believes upwards of 1.5 million individuals from countries of concern have managed to slip past their agents and may still be residing illegally within the United States. Over the course of 2023 so far, CBP says 151 individuals on the FBI watchlist were encountered at the U.S. border – a record number. President Trump’s infamous 2016 travel ban, coupled with his work in securing the U.S. border, saw these numbers tumble during his tenure. He recently announced he would reinstate such policies if re-elected in 2024.

Anonymous ID: 0b33f0 Nov. 28, 2023, 6:32 p.m. No.19994313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4318 >>4370 >>4517 >>4540 >>4621 >>4630 >>4696

Trump Gives Kari Lake ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Arizona Senate Race

A video showing the former president was played during the rally


Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday was featured in a video endorsing Republican Kari Lake's Senate campaign in Arizona during the former television anchor's official campaign announcement rally.


The former president did not appear in-person, but a pre-recorded video was shown featuring Trump, who also shared it on his social media platform Truth Social.