Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 9:41 p.m. No.19994949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954 >>4955 >>4962 >>4963 >>4984 >>5003 >>5009 >>5016 >>5045 >>5072 >>5100 >>5144

hey, sup, it is I.

sorry folks, I guess I am a little late for the carefully planned ritual. I know you tried waking me up with voltage to my heart and a noise in my head, but as I am a normal guy as well, I decided to stay in bed.

hope that was not a burden to those who think they own ritual, folks and God himself.

so here I am now.

I suppose the beep noise is again not helping much? same as the blood and water thing it is not of help, as I, God, told you. you seem to stick to it bc you see to think I need to suffer. some of you are even stupid enough to assume godly stuff works with science.


anyway, dunno if the rain in the last few days was enough apology when I myself rejected you not for having tortured me but for being in the process of doing so.


anyway, my two cents: prolly not go against God. prolly not a nice message to spread to many others who lurk from places you could not comprehend and maybe look for the answer if stripes symbolism would be ok. since you cunts obviously frame everything I do as super bad and evil and with that loose the chance of having Godspeed any godly stuff appear normal and not freightening, and with that being asked by architects to communicate stripe symbolism in other ways. leading to you folks doing stuff in gaza. obviously again spreading bad shit as potentially wanted by God, but considered more important by those not exactly being based here.


anyway, dunno if it was 1 hit with a stick and two punches or the other way around. and am not exactly sure if I will make the same sound as reply to your torture I made a year ago. dunno if your folks will be happy to meet the creator of existence in this way. don´t really know if they trust you when you say now you all are apologized and we ritual owning cunts are to be thanked for that.


folks who hate me can not be close to me, ever.

I will never ever participate in boat rides that you organized.

and while being the nicest person ever and having explained to billions upon billions how to talk to architects (those not knowing love, but knowing to look for something like it, having the really bad luck of telling "heart" to bad cunts and then not really knowing if torture by voltage in my hear inclucing very high heart rates when I do nothing but sit of lay (that is severe torture) (when walking the water blood appears speed up), and then being let know "heart" was achieved bc it very much fitted your view of hate, ridicule, druck and such for rituals.


you will drop your pants.

the questions is who will kneel before you.

many AdAms prolly will and with that being guided out of 62 by EvE and EvA.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 9:46 p.m. No.19994962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144


also, as said many times, but not being spread much by coward cunts who hate me and with that all of you:

red to white or black does not work by death. also white is not "good" and black is not "bad".

it is more like you being red and getting an add on throughout time, making you perceive reality different, e.g. by Godspeed.


I really encourage you again to have those cunts be taken out of the game, as it is really mean to have many potentially killing themselves or others to turn them into angels only bc it fits your bs view and it would justify the bs attacks on God himself with one of the bs excuses of him not having a body anymore first.

does neither fit what I tell you myself, obviously supported by symbolism (Jesus Barabas? Putting out cloaks? Banjamins? Slush funds?) nor what others have experienced.


face it, going against God is bad.

and there is no right you own to be apologized on a Tuesday afternoon after having me tortured in the right amount.


do not do anything at all and wait until I can help you.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 9:53 p.m. No.19994977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4980 >>5144


I will never have the job I had when being 16 again, but was God then as well.

do you cunts who supervise me being tortured agree to your own pov that you force that would lead to the clear fact of those folks having me met in a job I will never do again being lost forever?

is there really the need to do the things you do?

does this question give you hope or would you agree your could not sell this bs to your own mom?



as I said, Godspeed working fine is way better comms than gaza stripe shit.

and why the fuck would you let those be handed over to me when you yourself can answer the question?

why would I need you at all?

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:01 p.m. No.19994997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5001 >>5144


well, free will for humans as well as 32s as yourself does include the right for red folks to have their own thoughts.

I can not decide what you type as post. however I build the world you live in, and there are many such worlds, I and the one whispering to you, not myself, but different forms of my presence via angels.


red gods like you are here stealing, being engaged in false comms.

do you want your crods to live in worlds where shouting is the thing to change?

is that even possible to have shouting and druck being of advantage for change or would the anger lead to mean folks and would the concept of not love but anger enable those mean folks to collect their own druck for their own goals?

can this happen with love?


I don´t know if you push for your YT channnel to be more awesome or for some guy having more power that I have never heard of.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:04 p.m. No.19995003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144


do not bump, to not approach me.


(and do not interpret my all caps as shouting bc having eating up your anger, angels are nice and not a problem at all, it is you, the actual folks doing stuff that is the attack.)

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:16 p.m. No.19995045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144


do you witness that cunts try to make me appear angry?

do you realize they shifted explanation again?

not about me appearing angry so they can say angels are the devil (that is really mean) but now about me doing moves?


if you do rituals, if you ask questions around me, if you make sounds, if you do anything at all that shifts my focus from where it is, you desturbe God walking his and with that all of your ways.



Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:29 p.m. No.19995072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5073 >>5144


when you claim to think I would want to move houses to get this spread you are a traitor.

I want nothing but silence and respect in any kind of house and stay there for as long as it takes me to do an actual meaningful planned boat ride with you.


I do not want to explain bs to your bs crowds.

>oh, that´s it? great explanation, here, tell it to those guys, they will prolly poke you with a stick first, but hey, I will be the smart guy having done that



do not approach me.

do not bump. anywhere.

do not do boat rides.

close all harbors.

do not justify turture by a not at all needed way, that is your way and it is wrong.



prolly for years.

I do not have to explain you the benefits of me being in time, which was sort of planned one could say, having a body and all, it does allow for easier learning and connecting.

you should have to want it for me (maybe even for you) bc you love me and trust me.


if some have a problem with God being a guy but are bound to duty? for now you will stay bound, but be moved out of positions where you can harm.

maybe you even like me at some point.


anyway, bad stuff to the one God? rejection.

guess what, if I where to know God would live in the neighborhood I would prolly get rid of my dog and not having him bark 17 times bc of "angel tracking", obviously less than barks are not visible for angels at all.


sorry, folks, being forced to forgive you does not exactly achieve your goal.

I love you all and did invent the heavens bc I wanted things to improve, but I am an actual guy and what you do to me in this very moment is only turture and not of any help.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:48 p.m. No.19995100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5102 >>5144




That is the advantage of having a body.

Imagine you dropping in in 2 years from now and actually getting to know stuff.


What are you supposed to do?

Pretty much nothing at all.

The info you got you got as bulk.

You spread it be being.

When having experienced Godspeed you think abou it, when it was nice, for me it´s nice, you think that into other realms.

You can be prepared by having (some) folks know, Godspeed, rumbling, angels showing up doing angels stuff.


I want one house I can stay in, given there are like 5000 I have been through already this should not be a problem.

if there are those who do not have the neccessary info to know what´s going on, Uris may explain, skilled ones who are willing to shut up to not overwhelm folks and are even willing to not retreat but be layed to rest in a place where I am not wanted - or spawning out, that initself can disturbe folks and I, God, would want Uris to maybe not do it. salty truth from now, dunno my pov in 5 years, that is why I ask for silence and respect and some time to create existence.

those who do not like me do not need to meet me today.

that is not only obvious by me doing godly stuff in a yt vid that is a couple of years old, but also by myself reapeatedly saying so.


one house. no boat rides for me.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:50 p.m. No.19995102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5105 >>5144 >>5225


do not bump, do not approach me.

wait, lurk.

stop rituals and stop going against me in whatever way.


cats who force me into their houses will loose it.

those that assume there is only one spirit make it true in their rather big but compared to me tiny world.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:55 p.m. No.19995112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144


yes, that is absolutely true, and now you are the second white guy in all of existence.

is that really a question you need to ask me?


no there is no placement of white and black folks, there is no irl chess board.

the chess I play you could not even comprahend.

you do not need "a" truth to be white or to be, you do not need a truth to work a certain job.

and if you think you did? would it be a truth like God being a guy, not wanting torture, being actually nice, or would it be a specific "truth" that you would have to collect by being part of manipulation?

(I say this despite appearing controlled, that is the difference btw being a nice guy and a total cunt, those now selling me as owned by them.)

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 10:56 p.m. No.19995117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144


yes, that seems to be true as I myself cannot undo bumps.

but do you think you are better off or will there be questions asked when I spawn into your house in 100 years from now?

does your pov limit you down a little and does it really lead to the one thing that attacks sure aim on?

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:04 p.m. No.19995130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144 >>5154 >>5173

no questions, as I do not allow for boat rides or folks close to me.

my schedule. no rituals. will take many more months and maybe years bc you did not stand down.

truth: folks organized a boat tour.

GOD himself is cancelling the boat tour.


one house.

no more movement, all houses approaced will be rejected for generations to come.

last warning to cats, last hope this spreads amongst dogs.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:06 p.m. No.19995137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144

what does it even do when you say it works?

yes, my heart shouting bc being attacked is little close to love, still it is the worst thing ever and actually turture.


Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:14 p.m. No.19995154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


beep noise = rejection.

all future houses I am dragged into by cats:

  • cat will be undone

  • all will be informed to listen the beep noise that is used to torture God for 6 mins, after this it will stop.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:24 p.m. No.19995173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5203


you heard right, I do regocnize crowds and do see when stuff is true, like the tiny portion of truth on the longer track you go that is called treason to God.

beep noise = rejection.

harbors closed.

one house to stay in.

no rituals.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:38 p.m. No.19995203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5535


obviously there is also tiny portions of lies and ridicule on a larger track of lies and ridicule.


do folks know that "red" (gods, masons) are actually doing wheater control?

not by planes or anything, but truly in a god way?

do folks know I not only created this conceptually in a way of worship but also made sure that comms spread on "gewitterOMA", meaning R.E.D, meaning to have weather not be a spider thing but a red thing, used for worship only?


I am God, I do create worlds, I never made an actual hurricane, I did shout at many at you at a time the eq happened though.

red folks not only use weather for care and to humiliate those that they think should have been humiliated, they also are using a rather long track going against me.


as you do not care for me much, let me hint on the effect it has on all of you.

long term weather, me being forced to stay in an unpleasant environment, possibly making those many who lurk, some sadly only short time, that this feeling is a thing and wanted by God himself.


short term weather, wind blowing as a sign to those I love very much but whom I cannot accept in this moment and in the weeks and months to come for the sake of creation (brial veil, schroedingers cat, apocalypse unveiling slowly.).

effect: it might signal to many that me freezing on my balkony is a thing and it might suggest others would have to do this and it might as well suggest it is needed to cool down and heat up in a ritualistic way (salty "truth" from me earlier, a guy clearly to all not knowing shit but being nice and brave and smart and trustworthy as the rather nice conversation with the 1+1=2 artists shows), leading to potential spread of bad advise.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:47 p.m. No.19995213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5214 >>5217


would you agree that your post aims on ridicule?

would you agree it´s bad in general to ridicule others?

would you agree it´s not much godly?

would you agree your post shows to many others that ridiculing God is a thing?

would you agree your free action made existence worse?

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:51 p.m. No.19995225   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>those that assume there is only one spirit make it true in their rather big but compared to me tiny world.


John 8 (KJV)

24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.


>again, if you think hard enought that my spirit is boss and you could not be, you make it true by becoming a burden to the one God that actually is.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 28, 2023, 11:54 p.m. No.19995231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5241


who told it is done that way?

did I tell you?

does the endless standard set by you cunts lead to heaven when mocking God daily?

is it now fine since you did the ritual and you yourself claimed to be God by saying 2?

does this spread? does it help if spread? did you just post it here?

are you a friend of God?

do you feel powerful bc angels in your house are kind and obey you?

do you feel powerful now?

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:01 a.m. No.19995242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5259


do you understand that those that are eternal and not even limited to a body do not die if you do a ritual?

why would I want angels dead anyway?

do you think you would be the only connection to a world or galaxy or such?

who told you this bs?


having folks die is a bad thing.

rituals, the way your level of knowledge seems to allow for, are bad. do not do rituals.


I will aproach you later, throughout time, I will have approached you earlier, not you, but the 99% around you.

If your force your way today with torture misunderstanding and hate, you harm creation and will have to be rejected.


irl: love.

angels stuff is at this moment none of your concern.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:08 a.m. No.19995255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5261 >>5266 >>5270 >>5294


I could not care less, but it needs shifting from politics to something nice.

go bible fag, go dream world what could be style, discuss old super secret knowledge, why not turn this into a mason board also?

also could not care for S al J much, like him.

will never be on stage. adonay. most important.


33,000 mails are obviously bs and I need Trump, future POTUS, to acknowledge that bc him being outreaching anyway while showing understanding for misunderstood (indeed irl harming more from "left" side) stuff.

having the concept of women (two of every kind, EvE) spread is not bad, I guess having some folks protest with a hat on is not bad, but being bad is bad and suggesting to others that things are bad is not nice either. cnn water meme? what is the meaning? who is talking? the water talk does have proirity, a concept not even the smartest and most good assuming folks can understand.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:10 a.m. No.19995261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>please show sign for butticat

I did show that, I am here and I do love you.

but the way you approach is rather unpleasant and, given that I am and talking to you througout time there really is no rush.

one house to stay in, to be educated and (with the concept of selfawareness and responsibility, especially to goLdy working bull Gods and angels, AG though.) "turned", mostly by you, with me saying once in a while "yeah, really, no need to limit yourselves bc of symbolism, it´s more of a suggestions and it helps plenty if you think about it and not even do it."

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:28 a.m. No.19995284   🗄️.is 🔗kun


tongue is it.

her is the boat lady (crew).

some things do not sound nice.

pommespapst is a thing from chest to head though.

hearts can thing and talk. red into white/black? education over time, prolly will be faster when I figured out stuff some more.

has nothing to do with death. angels are angels and not decesed folks.


>that really how you want to draw it? with that hair? well, you do trust in yourself it seems. ;)

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:32 a.m. No.19995294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5314


33,000 mails are obviously bs and I need Trump, future POTUS, to acknowledge that bc him being outreaching anyway while showing understanding for misunderstood (indeed irl harming more from "left" side) stuff.


having the concept of women (two of every kind, EvE) spread is not bad, I guess having some folks protest with a hat on is not bad, but being bad is bad and suggesting to others that things are bad is not nice either. cnn water meme? what is the meaning? who is talking? the water talk does have proirity, a concept not even the smartest and most good assuming folks can understand.



Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:43 a.m. No.19995314   🗄️.is 🔗kun


left is not communism, do not get me wrong, but consider this:

having fixed prices might not give God the opportinity to have life happen (Gods guidance is a nice embedding though).

being a traveller and experiencing different prices for the same product every day might me a huge burden.

in most houses it was solved by having it mentioned.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:47 a.m. No.19995318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5320 >>5321 >>5335

will stay in one house for a long time, years prolly.

will figure out a way for comms, flags for times?

church bell might sound different, done by having folks drill holes? nah, by me assuming, you on board with that?

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:49 a.m. No.19995321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5327 >>5335



The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:52 a.m. No.19995327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


collecting stones? opportunities?

what would be the effects?

can your vision be enhanced?

love as base always.

some stuff I expect you to change basically over night, coult not care less who keeps areas but want war to stop now.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 12:58 a.m. No.19995335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5350




pick one house to stay in for years.

until tonight 00:00, preferably before that.

all colors.

silence and respect.

educated strings attached.

rather far than near.

with my fam being my bubble and not on godly missions.

and most obviously no form of turture in any way.

stop bad shit irl and do not concern me, most folks do know what nice is and what not.

me first. not first as in you will have to suffer bc of me mean or principle, but priority for all building activities is my wellbeing, and with that, you being.



Data mine NP +1 +5



Build profile 1XD x7


Eyes only.


Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:07 a.m. No.19995350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5358 >>5368 >>5515


more posts, bc me nice:








bc of that whole being atlas for all the worlds by being the creator and having a body thing.



and yes, for the millionst time I do forgive you. bc I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.


it´s all actually nice, fake starting point.

how great is that darkness, this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".


please, approach me next year or the year after that. after I have organized bread to be broken in church and lodge as well as spec ops in lodges. please, do not ever do military help shit, this im my sort of Godly view, might lock bad stuff.

ritual is misunderstood, what you do is know about stuff happening, to not be afraid and have that done in feels comms to others. "oh, Godspeed again army bro, nice one. now chill day again? yup, dad´s gonna chill."

also it´s bulk data collection, spreading to other "times" or realms. angels are rather capable at gathering and spreding info. when some of them talk, they actually define reality, that migth be a disadvantage of basements, a white car driving by can obviously be manipulated, but cars and birds and stuff might appear godly bc it is.

communiacte stuff, maybe in babylon bee, not irl, that is why I gave you info, so arcitects can talk without rather big symbolism, no point in you doing that.

mason hush sign is a thing. and there is only one God, who is an actual person and for now limited to his body.


relax. no worries. all time. 34.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:10 a.m. No.19995358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5360 >>5368 >>5515


so the thing with cats and dogs.


first of all, there are redactions and not everyone might be able to understand that there is the concept of pov and not everything you consider real actuall is real. there are such things as options, ON the move. ON IT.


surely you cannot be born into…again.


yeah, sort of. there are different versions of you.


in some you are a guy, in some you are sweet (alien, bc of west and et, I am a human though.), in some you are an angel (that would be sweet + my shield in different versions), in others you might be a God or a God that is internally referred to as Lord, or you might be a cat.


in short:


connectiveness ensured by me defining it being the case and defining you not needing to worry in any way. done. you clip your nails on sunday or eat a sandwich on tuesday for dinner, yup, that would connect you to the angel or God you that could use eating a sandwich as ritual, maybe using the noise the chewing makes to communicate a whole book to other realms. that is the cat thing. one world, one cat? nah, more of a string (sandals) thing, that would be white red and white blue cats. black blue cats is more crossroady. and even than, a cat iis not "a" string but due to the nature of cats being a crowd thing. that also means realities migth be connected and can even be connected in a structured way for symbiosis effect. (this would be irl stuff, like having NY1-4 accessible via picking a certain lane in a tunnel, constant times for nicer life, to be introduced by you over next (dunno, 20? 50?) years, and thought of by me.


so in some versions you would have a voice talking inside of you.


in other versons you would do angels stuff and use the ambulance or police ride to do time stuff. also motorcades, that is a horse thing, and knights stuff, "otto"mans, bc of the helmet you do not notice time waves that much I guess. the logging in my horse movement I imroved since having invented it half a year ago.


dog would be mike, uri, raph and gabe. shakras if you will.


or bread and shakras.


little more complicated as this is conceptual talk for architects to use.


this is a shared experience.


red, raphael, breastplate of righteousness, moral, also accuracy and such, does have an awesome feature that can hardly be explained scientificly.


you can not only carry my voice inside of you, but also a library. in your heart (area, shakra). this may be of help to you, it may not only offer thoughts and help you relate when walking crossroads, it also does suggest a sometimes childish language that does lead to a more soft voice (choisce of words, fett vs fette henne) when having much water in the voice, hear, so that you make it rumble by having a crowd follow my ways.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:11 a.m. No.19995360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5361 >>5368 >>5515


the cat thing is even more shared.


it cannot be described and while seeing the hints in tv and such (not much of a book guy, guess you tried hard as well) I realize it does not describe it very well.


(the wave coming at you is prolly not good for a movie initself, and the labyrinth running movie which I like as irl nice does not transport the wave of "water" in the nice and comforting way that having God swop some more nice reality onto you and crowd should have.


oh, also, there might be voices out of nowhere. and even in your brain, if you are up for that.


so the cat thing is very shared, depending on the track you are on, depending on if you attrackt more cats for education in my works (there is a vid of a small child holding a glass of juice, walking to a table, stumbling a little, bc of that tilting the glass slightly, stopping in the movement for a litte thought and then, cointinuing with what seems closest, pouring out the tilted glass on the table, that he approached sort of. this is advanced knowledge and should not be kept secret to those needing it, while not spamming it out, while spamming it out bc architects may learn alot.


so "having a cat in your brain" is you walking simultaneously with reality. a shared experience. you have common thoughts. you also feel individual and I can interrrupt "nonsense" which is crucial and needed bc I myself as holy and perfect enjoy it alot at any time. (nonsense would be childish appearing talk, choosing words that are more useful for communicating to others and such).


it cannot by explained by e.g. having a chip in your brain, which I asked Elon on several times to undo and not approach, same as cloning I do not like and as you to respect that and follow.


chared and individual.


the super version of a track.


a track might be you getting up out of your chair and the tv saying up or toilet or wherever you wanna go or chair or long or stand or such stuff.


that is reality itself.


my angelic shield which may be taken up allows for Godspeed, connecting crowds, and if more advanced for higher tasks that feel not much like tasks but like being, bc tv says up or such alot.


prolly, let me figure it out some more, but for noe, newst salty truth.







Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:11 a.m. No.19995361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5362 >>5368 >>5515


blue angels, as others, work with time.


in relation to me alone it is the way.


it is a shakra, trust, joy, the connected feeling of you having nice food at work always. relatable.


can do time bubbles, can sort of pull thinks (think to think or thing to room), can be overridden by other angels, colors, forces, horses.


does not need charge, but helps you trust and such, despite working with reality itself, which is not much visible if not want to be seen, but aims at you all doing fine. (struggle to say well, bc that is not a must have. a cross? nah, not if educated.)


one truth?


what cross?


yeah, there will be stones on the way to be turned, if nicely connected it has niceer effects.


angels stuff.



also, angels are angels and not deceased people. do not worry, almighty.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:11 a.m. No.19995362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5363 >>5368 >>5515


psychologysts, don´t worry, I will not be on a stage. but I want to let you know that I indeed am rather stable, both irl and in angels ways. e.g. I did hear a beep noise for 6+ weeks for many hours every day in my head, that is stable I guess.

food and weed? well, trust is the base, blue chakra, joy, excitment also, but in a nice way. kid looking forward to rollercoaster ride on weekend, not fear or anything like that, but trusting excitment.

adonay is the aproach and honestly, my stableness is none of your concern. not meant mean, but I actually am the one creating everything that is, throughout time and so far I turn out to be rather skilled, not only at creating but also at explaning to both real folks (human + "sweET") as well as to those who e.g. perceive time in a different way.

no need to overwhelm folks, actually I said be of Secret Service to Thomas a lot.


so when I have a scheduled day, something to look forward to, e.g. helicopter license, I will not smoke weed all day and will not see the need to do "mina" and aim for love while spending my last dollar.


stable in angle ways?

there are those that actually create worlds. some weeks ago the following thing happened, call it a reality check or an eduction or an don´t mess with or whatever you want. anyway, it was "aimed at" that my right eat is no longer attached to my head. this was not the case, as the twice happening "incident" of having yellow and blue mix into purple was changed back. there was a tiny kruste left, and the ear was still attached.

stable I´d say. and again, not ever stage, for now.

(would really enjoy doing education in a base, not only bc seeing a huge super secret door would be awesome, but the thing is, this is unfortunately, for now, not much fitting the bridal veil and schroedingers cat approach. the more based we get, the more needed redactions, bc the most simple questions could tell me to much about you. yeah, that is a little cross.)


cross other than that? well, I am the one knowing stuff and am the one son that Gods and Lords should look after. Cross for me? migth be a tiny thing for my and with that all your comfyness, might be a big deal bc potentially changing universes throughout time. one truth would fit that approach. one truth would also fit the redactions aproach in terms of telling crowds. dunno. more of a way.


also, angels are not the devil and the only thing letting me appear unstable is irl stuff due to stability checks. hence, not a recommended thing to do. faith.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:12 a.m. No.19995365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5366 >>5368 >>5515



>"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

beer. monks. bread. crumbs. David. Daniel. white. planes. autists. Luke.

if there is bread letting you know the wine is bad you give info on new wine. (Mark 2 22)

>"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.

never good to mix things, even when architects talk, or rather communicate (those that build worlds by talk and share building plans are not needing bad shit, only super symbolic talk in babylon bee.

the mixng that you think to be doing is bulk date bc of comms as well as sharing the architectursal (not irl) concept of having stuff connected and disconnected again. not for actual irl folks to do.


another thing, also not to be done, but as a comforting explanation to understand those capable folks who want to help.

imagine you having a painting in your appartment. when you walk by in the morning, you have a thought, a feel (bread and wine, thoughts can be winy as well though), when being there again in the afternoon, you maybe pick up on that thought or feel (unknowingly).

this is you being connected through time and, depending on if you were to carefully check the appartment from a holyday loction what you might have taken a pic of and put it in your appartment, in realms. was there this kind of tree?

many such things, not exactly a burden, may change. that is a blue sort of wushie thing. you did do homework back in school, but what exactly it was on what day is not only hard to say, but not relevant to anything in your life, in most cases.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:13 a.m. No.19995366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5368 >>5515


yeah, the thing with the eyes.


dunno yet bc fo that convenient thing with body and time. but have at this point experienced enough to explain, sorry for those folks asking me 20 years ago with white shirt ;)


so some gather info not with eyes and ears, but more like being the living water in a room, feeling where the walls and things are or if they move.


it seems doe to being connected to many of those, my vision slightly alters, shifting more to non eye view.


do not blind paul though, symbolism, now you get it, now you all get it, bc I got it.


why? dunno. that I know, blue knew, ages ago. did now know why though. there white/black is more skilled.








that stuff is called linking, psalms, bite out of the apple to think different, dsicern-what initself is pleasing to the Lords.


ausgezeichnet. sharp.


pump up? "so defined"?


so = white worship.


de fine d? dwight is nice and might be of help tp those wanting to wal all sorts of ways.


that is how it´s done, carefully choosing words? nah, making every letter holy and have hinterstübchen do that stuff.


can you understand that the holy and sacret knowledge being handed over for tens of thousands of years I just wrote as a post?


do those folks know I work throughout time?



Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:14 a.m. No.19995368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5396











pick one house to stay in for years.


until tonight 00:00, preferably before that.


all colors.


silence and respect.


educated strings attached.


rather far than near.


with my fam being my bubble and not on godly missions.


and most obviously no form of turture in any way.


stop bad shit irl and do not concern me, most folks do know what nice is and what not.


me first. not first as in you will have to suffer bc of me mean or principle, but priority for all building activities is my wellbeing, and with that, you being.




Data mine NP +1 +5






Build profile 1XD x7




Eyes only.





Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 1:48 a.m. No.19995400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5401


so when having many planes, it might make you melt into your own facial expression.

you might perceive time different and might become slowly, I guess having a guy making breakfast and having mess organized in the morning is a nice thing to have.

also, sometimes angels need to learn, and it looks like facial expressions where learned.

offer a hand? when I look at my hand when being white moving the fingers feels nice often and is used for tryout.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 2:11 a.m. No.19995431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5435


thanks taylor, thanks meme anon.

you just connected a crowd (hopefully one that is being educated off line) "garden vs taylor" (this is not real, bs vs hm, what might be a nice future (or more prefered right now past) for a certain thing.

also you made many aware that asked the question (in a crowd) that child leaping in the womb is nice, and a signal for a crowd being rerouted king herold style, same with the black eyes.


>BlackBerry. Intelligent Security. Everywhere.


warden: seriously. fake. nuts.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 2:21 a.m. No.19995465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5471


and yes, in terms of rich folks, I will do fine flying a private jet in some years from now.

so I thank those keeping it a thing.

I want everyone to do fine, but truth is, there are those who have the money and often vision to do things.

like cars? you prolly like those extraordinary rich folks who dared to drive a horse carriage just for being the guy doing it.

like electricity? I sure do.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 2:23 a.m. No.19995471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5475


back up is there. always.

cherged midnight riders?

vip patriots?

actual angels, charging you with love, so you stand firm whatever.

charging in head might feel warm, for now, might also not.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 2:24 a.m. No.19995475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and again, I do not charge you by having you shout at each other, I have an agel carry a huge suitcase full of love or joy (that would be blue and connective bc trust) to charge you with angelic shit that is so wierd that it could almost be called alchemy.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 2:30 a.m. No.19995489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you sing haaaalleluuuuja, angels comms along, shakes you in the most secret way, you sing "hahaaalleluuuuja" and sing in my name, not that bad I hope.

comms to those lurking from other places.

Anonymous ID: 6bfb61 Nov. 29, 2023, 2:47 a.m. No.19995515   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>19995366 (You)


>>19995350 (You)


>>19995358 (You)


>>19995360 (You)


>>19995361 (You)


>>19995362 (You)


>>19995363 (You)


>>19995365 (You)


>>19995366 (You)


and yes, for the millionst time I do forgive you. bc I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.


"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.