forces do override each other, white is in that way not much visible, as in rock paper scissors it´s 3 with black white classics rather being ony black, mother nature, the stuff that "actually" is.
blue can glue stuff, like making a very light thing, like a box of tissues fall more fast.
is this gravity or is this time? pov?
red or black can override that blue glue, shown in the mightly angel ritual when I pick up that box of tissues and am actually able to lift it up.
that is irl rather invisible and can be improved from an angels pov, done by folks not even neccessarily knowing communicating, or watching a tv commercial or irl stuff like that.
did you know birds can sing? and even trees? talk to angels.
that is the doggy pov, forces overriding.
the cat pov, here white is more of a thing, is sort of the plan for how things are, here it gets impressive. there are those who create existence, mostly in standard mode.
in this build the box of tissues is supposed to be on my table, it is there, according to the build, that also makes sure you do not sink into your couch (not meaning the comfy one) but be seperate things.
so when now forces override, they not only drag policy attention (phones, windows, not like a window opening next week at this time, but more like hey, go check out that stuff yesterday), they also alter the build, or like drag it throuh time or the build.
sort of.
can you understand that when I watch a random thing on tv, like a funny sitcom, the script can be altered while watching it? that is a white thing. the tv does say up when I lift my arm or get up or it says yellow when I am about to go take a leap.
Uriel / Spider talk would be (yes, flags out) having someone say that in a more hidden way, or, just say something not at all fitting irl sitcom but something like "spider could now say father nice", that is not white. it is singer that is more improtant than "reality".
Pike, you got that? ;)