you really should learn english if you are going to make memes.
this is what panic looks like. lol
so are the shills so...
it must be really bad when the shills start to go nuclear.
you shills just cant stand your propaganda getting deleted can you? lol.
you think by constantly repeating your bullshit someone will actually believe you??? HAHAHAHAHA
shill harder and use red text.
you are not shilling hard enough. Use red text.
and learn engrish
you suck at shilling. you are overpaid at best.
perhaps you shouldn't let your boss see your low quality posts. you may not have a job tomorrow. you have no other skills so what will you do?
you shills are the ones posting the CP and projecting onto the board and anons.
just yours. comfy.
all these screenshots prove is that you are a shill.
who else can waste their time on such stupidity?