Canadian Government and SJW’s (loyal to the Socialist or Liberal Party) seem to be running a counter project against the US gov network of Raven Claw’s/Talon’s.
This may have included incorporating systems run by the Department of National defense.
Lexi Walker of the Canadian Navyseems to be a linchpin this terrorist network.
This system is linking regular people INCLUDING CHILDREN with pedophiles and child rapists.
This system is in use and run by ultra leftwing LGBT SJW’s in Canada. They used it to trick police into putting children into homes where molesters can gain access to them.
This system is allowing adults to broadcast pornographic material into theminds of children directlyusing high frequency radiowaves.
There is American, Canadian, British and Australian involvement in this system.
Several formerly unlinked systems have beenLINKED TOGETHERsplit between them.
Generative AI is now in the middle of it and making a mess of things. This is courtesy of the Canadian Navy trusting an off duty cop with a Raven Claw and deploying it against a forward operating base in downtown Stayner ONTARIO.
Raytheon is involved in Midland and there is activity being conducted against the mental patients at Waypoint mere kilometres away from the Raytheon offices.
This system is blocking phone calls, making fake calls, putting out calls on the police radios, forging documents, creating full motion video that looks realistic, creating hypnotic tones, playing music and luring people into danger.
This seems to have networked many of us together, some perceive it as just tinnitus, some as demons/angels, some as relatives, some as mystics, or an internal monolog.
Somehow there is computer vision involved that is tagging things and people incorrectly causing the generative AI to broadcast messages differently to each other.
This isFORGING PEOPLES VOICES and IDENTITIESon the phone.. on the radio.. in Zoom calls.. on FaceTime.. to enable the agenda of the Canadian Trudeau government.
I amCONCERNEDthis technology is allowing human traffickers access to children by subliminally programing them or allowing communication with violent offenders.
TheUNRESTRICTED USE of Generative AIhas allowed some of the more depraved and clever people take control of others using advanced mind washing techniques.
Can hear with microwave acoustic auditory effect the sounds of terrorist threats, espionage against Canadian Military installations as well as the discussion of kidnapping and torture of adults and minors.Israeli agents (uniformed and not) operating on baseare acting against Canadian National Security by using these devices to undermine Canadian Sovereignty. They have managed to use gestures and other means to interface with the devices that hypnotize people into acting on their behalfON BASE.