Isn't that LdR in the photo with Brock?
Would love to have cleaner sauce for this. Clicked through. Everything is a website I couldn't use to redpill.
That's some serious redpill photo as to how close she is to all of this.
Oh yes, I know LdR well enough to recognize her in that photo. In fact, may have seen that one before.
Pages and pages on that sick woman.
Still need to figure out who her contact is with Apache Energy, though.
Last missing link in the Libya story.
Be aware there a couple that aren't accurate. I 'm sure that's for a reason.
Hundreds of hours here.
Quit your bitching just because no one is babysitting you.
You'll get there eventually.
I am perfectly wiling to ruin Paul Ryan's legacy.
No way he should get out with a golden parachute.