why is there a guy just spamming pics of food?
will he be apart of the takedown? God I hope so.
they're gonna cry and moan like you've never heard before
it's going to be amazing. They should have listened to the turtle man when he told them they were going to regret lowering the voting threshold.
we can't let these insects get control of space.
lol should be good.
I was here for the beginning, left when it moved to 8chan, and just came back 2 months ago after seeing GA pop back up and gain some momentum.
I basically skipped the whole corsi saga.
I'm entirely more convinced now than I was in the beginning stages.
can someone ban this fuck?
thank you
what is his angle?
press brief starting soon?
just put on what worked for us… pbs, mr rogers, that type of stuff. it's all cheap and out there.
stick with the classics, newer cartoons today are just absolutely sick and disturbing
is that why Bourdain hung himself on one? Interesting
there needs to be a major investigative journal piece on this to counter the current narrative that the EPA is perfect and can do no wrong.
Don't think it will happen today