Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.20009592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9835 >>0251 >>0277 >>0281

Truce Collapses, Missiles Fly Over Gaza, With 137 Israelis Still In Hamas Captivity


The Gaza truce has collapsed and Israel has resumed its bombing campaign of the Strip, following a full week of ceasefire and seven rounds of hostage/prisoner exchanges.


Qatar and Egypt were reportedly pressing to extend the temporary pause in fighting for another two days, but Israel was not satisfied with the list of captives offered. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been looking into Hamas claims that the two young Bibas brothers were killed. "Israeli military has informed Bibas family members it is assessing a Hamas claim that the youngest Israeli hostage, 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, his brother Ariel, 4, and their mother Shiri are no longer alive," CNN reports.


This grim and tragic revelation is likely what left Israel with less incentive to keep the ceasefire going, also as pressure has mounted from ultra-conservative circles within Netanyahu's own ruling coalition to take the fight back to Hamas, and to see through the vow of eliminating the terror group.


Another big factor was Thursday's terror attack involving a pair of Palestinian gunmen who unleashed M16 and pistol fire on a crowd waiting at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing three Israelis and injuring 16. Shortly after the attack, Hamas claimed responsibility.


It's likely that negotiators in Doha are still scrambling to get a ceasefire urgently back in place. After all, Israel says there are still 137 hostages in Hamas captivity, which also includes some Americans. In total 110 were returned home over the past week, with hundreds of Palestinian prisoners released as part of the swap. The Times of Israel details of those who remain captive:


Among those still in captivity after the end of the truce Friday are 115 men, 20 women and two children, government spokesperson Eylon Levy says. Ten of the hostages are 75 and older, he says. The majority, or 126, are Israeli and 11 are foreign nationals, including eight from Thailand.


Levy lists the youngest hostage, 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, his 4-year-old brother Ariel and their mother Shiri as among the hostages. The military has said it is investigating a Hamas claim that the boys and their mother were killed.


Dozens of Palestinians have been reported killed after airstrikes started again Friday morning…

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.20009605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kiev’s counteroffensive casualties top 125,000 – Moscow


Heavy troop losses and Western weapons did not help Ukraine achieve its goals, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said


In the six months since Kiev launched its push against Russian defensive lines, it has lost over 125,000 troops and 16,000 heavy weapons, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu estimated during a ministerial meeting on Friday.


The Ukrainian government and its Western backers had high expectations for the operation, for which the former’s army was provided with main battle tanks and other advanced arms. Ukrainian officials predicted that the push would help their country reclaim territory lost since major hostilities started in February 2022, and potentially launch an incursion into Crimea, which had broken away from Kiev in the wake of the 2014 armed coup.


“Total mobilization in Ukraine, delivery of Western arms and deployment of strategic reserves by the Ukrainian command have not changed the situation on the battlefield,” the Russian minister reported. “Those desperate actions simply increased the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces.”


As such, Kiev’s military has been “significantly degraded” while Russian forces are “taking a more advantageous position and widening the zone under their control on all fronts,” Shoigu added.


Last week, Shoigu put Ukrainian casualties in November at 13,700, which pushed the Russian estimate of total Ukrainien losses in the counteroffensive over the 100,000 benchmark.


The most senior Ukrainian general, Valery Zaluzhny, reported in early November that the frontline situation had devolved into a “stalemate” and that Kiev’s side was unlikely to achieve a breakthrough unless some surprise technological development gave it a decisive edge over Moscow. His assessment has been rejected by officials, with President Vladimir Zelensky maintaining that Ukrainians are still making progress.


On Friday, the Associated Press published an interview with the Ukrainian leader, in which he said, “Look, we are not backing down, I am satisfied.” He blamed a shortage of Western weapons for the underwhelming results of the Ukrainian operation and declared that a “new phase” in the hostilities was beginning this winter.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:27 a.m. No.20009624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9882

Israel Plans to Kill Hamas Leaders Around the World After War


Nation’s spy agencies have long history of targeted assassinations


Israel’s intelligence services are preparing to kill Hamas leaders around the world when the nation’s war in the Gaza Strip winds down, setting the stage for a yearslong campaign to hunt down militants responsible for the Oct. 7 massacres, Israeli officials said.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.20009670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9686 >>9697 >>9731 >>9835 >>0251

DHS deletes video encouraging people to report family members for spreading COVID ‘disinformation’ online: Report


The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency quietly deleted a video posted in June 2021 that encouraged Americans to report their family members to social media platforms for spreading “disinformation” online regarding COVID, a Tuesday report from the Foundation for Freedom Online revealed.


The FFO, which archived a copy of the “dystopian” video, accused the DHS’ CISA of attempting to hide evidence that it supports censorship in online discourse.


The now-deleted, animated video featured a teacher providing a lesson on “Countering Disinformation: Cybersecurity 101.”


“Since 2020, there has been a lot of false and inaccurate information about COVID-19,” the video stated.


The CISA’s instructional video depicted a cartoon version of a social media feed from the perspective of a made-up character named Susan.


“Consider this post from Susan’s feed: It’s from her Uncle Steve, who claims everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu,” the video continued.


In the fictional scenario, Susan’s uncle is accused of using unreliable sources, including a “fake news story,” to back up his claims about COVID. Meanwhile, Susan argues her stance and is praised in the video for using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, which the video described as a “trustworthy” and “fact-based” source “due to large government funding.”


The video concludes with Susan reporting her uncle’s statement on social media as “disinformation.”


“You can’t win every argument online, but you can protect yourself from disinformation. You can stop it from spreading, too,” the video stated.


“By definition, if you’re trying to separate children from their parents, break apart the family so that you can have more control over the country – that’s the very definition of authoritarianism,” Carlson said.


According to the FFO, the video was removed from the CISA’s YouTube account sometime between April 9 and May 9 of this year, leading up to the landmark Missouri v. Biden censorship lawsuit that the Supreme Court is set to hear.


The CISA was formed in 2018 to combat threats of foreign cyberattacks, the FFO report noted. However, the DHS subdivision orchestrated two “switcheroos,” including changing the meaning of “cybersecurity” to include online so-called disinformation and expanding its focus from foreign attacks to domestic, the report added.


FFO Executive Director Mike Benz told the Daily Caller News Foundation, “DHS now has no defense to a Supreme Court injunction prohibiting them from future domestic censorship activity. If DHS is deleting evidence of its past behavior today, it should have no problem with a court order today barring such activity in the future.”


The CISA did not respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.20009724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9741 >>9835 >>0251

Jeffrey Epstein Israeli Spy Allegations Haunt Washington As A Cover-Up Takes Place


"a honey trap operation to entrap politicians, policymakers, celebrities, people in the media eye. Basically, to become Israel's assets"


The late Jeffrey Epstein has been accused numerous times of being an Israeli spy. Epstein cavorted with his companion Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of accused Israeli spy Robert Maxwell. As America prepares to possibly send more than $14 billion in new funding for the Zionist state’s war effort against the Palestinians, Jeffrey Epstein is now more relevant than ever. Epstein was accused of being a child sex trafficker and they say he committed suicide in prison, though his suicide is widely disbelieved. “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” according to many truthers on the World Wide Web.

Recently, Tennessee Republican senator Marsha Blackburn squared off with Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin over Epstein. Blackburn demanded a subpoena for Jeffrey Epstein’s complete flight logs, but Democrat Dick “Dirty” Durbin shut down Blackburn’s quest for truth and refused to hold a vote on Blackburn’s subpoena request. Dick Durbin is a Bill Clinton ally who recently tried to quash the Jeffrey Epstein disclosure movement, claiming “this death was not due to a grand conspiracy.”


“Your employer Robert Maxwell, owner of the Daily Mirror, you say that he was an Israeli agent, and as was his daughter,” stated Rattansi.


“He was not my employer, I would like to correct that. We work together with him,” Ari Ben-Menashe said.


“And you say that his daughter Ghislaine also, though, worked for Israel and it was Robert Maxwell who introduced Jeffrey Epstein to Ghislaine Maxwell way before the 1990’s as mainstream media is reporting?,” Rattansi asked.


“Correct,” Ari Ben-Menashe said.


“I suppose what the most alarming allegations that you’ve been making are that the entire Epstein operation was a honey trap operation to entrap politicians, policymakers, celebrities, people in the media eye. Basically, to become Israel’s assets,” Rattansi questioned.


“Correct,” Ari Ben-Menashe said. “That, it became basically an intelligence operation to entrap different politicians.”


The July 2021 Vicky Ward article for Rolling Stone entitled “Was Jeffrey Epstein A Spy?” delved into the allegations that Jeffrey Epstein was a spy for Israel. Islam Times also ran the headline, “Was Jeffrey Epstein a spy for Israel in US?”


“Robert Maxwell certainly had those kinds of connections, and Epstein had a close relationship with Robert Maxwell,” Julie K. Brown, an investigative journalist for the Miami Herald who specializes on the Epstein case, said in an interview, referring to Israeli intel connections. Brown also stated that “neither the FBI nor the United States Justice Department have convinced me that Jefferey Epstein committed suicide.”


Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak had a multi-million dollar financial relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and Ehud Barak also regularly visited Jeffrey Epstein at the billionaire weirdo’s homes.


Former U.S. attorney in Miami Alex Acosta reportedly said that Jeffrey Epstein belonged to “intelligence,” and Acosta helped arrange for a sweet deal for Epstein when the billionaire first became a convicted pedophile.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.20009742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9773 >>9804 >>9828 >>9835 >>0251

John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not Everybody Is Doing What They Promised’


“There’s too much business as usual still. We have got to bring people to the table who are not yet there. And we will make progress in that,” Kerry said.


“Not everybody is doing what they promised to do. And needless to say, that’s a problem and we need to have accountability at this COP, for that lack of follow-through by some,” he lectured.


Kerry said the world – by which he presumably means the Western world, since the developing world has made it clear that climate change is purely a Western problem – will “need to step up and help get the job done at a faster rate.”

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.20009780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9798 >>9802 >>9835 >>0251

Bank of Israel estimates cost of war against Hamas will cost $53 BILLION dollars but don’t worry though American taxpayers got the tab!


Why are we paying for their war? When will we start asking these questions. Give til it hurts you cattle…


via RT:


Israel’s war on Hamas will cost the country $53 billion and hamper economic growth into 2024, according to figures published by the Bank of Israel on Monday. Fighting has been paused since a truce came into effect on Friday, but the Israeli military is expected to resume operations in Gaza this week.


Direct military spending will account for $29 billion of the $53 billion total, the bank stated, adding that this figure includes military aid provided by the US. Compensation for damage will come to $6 billion, while other civilian expenditure will come to $6.75 billion. Lost tax revenue and interest on government debt will make up the remainder.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.20009812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9835 >>0251


Important Whistle-Blower information coming out of New Zealand - 30th November 2023.


It's an hour long clip but I edited some highlights and key analysis. Please watch!



I was involved with building a project, helped with implementing a vaccine payment system for our providers. It's called a pay per dose system. So that means that every time someone gets vaccinated, they get a payment for it as a provider. And I helped build it, I implemented it. And when I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated.


"the chances of that occurring naturally by chance is almost impossible."


"Well, as soon as the system went live, we noticed that people were dying almost straight away after being injected. So that sort of prompted my curiosity a bit, and so I dug a little deeper. And I am a scientist by nature. I love science. It's my all time favorite. I've got a master's degree in science."


"Because it's a payment system and I'm the database administrator for it. I'm the only one. Because New Zealand is a small country, you can get away with one database administrator to do this. So I'm in a unique position in the world. And because New Zealand is a tier one country with really good in I.T., I was able to manage and build the system and be the only database administrator needed to look after it. In other countries like America or Britain, you'd need a whole team of people. So it would be very difficult for one person to get access to all of this information. But in New Zealand, because of its size and because it's got really good I.T, I happen to be the one."



Please note that this will likely be "community noted" because (as of 30 Nov 2023), the existing "official" COVID guidelines appear to still be significantly influenced by major pharmaceutical entities, and regulatory bodies continue to be potentially compromised.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.20009827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9835 >>9876 >>0251

Voting Company Smartmatic Banned From Philippines' Elections


The Philippines' Commission on Elections (COMELEC) moved Wednesday to ban Smartmatic PH, a voting technology company, after the U.S. Justice Department filed criminal charges against a former COMELEC official alleging that he was bribed by Smartmatic in exchange for winning contracts in the Philippines.


Smartmatic is suing numerous media outlets and individuals for defamation related to the 2020 United States presidential election claiming that media coverage of it harmed its reputation.


In its action, COMELEC said Smartmatic had been "disqualified and disallowed" after the Justice Department alleged that it had bribed Andres Bautista, the former COMELEC chairman, and other Filipino officials $4 million in exchange for obtaining a contract for election machines, according to a report in CNN Philippines.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.20009874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0251

Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing


Rep. Barry Loudermilk says some J6 documents missing too, and came back from Biden White House heavily redacted.


Videotapes of witness interviews that the Democrat-led Jan. 6 congressional committee conducted have vanished, raising concerns for the chairman of the successor House panel that is now examining security failures related to the Capitol riot as well as possible implications for upcoming criminal trials.


“All of the videotapes of all depositions are gone,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee, told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show Thursday night.


Loudermilk said he believes under the House rules the videotapes qualified as congressional evidence because some clips were aired at hearings, and all the tapes should have been preserved by the now-defunct J6 committee and its chairman, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.


Thompson did not return a request for comment from Just the News left with his office.


“We found out about this early in the investigation when I received a call from someone who was looking for some information off one of the videotapes, and we started searching, and we had none,” Loudermilk explained. “I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them. And he confirmed that they did not preserve those types. He didn't feel that they had to.


“But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and information and documents that are used in an official proceeding, which they did, They (J6 Democrats) actually aired portions of these tapes on their televised hearings, which means they had to keep those. But yet he chose not to, I believe they exist somewhere. We've just got to find where all these videos are.”


The revelation also could have implications for criminal trials being conducted in state court in Georgia and federal court in Washington where former President Donald Trump and allies are charged with crimes related to the Jan. 6, 2021 events. Trump’s legal team recently was turned down by a judge when he requested certain evidence from the Jan. 6 committee.


Loudermilk also revealed another tantalizing twist in the J6 committee evidence: the Democrat-led House committee sent certain evidence such as transcripts to the Biden White House and Homeland Security Department and now the transcripts have been returned to Loudermilk’s GOP-led subcommittee nearly fully redacted so their contents can’t be read.


House Republicans have no records of who the witnesses were, what they said, or why it is being used by the federal prosecutor in their case against Trump, Loudermilk said.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:25 a.m. No.20009917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0251

FOI request reveals Bellingcat collusion with Western intelligence


An extraordinary email uncovered by a Dutch researcher under freedom of information laws confirms what many have long charged: Bellingcat, the “open source” collective widely cited by mainstream journalists and loved by the CIA, collaborates directly with Western intelligence agencies.

An email sent on November 12 2020 by an officer within Amsterdam’s National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) shows a Bellingcat investigation was intentionally shared with the agency prior to publication, so as to assist the Dutch spooks in shaping media strategies and messaging following its release. The revealing communication is irrefutable proof of the cozy relationship the self-styled “independent investigative collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists” enjoys with Western intelligence services.


In the message, marked “high importance,” the undisclosed author explained that Bellingcat would soon publish research amounting to a deeply libelous attack on independent journalists and researchers, who challenged the mainstream narrative surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. As such, the Dutch intelligence officer wrote, “it is probably smart to put together interdepartmental wording for this already”:


“Because the article highlights several sides (MH17 but also COVID19) it is probably wise to wait a while and see if; a. the mainstream media pick it up; b. from which angle the media pick up and highlight it (MH17 or COVID); c. from this angle to determine the wording and therefore which department is in the lead; d. coordinate the language as much as possible interdepartmentally.”

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:27 a.m. No.20009929   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hezbollah renewed attacks against the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from southern Lebanon on December 1, just hours after the temporary ceasefire in the Palestinian Gaza Strip ended.


In three separate statements, Hezbollah said that its fighters targeted gatherings of Israeli troops in the military sites of Jal Al-Alam, al-Marj and Ramya. The group also announced that al-Marj and Ramim barracks were shelled in two other statements.


Hezbollah noted in all five statements that the attacks were carried out “in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance.”


Hebrew media confirmed that Hezbollah had attacked several military sites along the Israeli-Lebanese border, but didn’t report any casualties.


The IDF responded to the attacks with violent air and artillery strikes on southern Lebanon. While the IDF alleged that the strikes hit targets of Hezbollah, Lebanese media reported that a civilian man and his elderly mother were killed by Israeli fire in the town of Houla.


Tensions have flared on the Israeli-Lebanese border after the outbreak of the war in Gaza on October 7, with Hezbollah and its allies launching dozens of attacks against the IDF.


Hezbollah paused operations against the IDF as a temporary ceasefire in Gaza entered into effect on November 24, despite not being a part of the agreement between Israel and the Hamas Movement. The group’s decision to renew attacks against the IDF was clearly the result of the Israeli refusal to extend the ceasefire in the Strip.


As of December 1, the clashes on the Lebanese front have claimed the lives of six IDF troops, three Israeli civilians, 84 fighters of Hezbollah, two fighters from the Lebanese Resistance Brigades, one fighter from the Lebanese Resistance Regiments, seven fighters from the Hamas Movement, four fighters from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and 14 Lebanese civilians.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.20009958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Times of Israel Writer Lays Out Why He And Other Israelis "Couldn't Care Less" About Dead Gazans, Want "War Without Mercy"

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.20009979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0251

Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in Israel


Disturbing footage shows a settler attacking a pregnant Palestinian mother on her way to dropping her kids to school in the city of Lod. The attacker stabs her multiple times and gets into a getaway car leaving her to bleed before her children’s eyes. She was reported dead shortly after.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.20010036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0128



If you’re not familiar with a little organization called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism,” don’t worry, most people have never heard of it. The group was formed at the height of the covid pandemic; as fear instilled by government officials and the media propagated the news feeds, the majority of the public was rather distracted. The CIC is essentially everything that conspiracy theorists have been warning about for years packaged into a single Orwellian entity, complete with dramatic piano music and a mask of humanitarian philanthropy.


The basic root function of the council is to centralize most or all major corporations (corporations with global influence) and join them with governments into a network that places ideology over profit motive. Some people might argue that corporations need to adopt a shared value system instead of simply roaming around like sharks devouring whatever they can sink their teeth into. But who gets to choose the set of values that corporate behemoths follow?


The CIC is a physical body representing the action arm of the ESG concept. It is meant to create incentives and punishments for the business world based on their compliance with the values of globalism and woke socialism, as well as their submission to the climate agenda. I have written about this issue extensively, but my article ‘What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order’ is probably the best overview of the group and their intentions.


The idea is simple: Bring the majority of corporations into line with the far-left political order. Once this is done, they will force those companies to use their platforms and public exposure to indoctrinate the masses. We have seen this strategy in action over the past several years, with many companies producing a steady stream of products, media content and marketing rife with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion propaganda, not to mention anti-west and anti-conservative propaganda.


These corporations have been so ingrained into the DEI and ESG format that many of them are willing to alienate the majority of their customers and lose vast profits. The last vestiges of free market economics are thus destroyed, because the profit motive has been replaced with a political motive.


Why would companies choose to join with such an organization if they are going to be constantly micromanaged in their operations? It my not be presented to them as a choice, but rather an inevitable requirement. Those who get in on the ground floor get the best seats at the cabal’s table; those who join late might be crushed under the weight of an oppressive socialist bureaucracy.


Then again, the choice could also be voluntary with the promise that corporate leaders will be given extensive governance roles after the “Great Reset” of capitalism which the World Economic Forum discusses so often.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.20010091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The transformation has happened so fast that I don't think people have yet grasped it:


The official definition of "antisemitism" before October 7, 2023 was "hating Jews for no reason."


The post-7/10 definition of "antisemitism" is "saying Jews should stop killing babies."

It's a really massive transformation.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.20010100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0133

Here are a few examples of Jewish behavior


Working to undermine and destroy the Christian religion

Controlling the news media and using it to undermine the United States

Controlling the entertainment media and using it to undermine family values and basic morals

Infiltrating the US government and using our foreign policy to push the agenda of the Jews, including sending Americans to many wars in the Middle East

Producing and distributing pornography

Pushing feminism as a way to undermine the family

Promoting and normalizing homosexuality

Pushing the tranny and child tranny agenda

Using the "civil rights movement" to promote racial strife

Pushing mass immigration with the explicit goal of making whites minorities in their own countries

Pushing mass censorship, not just of criticism of the Jews directly, but of all Jewish agendas

Pushing abortion

Pushing for gun control

Creating communism

Engaging in usury-oriented financial swindles through the Federal Reserve system and Wall Street

Engaging in widespread political corruption, including through AIPAC, which bribes politicians who pledge allegiance to Israel and destroys politicians who don't

The list obviously goes on.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 12:38 p.m. No.20010244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Brandon Williams, Who Voted to Expel Rep. Santos, Filmed Threatening his Former Campaign Manager at DC Charity Event: “You F*ck with my Family, I’ll End Every Relationship That You Have”


U.S. Representative Brandon Williams (R-NY) is embroiled in controversy following a recorded altercation with his former campaign manager at a Washington D.C. charity event.


The incident occurred at an annual holiday party organized by the BGR Group, a prominent lobbying firm. The event, held at a local museum, was attended by members of Congress, staffers, and lobbyists, Syracuse reported.


During the recorded confrontation, Williams can be seen in a tense face-off with Michael Gordon, who served as campaign manager during the congressman’s successful 2022 bid for the 22nd Congressional District seat.


Williams can be heard threatening Gordon, indicating a willingness to ruin Gordon’s relationships in response to alleged actions taken against the congressman’s family.


“… Just so you know I haven’t done anything. Everything. You f*ck with my family, I’ll end every relationship that you have! Every single friend! Do you understand me? You think I don’t know?” said Williams.


Williams appears to knock a cell phone from another former staff member, Ryan Sweeney, who was apparently recording the exchange.


According to Syracuse, the cell phone landed under a table, and the situation only ceased to heighten when Gordon chose to walk away.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 12:48 p.m. No.20010279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Pounds Southern Gaza As Officials Say 'Long War' Expected For A Year Or More


Update(1405ET): All hell has broken loose on the first day of renewed fighting in Gaza post-truce. A UNICEF spokesperson said of the Friday bombardment, "This nightmare for people today just somehow got so much worse." Already, Palestinian sources have said that over 100 have been killed in the last hours of IDF bombing of the Strip. Israeli media is reporting that at least 50 rockets have been launched from Gaza onto southern Israel.


The aerial campaign has even expanded to include the southern half of the Strip, after throughout the early phase of the conflict Gazans were told to abandon their homes in the north and flee south for safety:


Footage verified by Al Jazeera shows numerous plumes of smoke in the sky from Israeli army strikes on Khan Younis. …Khan Younis in southern Gaza is where thousands of Palestinians have fled from bombing farther north.


Earlier in the day, the Israeli army dropped leaflets on the city, instructing Palestinians there to flee farther south to Rafah.


The White House has said it supports Israel, and has blamed Hamas for the ceasefire's collapse. Israeli officials have explained that Hamas refused to release ten more women captives. Israel says "This violated the terms of the agreement, which specified that Hamas would first release all women and children being held in Gaza in exchange for Israel agreeing to a truce for as long as nine days."


Perhaps the biggest and most ominous development in terms of what the future holds is seen in Israeli officials' words to Financial Times. The Netanyahu is planning for a "long war" which could reach over the next year or more. FT writes in a new report:


Israel is planning a campaign against Hamas that will stretch for a year or more, with the most intensive phase of the ground offensive continuing into early 2024, according to several people familiar with the preparations. The multi-phase strategy envisages Israeli forces, who are garrisoned inside north Gaza, making an imminent push deep into the south of the besieged Palestinian enclave.


The goals include killing the three top Hamas leaders — Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Marwan Issa — while securing “a decisive” military victory against the group’s 24 battalions and underground tunnel network and destroying its “governing capability in Gaza”.


“This will be a very long war . . . We’re currently not near halfway to achieving our objectives,” said one person familiar with the Israeli war plans. Israel’s overall strategy for Gaza is flexible, with timing dictated by multiple “clocks”, including operational progress on the ground, international pressure and opportunities to free Israeli hostages, the people said.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.20010294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake


That’s right. Despite media, American intelligence, and even other Democrats acknowledging the authenticity of the laptop, Goldman is still spreading denials . . . at a hearing on the weaponization of disinformation policies.


Goldman has previously been criticized for making the case against President Joe Biden in disastrous efforts to discredit whistleblowers.


As in past hearings, the Democrats opposed witnesses who tried to detail the growing evidence of a government-directed censorship system. Members like Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) continued to deny that there was any evidence of such censorship after spending years opposing the investigation of the program. Even with thousands of pages of evidence and a federal judge finding an “Orwellian” censorship system, Plaskett and her colleagues simply denied that such evidence exists.


However, it was Goldman who stole the show in an exchange with journalist Michael Shellenberger. Shellenberger referenced the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election, a decision that Twitter and other companies now admit was wrong.


However, truth has never been a particularly appealing option for politicians, particularly when it must come with an acknowledgment of past culpability in spreading disinformation.


Recently, we discussed how Leon Panetta also doubled down recently on the claim that the laptop may still be Russian disinformation.


Goldman also opted for denial and distraction over honesty and transparency.


He told Shellenberger: “You’ve talked about the Hunter Biden laptop, and how the FBI knew it existed. You are aware, of course, that the laptop, so to speak, … that was published in the New York Post, was actually a hard drive that the New York Post admitted here was not authenticated as real…It was not the laptop the FBI had. You’re aware of that right?”


Shellenberger responded: “It was the same contents.”


Goldman shot back: “How do you know? You would have to authenticate it to know it was the same contents.”


Shellenger responded: “Are you suggesting the New York Post participated in a conspiracy to construct the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop?”


Goldman: “No, sir, the problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or Russia.”


Shellengberger: “But what’s the evidence that that happened?”


Goldman: “Well, there is actual evidence of it. But the point is, it’s not the same thing.”


Goldman then concluded with the bizarre claim that “I’m glad you agree with me, Mr. Shellenberger, that transparency is the most important thing.”


Goldman has yet to produce the “actual evidence” that the hard drives were changed by Giuliani or Russia.

Anonymous ID: f71779 Dec. 1, 2023, 1:10 p.m. No.20010353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0361

Truce Collapses, Missiles Fly Over Gaza, With 137 Israelis Still In Hamas Captivity


The Gaza truce has collapsed and Israel has resumed its bombing campaign of the Strip, following a full week of ceasefire and seven rounds of hostage/prisoner exchanges.


Qatar and Egypt were reportedly pressing to extend the temporary pause in fighting for another two days, but Israel was not satisfied with the list of captives offered. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been looking into Hamas claims that the two young Bibas brothers were killed. "Israeli military has informed Bibas family members it is assessing a Hamas claim that the youngest Israeli hostage, 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, his brother Ariel, 4, and their mother Shiri are no longer alive," CNN reports.


This grim and tragic revelation is likely what left Israel with less incentive to keep the ceasefire going, also as pressure has mounted from ultra-conservative circles within Netanyahu's own ruling coalition to take the fight back to Hamas, and to see through the vow of eliminating the terror group.


Another big factor was Thursday's terror attack involving a pair of Palestinian gunmen who unleashed M16 and pistol fire on a crowd waiting at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing three Israelis and injuring 16. Shortly after the attack, Hamas claimed responsibility.


It's likely that negotiators in Doha are still scrambling to get a ceasefire urgently back in place. After all, Israel says there are still 137 hostages in Hamas captivity, which also includes some Americans. In total 110 were returned home over the past week, with hundreds of Palestinian prisoners released as part of the swap. The Times of Israel details of those who remain captive:


Among those still in captivity after the end of the truce Friday are 115 men, 20 women and two children, government spokesperson Eylon Levy says. Ten of the hostages are 75 and older, he says. The majority, or 126, are Israeli and 11 are foreign nationals, including eight from Thailand.


Levy lists the youngest hostage, 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, his 4-year-old brother Ariel and their mother Shiri as among the hostages. The military has said it is investigating a Hamas claim that the boys and their mother were killed.


Dozens of Palestinians have been reported killed after airstrikes started again Friday morning…
