Classical education.
Reading, writing, math, science, gym
History, literature, learn an instrument, learn how to cook, clean and a trade.
That's it.
Classical education.
Reading, writing, math, science, gym
History, literature, learn an instrument, learn how to cook, clean and a trade.
That's it.
Teach kids how to think for themselves not how to feel.
How to Work, work together, take pride in a job well done, clean, cook a meal, play a tune, thereby makin them productive and well adjusted humans
He's fuxked
Dark to light, gray along the way.
To the light.
Victory is nigh.
Top shelf
Can we start a pool on what year or actually is?
I say it's @2200.
Be fun
Year it is.
What else is going on?
TheY can do shit, the programming is shit, just show em how life can be.
Love is the key, theY cannot love so showing the unfortunates what Love is will break the spell.
Easy peasy.
And free.
Lets go