Varsity Meatball?
Another Branch that needs to be fumigated.
The last thing people need to be subjected to now is fake space. Which brings me to this question. EM is a faggot so why has no one asked him about his fake roadster in fake space? Let's just make him a hero because he bought twitter?
The ZIO Israelis took advantage. Put him in headlock and made him come to Israel after his pro Palatine quote and now he says all Hamas must die.
Blackmail. They know everything about the EM life of fraud. Business as usual.
If you go back to prehistoric times or watch TMZ. You need to get out more.
Hole-in-one. That's impressive. It took me a few more seconds to find it.
Pardon me. Fake infinite space. Under the dome.
>but the qanons on the internets said saving israel for last though!!!
Ya. To take the beating they deserve.
Because I don't like your slut? 🤣
It is dense in here. Now we can give gravity to the morons.
You've shown a wide arrangement of boots. What boots did you wear to get to your self convinced victory? You're a faggot.
Now you're wrong 2x. Wanna keep going?
Blind in the Eyes Leads to Blind in the Mind.