Elon Musk grew up in the System.
Jesse Czebotar has said that he has recently switched over to the good side.
However, remember that the anti-Christ "is charismatic and is liked by all."
Elon Musk has in all prior years been known for vacillating between sides, so you couldn't pin him down politically or socially. When you don't take sides, nobody will dislike you for taking the side opposite yours.
He is now taking a side against the Woke corporations, so maybe Elon Musk has rejected the System.
However, a woman who said she babysat Elon Musk starting from when he was age 2 , said that his mother Maye Musk always called him Elyon, which in Hebrew means "God".
Elyon became Elon in public. which changes his name a lot because Eee-lon does not sound Jewish, while EL Y on does.
Every "richest man in the world" is designated and given daily attention by the Jewish owned MSM.
Bill Gates - crypto Jew. His mother is a Maxwell, related to Mossad spy Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell, bestie of Jeffrey Epstein.
Mark Zuckerberg - ย Jewish, whose real parentage is unknown. He said that he chose his fake name "Zuckerberg".
Ben Fulford said that his Mossad sources told him that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller.
Mark Zuckerberg couldn't get any fans due to his wooden face and cold blank personality, so all the attention given to him daily did not make him a star.
So next:
Jeff Bezos - mother is Jewish which makes him a Jew. unknown father but after his Jewish mother was shown, there was a strange article about Jeff Bezos meeting his "Scandinavian father where they shook hands." but there wasn't a single photo of this anywhere.
Jeff Bezos also has no personality and that weird bulging left eye makes him look freakish, so they gave him a hot younger wife, but still he has no charisma so even the daily MSM attention did not make the sheeple like him.
So now the Title of "World's Richest Man" is passed on to Elon Musk.
His every Twat is gobbled up by his fans, and yet his background is just as murky as the others on this List.
Ben Fulford said that MI6 and Mossad told him that Elon Musk's real father is Werner Von Braun.
I remember those photos of Elon Musk having a private cozy lunch with then President Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. those were in the Solyndra days and Elon Musk got billions from Hussein's Green Energy Agenda.
The favored position of the "Richest Man in the World" is carefully curated by the System.