Anonymous ID: 3b13d2 Dec. 1, 2023, 7:24 p.m. No.20012092   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2116 >>2182 >>2292 >>2395 >>2400 >>2479 >>2657 >>2708 >>2784

Hollywood Reprobates Attend MOCA Spirit Cooking Gala


Dec 1, 2023


Large contingents of Hollywood stars and cognoscenti regularly attend what is called the MOCA Gala, a fundraiser for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. From the website here is what the tickets ran.


Individual tickets to this years MOCA Gala range from $2,500 to $10,000.


The MOCA dinner, as shown in the next two photos, consisted of cheese pizza, noodles and two walnuts.


Here is a representative table โ€œartโ€ display. They are using a live nude โ€œmodelโ€ and skeleton ensemble.


At one point, none other thanMarina Abramovitz of Spirit Cooking fame entered the gala for her cutting ritual. Here are Marina and her sidekick starting at it.

Here the cutting ritual continues to the ohs and ahs of the degenerate death cult crowd. Marina stands on the left as red-dress lady holds up a severed heart.

The next photo shows the remains after dessert has been passed out to the Luciferians. Ultimately the severed head is dumped into a plastic trash bag.


Photos in article at link:



Anonymous ID: 3b13d2 Dec. 1, 2023, 8:10 p.m. No.20012312   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2357

Israeli Children Sing: "We Will Annihilate Everyone" in Gaza


Titled: The Friendship Song 2023

Israeli Jewish children sing :


"We are the children of the victory generation."

"Autumn night falls over the beach in Gaza, planes are bombing, destruction, destruction." (with footage of IDF planes bombing Gaza buildings)


"Look the IDF are crossing the line, to annihilate the swastika-bearers."


"In another year, there will be nothing there."


"Within a year, we will annihilate everyone."


"Love sanctified by blood."

"One people. The people of forever evermore."


"We will show the world how today we destroy our enemy."


* Song ends at 5:06. Video is 8:59 minutes because of commentary by Jimmy Dore.

Song & Video Created by Israeli Public Relation Firm Rosenbaum Communication.ย 


A music video first aired by Israeli broadcaster Kan was deleted from its original source this week following widespread backlash over its implications.

Israel's national broadcaster Kan uploaded this song to X (formerly Twitter) in which Israeli children sing in celebration and support for the Israeli army's mass extermination campaign of Palestinians in Gaza.





Anonymous ID: 3b13d2 Dec. 1, 2023, 8:21 p.m. No.20012375   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The complete execution of every member of the Jewish Banking Cartel and all their minions who own every industry and run every ZOG government on the planet,

with the exception of a handful of countries who do not have a Jewish Central Bank โ€ฆ. like Iran, Syria, Russia and Libya. (which is why our Jewish controlled State Dept. sends American (mostly White Christian) soldiers to invade those countries, to shed blood and die to benefit Jews and Israel.

Anonymous ID: 3b13d2 Dec. 1, 2023, 9:04 p.m. No.20012532   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Elon Musk grew up in the System.


Jesse Czebotar has said that he has recently switched over to the good side.


However, remember that the anti-Christ "is charismatic and is liked by all."


Elon Musk has in all prior years been known for vacillating between sides, so you couldn't pin him down politically or socially. When you don't take sides, nobody will dislike you for taking the side opposite yours.


He is now taking a side against the Woke corporations, so maybe Elon Musk has rejected the System.

However, a woman who said she babysat Elon Musk starting from when he was age 2 , said that his mother Maye Musk always called him Elyon, which in Hebrew means "God".


Elyon became Elon in public. which changes his name a lot because Eee-lon does not sound Jewish, while EL Y on does.


Every "richest man in the world" is designated and given daily attention by the Jewish owned MSM.


Bill Gates - crypto Jew. His mother is a Maxwell, related to Mossad spy Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell, bestie of Jeffrey Epstein.


Mark Zuckerberg - ย Jewish, whose real parentage is unknown. He said that he chose his fake name "Zuckerberg".

Ben Fulford said that his Mossad sources told him that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller.

Mark Zuckerberg couldn't get any fans due to his wooden face and cold blank personality, so all the attention given to him daily did not make him a star.


So next:


Jeff Bezos - mother is Jewish which makes him a Jew. unknown father but after his Jewish mother was shown, there was a strange article about Jeff Bezos meeting his "Scandinavian father where they shook hands." but there wasn't a single photo of this anywhere.

Jeff Bezos also has no personality and that weird bulging left eye makes him look freakish, so they gave him a hot younger wife, but still he has no charisma so even the daily MSM attention did not make the sheeple like him.


So now the Title of "World's Richest Man" is passed on to Elon Musk.

His every Twat is gobbled up by his fans, and yet his background is just as murky as the others on this List.

Ben Fulford said that MI6 and Mossad told him that Elon Musk's real father is Werner Von Braun.


I remember those photos of Elon Musk having a private cozy lunch with then President Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. those were in the Solyndra days and Elon Musk got billions from Hussein's Green Energy Agenda.


The favored position of the "Richest Man in the World" is carefully curated by the System.


Anonymous ID: 3b13d2 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:48 p.m. No.20012749   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Zalusny-Moscow Talks on Ukraine's Surrender Terms


V. Zelensky is out of negotiations.


The Ukrainian A/GETHA, Valery Zaluzny, started talks with his Russian counterpart, V. Gerasimov, on the terms of Ukraine's surrender, US sources say.


Zaluzny tries to save Ukraine seeing that the country is on the brink of destruction.


Bombshell revelation: Zaluzny began Secret Talks with Gerasimov.


A shocking revelation comes to give a new dimension to the developments on the Ukrainian front by the Pulitzer Prize-winning, American journalist-researcher Seymour Hersh.


The veteran American researcher with his article in Substack, entitled "General to General", (General to General) claims that the Ukrainian commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzny is secretly negotiating with his Russian counterpart Valery Gerasimov, a ceasefire and a possible peace on the terms of Moscow, having sidelined Zelensky.


According to Hersh, serious peace talks between Russia and Ukraine at the level of military leaders "have gained rapid momentum while developments have overtaken US President Joe Biden's destructive foreign policy team."


โ€œEverybody in Europe is talking about this โ€“ the peace talks โ€“ an American businessman who spent years dealing with high-level Ukrainian diplomatic and military issues in the government told me earlier this week.

But there are many questions between a ceasefire and a settlement ," Hersh notes.


The American researcher even cites experienced journalist Anatol Liven, who confirms that the situation on the battlefield is dramatic for Kiev , "so negotiations for a peace settlement are becoming more and more necessary for Ukraine."


The driving force behind these talks is not Washington or Moscow but the two senior generals leading the military operations, Russia's Valery Gerasimov and Ukraine's V. Zaluzny.

