Anonymous ID: 4d8c41 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:53 p.m. No.20012758   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Walmart Joins List of Companies that Withdraws Advertising from Twitter – Looming Collapse of Platform Evident




I believe the demise of Twitter was essentially determined long ago. Musk stepped into a scenario that was tenuous at best, and the government control of the platform was always the fulcrum issue. Musk’s prior intent with the platform may be up for debate; however, against his recent remarks, I would argue Musk is presenting the potential collapse of the platform as a martyr scenario.


Musk said recently the platform may collapse without advertisers, but he will not acquiesce to corporate blackmail. Sounds great, but keep in mind that Musk has known about the fulfillment of the DOJ search warrant for user data since January of this year; we only recently discovered it. Put that background reality into the overlay of your opinion, given the year of comments about users shared by Musk, and the known lack of platform privacy.


Musk knew as an outcome of the platform fulfillment of the court order, the release of all user metadata who supported, followed, liked, or shared the tweets of Donald Trump, that the government created the “his kind” list earlier this year. Yet, he never discussed the issue of compromised privacy throughout his commentary; he did exactly the opposite while assuring people the platform would protect users. [Ex. How did the encrypted DM promise work out?]


Now Musk positions himself as the martyr, the victim of leftist targeting…. and his hired CEO Linda Yaccarino is doing the same thing. What better way to guide the platform into a controlled collapse than to be a martyred hero as the Twitter platform potentially disappears.

