Anonymous ID: 678be7 Dec. 1, 2023, 9:43 p.m. No.20012659   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2663 >>2679


>Mind Control: The Ultimate Terror. Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Sex Slave. by Brice Taylor


Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Sex Slave: Mind Control: The Ultimate Terror

by Brice Taylor


Brice Taylor is a valiant survivor of trauma-based mind control. Having endured a lifetime of high-tech slavery, she's written an extraordinary book, an autobiography which documents in stunning detail her abuse at the hands of celebrity perps like Bob Hope, Henry Kissinger, and many others.


"What most of you have not been allowed to know is that years ago, at the outset of the Cold War, permission was given to a hidden group of so-called 'professionals and leaders' to experiment on the unsuspecting American populace in an effort to further a variety of advanced technology," writes Taylor in Thanks for the Memories.


"The technology gleaned by the American leaders, medical professionals and scientists was and still is in the form of bio-electromagnetic frequency medicine, genetic engineering, mind control, brain research, near-death experimentation, paranormal/psychic experimentation, remote viewing, time and space travel and other advanced research that make our everyday human understanding look antiquated."


Brice Taylor has suffered from man-made artificially-induced Multiple Personality Disorder, also called Dissociative Identity Disorder. This trauma-based conditioning technique can produce many discrete "personalities" inside a single person. These personalities'can then be programmed like a computer to perform specific tasks, as either sex slave-prostitutes, couriers, or 'mind-files," accessible only to the person who knows the special "codes" that will access the 'program."


Many years of therapy, healing and reconstruction of her own life's memories obscured by ritual abuse and mind control programming have allowed Brice Taylor to tell her horrific life story.


"What you read [in this book] is a glimpse into the events as experienced through the eyes of the programmed personalities who endured this abuse," she writes in the introduction. "Much of the following information has been copied, often verbatim, from my private journals. Over the years, daily, I painstakingly documented my memories, in an attempt to deal with and sort out the often vivid, though confusing, memory flashbacks I had. What I remembered was so far from the reality I thought I had lived, that it was deeply disturbing."


And how did she write the book? Her memoirs are a 'composite of years of memory work describing the details and information as [she] worked to untangle the knot. " Having been programmed to have a perfect photographic memory greatly aided me toward this enhanced, often meticulously detailed account," she continues.


"The training my controllers gave me backfired on them," writes Taylor. "Once my secret life began leaking into my conscious mind, I experienced so many intrusive flashbacks not only in my mind but also in my body, that it forced me to recall these experiences in extensive detail to the point that it disrupted my everyday functioningโ€ฆ so much so that I was forced to leave my master's degree program in graduate school and enroll in daily therapy."


"In an attempt to understand and contain all the information that came flooding back into my mind, I was compelled for years to write out each and every memory the way I saw it in my mind's eye, and heard, smelled and felt it in my body, so I could attempt to maintain some semblance of my own personal reality."


"This information chronicled in my journals over the last 14 years, beginning in 1985, create a way for me to report to you what happened to me."

Anonymous ID: 678be7 Dec. 1, 2023, 10:30 p.m. No.20012735   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2751 >>2784


>Sunlight kills



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