So behind every rabbit hole I dive into, whether it's fake news, fake Holocaust, the bankers, Hollywood, communists, deep state, elite bloodlines, and more, it's literally always the Jews. Well it's a group calling themselves Jews, but they are predominantly eastern European by DNA. Seems these white Aryan Jews are always involved with claims of Atlantis or the tribes of Israel, like Robert Sepehr's work for example. Even all this galactic federation shit which has permeated our pop culture as well for many decades, was name dropped by a top Israeli a few years back. All the corrupt elites support Zionism and white Jews very intensely. Epstein, Weinstein, all these Finklesteins are getting annoying to be honest. So they're warring with eachother as well at the top? Different bloodlines fighting eachother while consolidating world power? Ukraine and Russia, Israel, all relevant to these white fake Jews. Israel is occupied by Aryan fake Jew Nazis or some shit? Argentina has this new Jew loving dude who wants to concert. Trump is King Jew too, but also blond haired and blue eyed. What's the deal? Someone break this shit down in simple layman's terms, if you can. You faggots will just ignore and insult, rather than break it down simply because you don't have a damn clue either, do you?