Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.20014613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4619 >>4989 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309

Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War


"Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being attacked."


Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed the Gospel to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave.


A statement on the IDF website says the Israeli military is using the Gospel to “produce targets at a fast pace.” It continues, “Through the rapid and automatic extraction of intelligence,” the Gospel produced targeting recommendations for its researchers “with the goal of a complete match between the recommendation of the machine and the identification carried out by a person.”


Aviv Kochavi, former head of the IDF, said the system was first used in the May 2021 bombing campaign in Gaza. “To put that into perspective, in the past we would produce 50 targets in Gaza per year,” he said. “Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being attacked.”


The IDF does not disclose what it inputs into the Gospel for the program to produce a list of targets.


Thursday, the Israeli outlet +972 Magazine reported Tel Aviv was using AI to pick targets in Gaza. A former Israeli official told the +972 that the Gospel was being used as a “mass assassination factory.” The program is selecting the home of suspected low-level Hamas members for destruction. Sources told the outlet that strikes on homes can kill numerous civilians.


One source was critical of the Gospel. “I remember thinking that it was like if [Palestinian militants] would bomb all the private residences of our families when [Israeli soldiers] go back to sleep at home on the weekend,” they said.


On Friday, the Guardian expanded on the +972 article by reporting that the Gospel plays a central role in the Gaza military operations.


A former senior Israeli military source told the Guardian that operatives use a “very accurate” calculation of the number or rate of civilians fleeing a building before an impending strike. However, other experts disputed that assertion. A lawyer who advises governments on AI and compliance with humanitarian law told the outlet there was “little empirical evidence” to support the claim.


During the nearly two-month-long conflict, Israel has hit over 15,000 targets. According to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tonnes of explosives on the Gaza Strip. The IDF reports that it has only killed between 1,000 and 2,000 suspected Hamas members. At the same time, at least 15,000 civilians have been killed, including 6,000 children.


Richard Moyes, a researcher who heads Article 36, said the images of Gaza prove the Israeli bombing of Gaza has not focused on accuracy. “Look at the physical landscape of Gaza,” he explained. “We’re seeing the widespread flattening of an urban area with heavy explosive weapons, so to claim there’s precision and narrowness of force being exerted is not borne out by the facts.”


This week, the BBC reviewed drone and satellite images of Gaza and determined that over 100,000 buildings have sustained damage.


Israeli sources speaking with +972 also disputed the claim that the IDF has attempted to avoid civilian casualties. A senior intelligence officer told his officers after October 7 that the goal was to “kill as many Hamas operatives as possible,” for which the criteria around harming Palestinian civilians were significantly relaxed, the outlet reported.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.20014740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4989 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309

Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State's Votes


Florida Democrats have decided they just don’t need to hold a presidential primary this year, automatically awarding President Joe Biden the state’s 250 delegates.


Thursday marked the deadline for Florida Democrats and Republicans to submit their lists of approved candidates for their receptive primaries. According to Politico, Biden was the only name on the list for his party despite other candidates running against him.


Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN.) took to social media to express his fury with the Democratic Party, vowing to challenge “this absolute nonsense.”


“What happened in Florida yesterday is a tragedy and a travesty. The Florida Democratic Party – just a handful of people – decided to disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters in Florida by saying, ‘We’re not gonna have a presidential primary,’” Phillips said in a video. “I’m running for president; there are others running for President as Democrats, and this is the kind of stuff that happens in Tehran, not in Tallahassee. We’ve got to do something about this.”


In other words, the Left is determined not to let the 4.4 million Florida Democrats have a say in the party’s 2024 nominee.


Phillips called his party’s actions a “blatant act of electoral corruption,” demanding Biden to “condemn and immediately address” it.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.20014763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4817 >>4989 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309

Israel Recalls Ambassador After Spanish PM Accuses IDF of Breaking Humanitarian Law


Israel has gone from declaring war on Gaza to declaring war on the whole world.


I’m sure it’s going to work out very well for them.


The Israeli government has recalled its ambassador in Madrid and said it will be reprimanding Spain’s top diplomat in Tel Aviv after the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, said he had “genuine doubts” about whether Israel was complying with international humanitarian law in its offensive in Gaza.


Sánchez’s latest remarks came a week after he caused a diplomatic spat by using a visit to Israel to urge it to rethink its operations in Gaza, claiming its response to Hamas’s atrocities on 7 October could not “imply the deaths of innocent civilians, including thousands of children”.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.20014794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4989 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309

Actress Julianna Margulies is slammed for saying all Palestine supporters have been 'brainwashed to hate Jews' and that Black and LGBT people are 'lower than the Jews' and need to do more to support Israel


Julianna Margulies made a series of offensive remarks on a podcast last month

The Good Wife star, who is Jewish, claimed Palestine supporters are supporting 'terrorists who don't want women to have rights'

She claimed Black and queer people supporting Palestine are 'lower than the Jews' as she fumed over their 'lack of support' for Israel

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.20014814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zion Keeps Saying Palestine Didn't Exist Before It Was Occupied - This Is A Huge Lie - Here Are Pages About Palestine From A 1929 Encyclopedia


This Is A Huge Lie - Here Are Pages About Palestine From A 1929 Encyclopedia

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.20014824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4827 >>4857 >>4926 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309

US Reportedly Shipped 100 BLU-109 Bunker Buster Bombs to Help Israel Fight Hamas


The United States has delivered 100 units of 2,000-pound BLU-109 bunker buster bombs among thousands of other ammunition and weapons systems to Israel in the war against the Palestinian movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip, US media reported on Friday.


Among the nearly 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells delivered to the Israeli military following Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, the United States has also transferred 100 BLU-109 bunker buster bombs, media reported, citing US officials.


The BLU-109 bomb, created to cause maximum damage, carries a 2,000-pound warhead capable of penetrating concrete shelters, it was reported. Israel could use such bunker buster bombs to penetrate Hamas’ vast network of underground tunnels and installations.


However, several security analysts have pointed out that the delivery of such bombs to Israel is inconsistent with the calls made by senior US officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to protect civilians and minimize human loss of life.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.20014851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309



This is the introductory episode for a series on Child Abduction, trafficking and judicial kidnap. Thousands of children are being removed from good parents across Australia. In the series we will try join the dots across the child protection industry and what is happening across the world. (A not on using Sophie's Choice: We will discuss the Holly wood elite in later videos.)


2 -


• Child Abduction Video 2 – Intersecti…

3 -


• Child Abduction Video 3 – Trashing a…

4 -


• Child Abduction Video 4: Cycle of "Co…

5 -


• Child Abduction Video 5: Sacred Bonds…

6 -


• Video

7 -


• Child Abduction Video 6: Maggie Woodh…

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.20014933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4944 >>4952 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5320

LEAKED Audio–ADL chief Jon Greenblatt says its no longer Left vs Right on Israel, it's old versus young.


Polling shows Israel has totally lost the sympathy of Millennials and Gen Z.


ADL is SPYING On Pro Palestine Orgs

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.20014968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5320

Romanian Prosecutors Request Criminal Inquiry into Former PM's Billion Dollar Spend on Unused Pfizer Vaccines


Governments worldwide have disbursed substantial sums, amounting to tens of billions of dollars, to pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer for COVID-19 vaccines that will remain unused due to insufficient demand.

In a recent development, the Romanian Senate has granted permission for prosecutors to scrutinize Florin Citu, who served as Romania’s prime minister in 2021, for allocating $1.1 billion towards the purchase of 53 million mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer. Remarkably, these acquired vaccines were never used in Romania.


Florin Citu, is presently a senator within the ruling Liberal Party, a role that ordinarily grants him immunity from prosecution. However, on Thursday, anti-corruption prosecutors in Romania formally requested parliament and the president to authorise a criminal inquiry into the actions of the former Prime Minister and also of his former health ministers.


Florin Citu led a centrist coalition government after the December 2020 general election, which was in power for less than a year amid the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, with Vlad Voiculescu and Ioana Mihaila, who were both members of the junior party USR and served as health ministers in his administration.


Abuse of Power

The investigation centers on suspected abuse of office related to the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. The prosecutors aim to scrutinize Citu, Voiculescu, and Mihaila for allegedly acquiring an excessive number of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine doses between January and May 2021 without proper documentation or assessments justifying the scale of the purchase, but Florin Citu has emphasised that he exercised his duties as prime minister “in accordance with Romanian legislation.”


Under Romanian law, prosecutors need parliament’s and the president’s approval to investigate and detain sitting lawmakers and former cabinet ministers for graft offences allegedly committed while they were in office, according to Reuters, who add that “Lawmakers have a patchy record of approving such requests, but Citu has been a vocal critic of the current coalition government which includes his party, ahead of local, European, general and presidential elections in 2024.”


Unfortunately for Citu, but rightly so, the Senate voted 90-2 to lift that immunity to enable the investigation to move forward, Romanian news outlets reported. Source All three may be charged with “abuse of power” (also translated as “abuse of office”), prosecutors have said.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.20014993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Young Jews spend countless hours preparing for their Bar Mitzvah, which consists of memorizing long chants and proper cadence and tone. Most who complete the Bar Mitzvah will not be able to translate more than a handful of words. These young men and women have no idea what they are saying or to whom they are praying. Jews are invoking demons named adonai, elohim, el shaddai, zeba'ot, diyenu (Diana) et al in their rituals.


Vain repetitions and head-bobbing during Jewish prayers aid the entrance into a trance state. Large numbers of atheistic Jews engage in the pseudo-religious worship of status and knowledge.


As Bill Cooper writes, "The WORSHIP (a lot different from STUDY) of knowledge, science, or technology is Satanism in its purest form, and its god is Lucifer" ("Behold A Pale Horse," 70). Judaism fills its members with the same Satanic powers as the Church of Satan and Freemasonry.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.20014999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5006 >>5019 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5320

"Nano Graphene Oxide is a GENETIC AND VASCULAR HACKSAW especially when the particular size is sub 2 micron.


Nano Aluminum Oxide is powdered Alzheimer's… regardless of size, smaller is worse obvious because it penetrates bloodbrain, bloodreproductive, and even intracellular membranes.


When either are inhaled, ingested, and or injected… they start destroying the immune system, the organs, the blood, and the central nervous system.


Governments have been lacing the air, water, food, and "medicine" with these substances.


Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.20015047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5063

Two UT teaching assistants dismissed after sending 'unacceptable' post to students about Israel-Gaza war


Two teaching assistants in the Department of Social Work at the University of Texas have reportedly been dismissed from their posts after using the UT message board system to send a message to students about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.


KXAN reported that while the teaching assistants said the message was meant to provide mental health resources to Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian students at the university, Jewish students were apparently excluded from the resources.


In a letter published on November 22, Allan Cole, Dean of the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at UT, said that material provided "was unrelated to the course and inappropriate given the setting," adding that it was "unacceptable."


The situation started after one of the teaching assistants, Callie Kennedy, was apparently approached by a student who asked if the class addressed the mental health needs of Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian students. Kennedy then decided to meet with a second teaching assistant, Parham Daghighi, who wrote the message after it was approved by their supervising professor, according to Dallas News.


"As Women & Madness is a class that is heavily oriented around mental health, we wanted to send a message to acknowledge the mental health implications of the current escalation of violence in Gaza," the letter said.


"As your teaching assistants, we feel it is important to be clear that we do not support the University's silence around the suffering many of our students, staff, and faculty are experiencing on campus."


"For example, there was harassment of students at the Palestinian Solidarity Committee teach-in last month. Such discrimination perpetuates harm," the letter continued.


"Several students have come to us to share about the conflict and how it’s impacting them - we appreciate your honoring us with your stories. In an effort to lift up the request for support from students, we’ve curated some resources below. If you are familiar with other resources you would like to share, please feel free to send them our way and we will share them with the group at large."


Kennedy attempted to justify the letter by saying "[w]e were responding to a gap and willful neglect on the part of our university to meet the student’s needs and fulfilling my duty as a teaching assistant to respond to the needs of my students and support them.”


However, the letter did not appear to offer any resources or assistance to Jewish students who have also been impacted by the conflict in the Middle East.


“[This] was also something that I needed to do as a social work student in order to abide by the National Association of Social Workers code of ethics," Kennedy said.


Around a week after the letter was sent to students, Cole sent the two teaching assistants the dismissal letter. Kennedy claimed that the two teaching assistants were not provided the opportunity to give their view on the situation.


“I’m feeling shocked and distressed,” Kennedy said. “We’re seeing growing incidents of harassment, retaliation, doxing, firing of students and faculty across institutions of higher education across the country. I’m really feeling disheartened by the fact that when it comes to Palestine, it seems like free speech doesn’t apply. And that’s an injustice."


However, Kennedy failed to address the growing number of anti-Semitic rhetoric and incidents that have cropped up since Hamas' surprise attack against Israel, which resulted in the slaughter of 1,200 people.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.20015133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5169 >>5257 >>5301 >>5320

New Canal Between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea will Cross Israel/Palestine?


Does Israel want to build an alternative to Suez?


Behind the official and declared causes of Israel invasion of Gaza’s Strip as a military action by the IDF aimed at fighting Hamas terrorism and expelling the Palestinian population there may be at least three much more concrete motivations.

The first of these motivations is of a political nature, i.e. the expulsion of the Palestinian population from the Gaza Strip, and is instrumental to the realization of the other two of very important economic reasons.

The second is the one I talked about in my previous article on VT entitled: ”Israeli Rogue Intentions Towards Gaza’s Gas Fields Behind the Official and Declared Causes of Invading Gaza’s Strip” and which I attach at the bottom of this article.

The third is equally of economic nature and consists of a very grandiose project of geoengineering transformation of Israel’s natural landscape.

It is divided into a series of projects which can be alternative but also susceptible of integration and completion between them.

Evidently also as a consequence of the amount of financial resources that their fund raising will be able to take on the financial markets after their disclosure.

In simple terms it is the opening of a very long big canal that could connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Dead Sea as an alternative to the opening of an other canal that could connect the Red Sea to the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea which in these projects would take on a central role as a logistics hub for maritime transport in central Israel.

As an alternative to these projects of opening of very long and large canals intended for maritime navigation which bypasses circumnavigation of Africa, two other projects are possible for the eventual exploitation of hydroelectric energy flowing from the Mediterranean Sea and/or from the Red Sea towards the Dead Sea through underground tunnels.

The maximum project that could connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea could be integrated and combined with the great Saudi project of the gigantic construction of the mega city of Neom overlooking the Gulf of Aqaba.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.20015174   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watchdog To Probe FBI Headquarters Selection Process Amid Claims Of Political Bias


The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the General Services Administration (GSA) will investigate whether politics influenced the agency’s selection process for the location of the FBI's new headquarters.


The GSA announced on Nov. 9 that it had chosen Greenbelt, Maryland, over two other potential locations.


The move sparked concern about a “political conflict of interest” from FBI Director Christopher Wray, who wrote in an internal email obtained by The Associated Press that the choice was made after a GSA executive overruled a board to pick land owned by a former employer.


As one of the other sites in contention was in Springfield, Virginia, that news angered Virginia’s congressional delegation and Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who claimed the process had been “tainted” by politics.


“We are deeply disturbed to learn that a political appointee at the General Services Administration overruled the unanimous recommendation of a three-person panel comprised of career experts from the GSA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, concluding that Springfield, Virginia, is the site best suited for the new FBI headquarters,” the officials said in a joint statement.


“We have repeatedly condemned political interference in the independent, agency-run site selection process for a new FBI headquarters. Any fair weighing of the criteria points to a selection of Virginia. It is clear that this process has been irrevocably undermined and tainted, and this decision must now be reversed.”


Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) raised those concerns in a Nov. 15 letter to the GSA’s Acting Inspector General Robert Erickson. On Nov. 30, he received a reply confirming that an investigation would be launched.


“My office is initiating an evaluation of GSA’s selection of the site,” Mr. Erickson wrote. “Our objective will be to assess the agency’s process and procedures for the site selection to relocate the FBI Headquarters. We intend to begin this work immediately and will share with you and the relevant committees a copy of any report which may result from this evaluation.”


Technically independent, the GSA OIG is a watchdog dedicated to investigating internal matters at the GSA.

Anonymous ID: 1f73b4 Dec. 2, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.20015192   🗄️.is 🔗kun



World Island


"The whole world in a clover leaf, which is the crest of the city of Hannover, my beloved fatherland." This caption was given by Heinrich Bünting, native of that city, to one of his allegorical maps. The three continents of the Old World are shown well-divided by the seas, but connected by Jerusalem as the hub of the world because of its religious importance, especially at the time of the European wars of the Reformation. The blue ocean is titled "The Great Mediterranean Sea of the World"; only the Red Sea is colored red and shown separately.