Anonymous ID: 7c2c24 Dec. 2, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.20014606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624 >>4635 >>4639 >>4784

@AndTartary and antiquity


All as bequeathed by the WEF Artificial Children Scientists have created an AI-powered robot baby. The robot is a complete simulation of a real baby. Thanks to AI, the robot can cry when it wants to eat, fall asleep from rocking, and so on. The robot is powered by an outlet.



What is the fucking point?These people or creatures need to move on to their final resting place, Hell!

Anonymous ID: 7c2c24 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.20014818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4885 >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309

Seriously if Jim Jordan buys the BSthat big tech and social media were coerced by the Bidan Admin, he’s more naive than I thought.

This is a Jordan clean up job because he is funded by Google, FB and other Tech Companies? He’s using the Judiciary Committee to defend them, exactly what they expect by funding his PAC


Rep. Jim Jordan


To appease the Biden White House, Big Tech gave into the federal government’s relentless pressure campaign to censor Americans’ speech, including true information.

YouTube capitulated first; Facebook caved next.Thread:

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Praised YouTube’s Censorship, Used It To Pressure Facebook To Intensify…

2:26 PM · Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

.@JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization obtained internal Google & Facebook docs revealing which Big Tech companies buckled first under pressure from the Biden White House to censor Americans’ posts,including true statements, jokes, memes, and opinions.


Rep. Jim Jordan

And once YouTube (Google) relented to censoring more content, the Biden White House used that as leverage to further increase the pressure on Facebook to do the same.

2:26 PM · Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

Remember how the Biden White House was “outraged” that Facebook didn’t censor a meme?


Rep. Jim Jordan

What did the Biden White House want removed?

A meme.

That’s right, even memes weren’t spared from the Biden White House’s censorship efforts.


Rep. Jim Jordan

In that same April 2021 “hour long call,” Biden White House Senior Advisor Andy Slavitt warned Nick Clegg, Facebook’s President for Global Affairs, that “YT has made significant advances to remove content leading to vaccine hesitancy whilst [Facebook has] lagged behind.”

2:26 PM · Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

That’s right. The Biden Admin praised Google for censoring Americans while criticizing Facebook.

In an internal Facebook email obtained by @JudiciaryGOP & @Weaponization, Clegg described his call with the Biden White House regarding censorship.


Rep. Jim Jordan

The email reveals that Nick Clegg—former UK Deputy Prime Minister—tried to reason with the Biden White House that, under America’s First Amendment, “removing content like that would represent a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression in the US.”

2:26 PM · Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

But the Biden White House was unmoved, and the response to Facebook was clear: you need to be like Google and YouTube and censor more.


Rep. Jim Jordan

In response to the White House’s demands, Clegg asked

his colleagues at Facebook to check whether the content is available

on YouTube because the White House’s “assumption is that [YouTube]

would never accept something like this.”

(This is utter bullshit, Clegg is playing a roll as an adversary of limiting free speech, when Youtube does nothing than censor free speech. I think this email chain was set up as plausible deniability)

2:26 PM · Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

But why did Facebook and Google/YouTube relent to the White House’s pressure?

Because the companies had other policy priorities that they feared the White House could use as leverage against them.

Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

Facebook executives warned that they had “bigger fish to fry.”

2:26 PM · Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

Meanwhile, the Google/YouTube Gov’t Affairs team cautioned that they were“seek[ing] to work closely with [the Biden] administration on multiple policy fronts.”


Rep. Jim Jordan

And so the gatekeepers of the modern town square relented—they censored Americans’ true speech and even jokes—all to appease the censors in the Biden White House.

2:26 PM · Dec 1, 2023


Rep. Jim Jordan

While the Biden @WhiteHouse is trying to obstruct our investigation and hide its role in censoring Americans, the investigation by the @JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization continues to make progress.


Rep. Jim Jordan

Yesterday, we issued deposition subpoenas to two senior Biden White House officials, Rob Flaherty and Andy Slavitt, who were central to communicating the Biden White House’s censorship demands.

Anonymous ID: 7c2c24 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.20014875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5320

Harnwell: Putin orders 10% increase in troops as Zelensky blinks and pivots from offence to defence




President Zelensky’s shock pivot from offence to defence reveals the catastrophic implosion of Ukraine’s military capabilities. The order to divert scarce — and diminishing — resources to fortifying Kiev’s defences indicates they know the game is effectively up.

President Putin meanwhile pivots from “denazification” as his rationale for the war — which was for domestic consumption; to “opposing NATO expansion” — which is for the foreign audience. This suggests Putin is preparing the international community for a “mediated ceasefire” — on his terms.






Anonymous ID: 7c2c24 Dec. 2, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.20014932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5102 >>5257 >>5301 >>5309

Faddis: Venezuela Prepares To Tear Off Two-Thirds Of A Neighboring Country Over Natural Resources. Guyana. President Xi approved when Madura went to China. Natural Resources being snapped up all over the globe by China, with tremendous help from Bidan; who just lifted sanctions on Venezuela



Anonymous ID: 7c2c24 Dec. 2, 2023, 12:53 p.m. No.20015268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That’s thing, you know he knows stuff, because they are misused the election funds. I think they made a big mistake there. Every member is vulnerable now, both sides


Remember Madison Cawthorne, disabled and lost his re-election when reps released dirt of his private life because they didn’t like him supporting Trump and reading from the bible, and he happened to tell he was invited to orgy parties in DC with lots of house members etc involved