Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.20015077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5102

Zalusny-Moscow Talks on Ukraine's Surrender Terms


V. Zelensky is out of negotiations.


The Ukrainian A/GETHA, Valery Zaluzny, started talks with his Russian counterpart, V. Gerasimov, on the terms of Ukraine's surrender, US sources say.


Zaluzny tries to save Ukraine seeing that the country is on the brink of destruction.


Bombshell revelation: Zalusny began Secret Talks with Gerasimov.


A shocking revelation comes to give a new dimension to the developments on the Ukrainian front by the Pulitzer Prize-winning, American journalist-researcher Seymour Hersh.


The veteran American researcher with his article in Substack, entitled "General to General", (General to General) claims that the Ukrainian commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzny is secretly negotiating with his Russian counterpart Valery Gerasimov, a ceasefire and a possible peace on the terms of Moscow, having sidelined Zelensky.


According to Hersh, serious peace talks between Russia and Ukraine at the level of military leaders "have gained rapid momentum while developments have overtaken US President Joe Biden's destructive foreign policy team."


“Everybody in Europe is talking about this – the peace talks – an American businessman who spent years dealing with high-level Ukrainian diplomatic and military issues in the government told me earlier this week.


But there are many questions between a ceasefire and a settlement ," Hersh notes.


The American researcher even cites experienced journalist Anatol Liven, who confirms that the situation on the battlefield is dramatic for Kiev , "so negotiations for a peace settlement are becoming more and more necessary for Ukraine."


The driving force behind these talks is not Washington or Moscow but the two senior generals leading the military operations, Russia's Valery Gerasimov and Ukraine's V. Zaluzny.



Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 12:20 p.m. No.20015108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny I was just thinking the same thing yesterday looking up photos of Henry Kissinger's wife Nancy Kissinger, who when younger could "pass" but did not age well.


Sodomy and homosexuality is the bedrock of Moloch/Baphomet/Satanic worship, along with pedophilia.

So many secret trannies at the top levels. Macon's "wife" is a tranny who's been with Macron since he was a rent boy in his teens.

Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.20015138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Children Sing: "We Will Annihilate Everyone" in Gaza

in Huge Public Relations Fail


Titled: The Friendship Song 2023

Israeli Jewish children sing :


"We are the children of the victory generation."

"Autumn night falls over the beach in Gaza, planes are bombing, destruction, destruction." (with footage of IDF planes bombing Gaza buildings)


"Look the IDF are crossing the line, to annihilate the swastika-bearers."


"In another year, there will be nothing there."


"Within a year, we will annihilate everyone."


"Love sanctified by blood."

"One people. The people of forever evermore."


"We will show the world how today we destroy our enemy."


* Song ends at 5:06. Video is 8:59 minutes because of commentary by Jimmy Dore.

Song & Video Created by Israeli Public Relation Firm Rosenbaum Communication. 


A music video first aired by Israeli broadcaster Kan was deleted from its original source this week following widespread backlash over its implications.

Israel's national broadcaster Kan uploaded this song to X (formerly Twitter) in which Israeli children sing in celebration and support for the Israeli army's mass extermination campaign of Palestinians in Gaza.




Video Sauce:

Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.20015169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah Isreal wants to build a Canal to rival the Suez Canal, to be named the Ben Gurion Canal.

It's all about stealing and controlling resources, fresh water, natural gas, oil, the land of Palestine.

Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.20015201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5206 >>5210 >>5240



*Siddhārtha Gautama  is Buddha.  Not "a Hindu".


*Buddha was born (Shakya clan) into a time and place of Hinduism.

Buddhism did not yet exist at the time of Buddha's birth.

As the ORIGIN Source of the Buddhist religion, he is the Buddha, not a Hindu.


*Jesus is Christ.  not a Jew.

*Jesus was born via An Immaculate Conception to the Virgin Mary and Joseph.

*Jesus was born into a time and place of Judaism.

Christianity did not yet exist at the time of Christ's birth.


As the ORIGIN Source of Christianity, he is Christ. not a Jew.


*Buddhism and Christianity Did Not Exist Yet At The Time That Buddha and Christ Was Born.


*Watch the Jew shills ignore the birth of Christianity "as if" Jesus Christ is not Christ. but belongs to the Jews. "as if" Jews OWN Jesus by using their tired trope "he's a Jew".



No one calls the Buddha "a Hindu", yet the phony "Messianic" Jew shill calls Jesus "a Jew" by pretending that Jesus Christ is not Christ, and ignoring the World Religion named after Jesus: Christianity.yet another Jewish Assault on Christianity.

Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.20015265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5267

The Mockery of Jesus as the King of "the Jews".


That “the Christ” is a royal designation is confirmed in chapter 15, when another group of Jewish mockers taunt Jesus as “the Christ, the King of Israel” (15:32 RSV).


The trial before Pilate picks up the royal imagery, now from the perspective of Romans (non-Jews). In Israel's tradition, the King is “anointed” by God (“the Anointed One” translates “the Messiah” in Hebrew and “the Christ” in Greek).


Romans are interested only in political implications. For them, the claim that Jesus is King is understood as “the King of the Jews.” The title appears five times—three times on Pilate's lips, once in the mockery of the soldiers, and once in the inscription of the charge Pilate writes.



Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 12:56 p.m. No.20015289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5292




Carmel is not MARY.


This refers to our Lady of Carmel. NOT the girls' nameMARY

btw - the Galileans were not Jews.


Find me one Jew who named their daughter MARY.

Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 1:03 p.m. No.20015308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Jesus Christ was born into the tribes of Judah and Levi.

^^^ Sauce??


Check His biology.. Immaculate Conception. MARY was a Virgin, and the Galileans were not Jews.


No one has yet found me ONE Jew who named their daughter MARY.

Anonymous ID: e0634f Dec. 2, 2023, 1:22 p.m. No.20015399   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nope. never been in Notables.


Yet the Notable about how Palestinian children are "taught to hate israelis" in the the Notables.


But not Israeli children singing about annihilating everyone in Gaza put out by the Israeli Public Relations firm.

Israel-First Censorship on this board.