Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.20015420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5432 >>5503 >>5613 >>5935 >>6006 >>6111 >>6152

1 Dec, 2023 19:43

Russia reveals new size of army

Citing the NATO build-up, Moscow has increased the size of its active service to 1.3 million


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed an executive order increasing the size of the armed forces by 170,000 members, effective immediately.


The order establishes the size of the armed forces of the Russian Federation at 2,209,130 personnel, of which 1,320,000 would be under arms.


The expansion is related to increased security threatsdue to the expansion of NATO and the massing of US-led bloc’s troops on the Russian borders, the Kremlin explained. Growing the military will happen in stages and will start with those service members who enlisted into contract service.


Since the start of 2023, over 450,000 people have signed enlistment contracts with the Russian armed forces, according to the deputy chairman of the National Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev.


Contract soldiers are a separate category from professional soldiers and conscripts called up for their mandatory service, who make up the bulk of the Russian military. Moscow also called upabout 300,000 reservistslast fall, due to the changing nature of the Ukraine conflict.


Putin also noted that the US has announced the intent to replace 200 of its nuclear bombs currently deployed to Europe and Türkiye with new weapons by the end of 2025.Expanding the size of the Russian military is a prudent step with that in mind.


The Russian government was instructed to allocate the funding to the Defense Ministry necessary to carry out the order. It came into effect upon publication, overriding the August 2022 decree on the size of the armed forces.

Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 1:29 p.m. No.20015442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5503 >>5613 >>5707 >>5935 >>6006 >>6111 >>6152

2 Dec, 2023 15:52

White House admits time running out for Ukraine cash

Washington needs to secure additional funding before it gets “really hard” tocontinue propping upKiev, John Kirby has admitted


The White House urgently needs supplemental funding to continue supporting Ukraine, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has admitted. The official added that the Biden administration effectively only has until the end of the year until it gets “really hard” to continue propping up Kiev.


Kirby made the remarks on Thursday during a joint press briefing with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. The official claimed a new Russian campaign against Ukrainian critical infrastructure was imminent, and, despite the US and Kiev “working aggressively” for months to prepare for it, there were still things to be done, he warned.


“We have more work to do in support of Ukraine, and we need Congress to take action to pass additional supplemental funding so that we can keep providing Ukraine with air-defense assess – assets, the protection equipment, and the backup supplies that they need,” Kirby stated.(Fuck Off Kirby, it’s not gonna happen!)


The window of opportunity for securing the funding is getting narrower, the official admitted, urging Congress to allocate it finally. “The supplemental funding is important.We didn’t pull those figures out of thin air.(kek yes you did because Kiev steals all the money!!) We need that funding. We continue to urge Congress to pass that supplemental as soon as possible,”he said.


Again, as I said before many times,the runway is getting shorter. And we think we got until, you know, about the end of the year before it gets really, really hard to continue to support Ukraine. And the end of the year is coming soon.


For weeks, the Biden administration has unsuccessfully tried to push its new “national security” funding package for Kiev through Congress. The latest iteration of the package includes roughly $106 billion for combined aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.


The new attempt to pass the package will be undertaken in the first week of December, according to US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. According to Schumer, “the biggest holdup” to passing the supplementary funding was the opposition of Republicans and their insistence on tying foreign aid to US border security policy changes. (Fuck you Schumer, go home to Fred Flintstone and get groove on!)


“One of the most important tasks we must finish is taking up and passing a funding bill to ensure we, as well as our friends and partners in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region, have the necessary military capabilities to confront and deter our adversaries and competitors,” Schumer wrote in a letter to senators last Sunday. The senior lawmaker claimed that Kiev was likely to lose the conflict with Russia without receiving further funding from the US.


Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022, the US has provided Kiev with more than $76 billion in military hardware and other aid but recently warned that available funds were running out.


(Did Kirby use “propping up Kiev”? Kinda weird messaging eh?Bidan pop Admin has already surpassed Jimmy Carter’s awful records on military plans that were losers and pathetic! Out of the many reasons I want him arrested for Treason is because, if he’s not charged he’d have a state funeral.)

Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.20015498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5503 >>5507 >>5965

2 Dec, 2023 19:38

Dozens of US soldiers want to overthrow government – Pentagon

(Are you fucking kidding me? This is ridiculous)

An annual report on extremism in the American military has revealed a rise in suspected cases


Extremism in the ranks remains a troubling trend for the US military, as evidenced by the fact that78 service memberswere suspected of being advocates for the overthrow of their own government, an annual Pentagon report has revealed. (How would they know are they spying on their own soldiers with faulty AI?)


The report, released this week, also showed that 44 service members were suspected of supporting or engaging in terrorism in the past year. Overall, the 183 allegations of extremism across all branches of America’s military marked a 25% increase from the previous year’s level.


In addition to cases in which service personnel allegedly advocated revolution or supported terrorism, the study documented cases of criminal gang activity, the promotion of widespread discrimination, and advocating or engaging in violence to achieve political objectives. The Pentagon has been releasing its extremism data to US lawmakers since 2021, the year in which President Joe Biden took office and began touting the threats posed by white-supremacist terrorism.


Under Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s push to root out extremism in the military, the Pentagon issued new rules in December 2021 advising troops on banned activities, ranging from advocating terrorism to “liking” extremist views on social media. He alsoordered stronger screeningduring the recruiting process and the creation of an investigative unit to identify potential extremists in the ranks.


The crackdown came at least partly in response to concerns raised by the January 2021 US Capitol riot, in which dozens of military veterans and a few active-duty troops took part in trying to disrupt congressional certification of Biden’s presidential election victory.


The Pentagon’s latest annual extremism review found that the US Army had the most alleged cases among all military branches, with allegations made against 130 soldiers. The Air Force had 29 cases, while the Navy and Marine Corps had ten each.More than 30% of the overall allegations were investigated and found to be unfounded or unsubstantiated.


Austin said in a February 2021 video messageto troops that extremism had long been a concern in the US military. “What is new is the speed and the pervasiveness with which extremist ideology can spread today, thanks to social media and the aggressive, organized and emboldened attitude that many of these hate groups and their sympathizers are now applying to their recruitment and to their operations.”



Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 1:55 p.m. No.20015609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5677

2 Dec, 2023

Germany wants to give less to EU war chest – media

Berlin is seeking to reduce the amount it gives to the European Peace Facility (EPF), used to bankroll the Ukrainian conflict


Germany is seeking to reduce its share in the so-called European Peace Facility (EPF), a €20 billion EU fund which the bloc has been usingalmost exclusively to prop up Kievin its ongoing conflict with Moscow, The Telegraph reported on Friday.


According to a confidential paper obtained by the newspaper, Berlin argues that the EPF must consider the lavish military aid Germany provided to Ukraine unilaterally.


“Military support for Ukraine can be provided either through financial contributions to the Ukraine envelope in the EPF or as direct deliveries of military equipment to Ukraine,”Germany argued, adding that “in kind contributions” must be “fully credited against a member state’s agreed contributions to the Ukraine envelope.”


Germany, the largest economy in the bloc, contributes around a quarter to the EU’s war chest, The Telegraph noted. Should the country move forward with its apparent intent to reimburse the aid it had sent to Kiev from the fund, the EPF would be considerably diminished. Last month, Berlin pledged to double its military aid to Kiev next year, signing off on a major €8 billion package.


Thus far, the EPF war chest has provided some €4.5 billion worth of military hardware and equipment to Kiev, as well as mustered around 34,000 Ukrainian service members.The fund was established shortly before the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev broke out, with a proclaimed goal to reimburse the bloc’s members to send arms and equipment overseas and finance foreign militaries directly. However, the EPF has been used almost exclusively to pump Ukraine with weaponry. (The fund was established before the hostilities??? Hmm that means Russia knew what was happening and the West was all in using Ukraine to fight Russia!This will go down in history as the most stupid maneuver of the West everUtterly stupid.)


According to The Telegraph, the use of war chests has also beencriticized by another major EU country – France. In a separate confidential document the newspaper had obtained, Paris argued that the EPF should halt the flow of weapons from member states’ stockpiles to foreign militaries and focus its effort on “common procurement” of military hardware from European arms manufacturers instead.


Thus far, only Hungary has been openly critical of the EPF and its use to prop up Kiev, repeatedly blocking attempts to allocate additional money from the war chest to Ukraine. Budapest has cited Kiev’s hostile actions against the country, such as designating one of its major banks a “war sponsor,” as well as criticized the EU’s position,arguing that the bloc’s commitment to arming Ukraine has made it unable to broker peace.


(Breaking Up Is Hard to DoNeil Sedaka)



Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 2:16 p.m. No.20015751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5775 >>5776 >>5780


Damon Imani


My thoughts on Musk's message to advertisers fleeing X to blackmail him.


Kekkity, Kek, Kek, Kek!


(It’s a parody anons, he’s really funny)

Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 2:20 p.m. No.20015780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5903


Damn it, twitter user can mute the videos if not on Twitter, can someone make it play from here?


Whats the steps to do it without using a downloader?

Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 2:30 p.m. No.20015842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5935 >>6006 >>6111 >>6152

2 Dec, 2023 13:45

Ukraine counts losses from Polish border blockade

Truckers and farmers have blocked border crossings in protest against EU trade deals with Kiev


Ukraine’s exports through Poland have sharply dropped since Polish truckers and farmers blocked border crossings inprotest against the EU’s trade regulations with Kiev, the country’s Economy Ministry announced on Saturday.


According to the Kiev ministry, some 282,000 tons of Ukrainian freight transport exports passed through the Polish border in November, a 40% decrease from the previous month. The ministry noted that at several checkpoints, exports have almost stopped entirely or have been cut in half.


Earlier, Deputy Economy Minister Taras Kachka warned that Ukrainian imports have also been affected by the blockades, noting that they have likely dropped by at least 20% last month.


Polish truckers started the round-the-clock protests and blockades at the border between Ukraine and Poland in early November. The protests aimed to attract attention to the damage inflicted on the industry by the EU’s decision to relax the bloc’s regulations for Ukrainian transport companies in 2022. Polish truck drivers say therule gave their Ukrainian counterparts an unfair advantageas they offer cheaper service prices.


OnNovember 27, the protests were joined by Polish farmers, who are unhappy with low grain prices brought about by cheap imports from Ukraine.


As a result, thousands of trucks are currently stuck on both sides of the Polish-Ukrainian border.


The EU Transport, Telecommunications, and Energy Council is scheduled to meet in December to discuss the blockade and the EU’s legislative changes that led to it.



Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 2:48 p.m. No.20015965   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To give anons a perspective of the impact of 44 service members with extremist viewsthat want to overthrow the government:


• Estimated service members as of 2021-2023: 1,388,000

• Number of members they identified as extremist: 44

• Percentage of extremist by all service members: .0227


Anons this is how propaganda works


PS: Total military service members rose to over 2.2 million under Trump at the beginning of 2021 and dropped drastically under Bidan from there!

Anonymous ID: e10943 Dec. 2, 2023, 3:12 p.m. No.20016076   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It’s worse than that, its propaganda that eventually makes every service member paranoid and manipulated to the point they can’t fight when we are attacked. They become controlled robots that will attack American citizens if told that we are extremists. The Ultimate Treason.


They saw what Stuart Scheller said, they can’t have none of that:


The infantry officer began the Aug. 26 video message by addressing the terrorist attack at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan by Islamic State militants last week, which claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members, including 11 Marines.

“I’ve been in the Marine infantry for 17 years. I started my tour with Victor 1-8, that’s the current unit that’s doing perimeter security, dealing with the mess that’s going on there,” Scheller said. “You can see open-source reporting that there was an explosion and some people were killed. I know through my inside channels that one of the people that was killed was someone that I have a personal relationship with. I won’t go into more detail because the families are still being notified.”

“I’m not making this video because it’s potentially an emotional time,” continued Scheller, a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who’s held billets as a commander from the platoon, to company, and battalion level. “I’m making it because I have a growing discontent and contempt for my perceived ineptitude at the foreign policy level and I want to specifically ask some questions to some of my senior leaders.”

From there, Scheller read and reacted to a portion of a recent message from Gen. David H. Berger, the commandant of the Marine Corps, regarding the Taliban takeover of much of the country ahead of a full U.S. military withdrawal:

“And sir, you wrote ‘Some of you may be struggling with the simple question ‘was it all worth it? We want you to know that your service is meaningful, powerful and important. You fought for the Marine to your left and the Marine to your right. You never let them down.’

Then you go on to say that if we’re struggling, we should seek counseling. Which, you know, I get it. People have killed people. I’ve killed people, and I seek counseling, and that’s fine. There’s a time and place for that.

The reason people are so upset on social media right now is not because the Marine on the battlefield let someone down. That service member always rose to the occasion and has done extraordinary things. People are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying ‘we messed this up.’

If an O-5 battalion commander has the simplest live fire incident, EO complaint. Boom. Fired.

But we have a secretary of defense that testified to Congress in May that the Afghan National Security Forces could withstand the Taliban advance. We have Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs — who the commandant is a member of that — who’s supposed to advise on military policy. We have a Marine combatant commander. All of these people are supposed to advise.

And I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say ‘hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone.’ Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say ‘we completely messed this up?’”

“And I will say that as a person who’s not at 20 years, I feel like I have a lot to lose,” Scheller said in the Aug. 26 video. “If you play chess you can only see two-to-three moves out because there’s too many variables. I thought through ‘if I post this video, what might happen to me?’ especially if the video picks up traction, if I have the courage to post it. But I think what you believe in, can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk. So if I’m willing to risk my current battalion commander seat, my retirement, my family’s stability to say some of the things I want to say. I think it gives me some moral high ground to demand the same honesty, integrity, accountability from my senior leaders.”

The video ended with Scheller imploring leaders to take his words seriously.

“But what I’ll say is, from my position, potentially all those people did die in vain if we don’t have senior leaders that own up and raise their hand and say ‘we did not do this well in the end,’” he said. “Without that we just keep repeating the same mistakes.”

“I want to say this very strongly: I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders ‘I demand accountability.’”