Anonymous ID: 03163a Dec. 2, 2023, 4:14 p.m. No.20016419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6758 >>6872

2 Dec, 2023

Islamist stabs three people in central Paris – interior minister

The assailant shouted “Allahu Akbar”, Gerald Darmanin said


One person was killed and two others were wounded in a stabbing attack in downtown Paris on Saturday evening, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has said.


“The police have just courageously arrested an assailant attacking the passersby in Paris, around the Quai de Grenelle. One person is dead, and one injured person is being treated by the Paris fire brigade. Please avoid the area,” the minister wrote on X (formerly Twitter). He later told reporters that a third victim was also hospitalized.


Darmanin said that the assailant shouted “Allahu Akbar,” confirming previous reports by Le Parisien and AFP.


“After his arrest, he said that he could no longer tolerate seeing Muslims dying in Afghanistan and Palestine,”Darmanin told reporters after arriving at the crime scene.


A tourist with dual German-Philippine nationality, was attacked on the Bir-Hakeim bridge and has died from stab wounds to the back and shoulder, the French media reported.


An English tourist was attacked when walking with his wife and child on Avenue du President Kennedy. He was reportedly hospitalized with head injuries.


According to BFM TV, the suspect was born in France in 1997.He was known to authorities as a person espousing radical Islamist viewsand suffering from “significant psychiatric disorders,” the channel said. Darmanin that the suspect was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 for plotting “a violent action.”


France has seen a wave of anti-Semitic incidents following the outbreak of the fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants on October 7.


On October 13, a knife-wielding Islamist attacked a school in the northern French city of Arras, killing a teacher and injuring three people.The assailant was detained.

Anonymous ID: 03163a Dec. 2, 2023, 4:26 p.m. No.20016484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6713 >>6720 >>6872

2 Dec, 2023 20:59

Zelensky has devolved into authoritarianism – Kiev mayor

All of Ukraine is becoming dependent on the “mood” of a single person, Vitaly Klitschko says


Ukraine’s municipal authorities now remain the only independent force in the country, which has grown increasingly authoritarian amid the conflict with Russia, the Mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko has said.


Klitschko shared his assessment of the state of ‘democracy’ in Ukraine in an interview with German daily Der Spiegel, published on Friday. The country’s governing institutes have greatly deteriorated amid the hostilities, with local municipal authorities effectively remaining the only independent force standing, he asserted.


“Ukraine is on the path to authoritarianism,”the mayor said. “There is only one independent institution left –local authorities– and they are under enormous pressure.”


During the conflict, the central government has been communicating poorly, if at all, with local authorities, the mayor of the Ukrainian capital claimed.


“In a year and a half since the beginning of the conflict with Russia, there hasnot been a single meetingor telephone conversation between [the city of] Kiev and UkrainianPresident Vladimir Zelensky. At some point, we will get to the situation where everything depends on the mood of a single person,”Klitschko told Der Spiegel.


Boxing star-turned-politician Klitschko was elevated to his position shortly after Ukraine’s 2014 Maidan coup, remaining one of the few Poroshenko-era officials to retain his post under Zelensky.


Over the past few months, relations between the capital’s mayor and the central government have been marred by multiple public spats. In June, for instance, the national government reprimanded Klitschko over the state of the city’s bomb shelters, with the heads of two districts and two acting district heads dismissed from their posts over their failure to keep the facilities operational.


Klitschko also became one of the first major Ukrainian public figures to admit the failure of his country’s long-heralded counteroffensive against the Russian forces. In early November, the mayor said the troops were moving “slowly” and were unable to “swiftly breach” fortifications erected by Russia.


The mayor’s assessment drastically contrasted with the stance taken by the president at the time, who was insisting the counteroffensive was still going on and consistently denied any setbacks. Zelensky conceded its failure only this week, telling AP that he now considers the fact that his country’s troops are not retreating at the moment a “satisfying” result.


(This man needs some serious protection, or he should disappear.)

Anonymous ID: 03163a Dec. 2, 2023, 4:40 p.m. No.20016545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6546 >>6648 >>6872

1 Dec, 2023 21:03

Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

Kiev’s refusal to negotiate with Moscow has only caused the country heavy battlefield casualties, Aleksey Arestovich says


Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 soldiers during its conflict with Russia, Aleksey Arestovich, a former aide to President Vladimir Zelensky, has claimed.


Arestovich made the revelation on Friday while speaking to journalist Yulia Latynina via video link. The former presidential aide was addressing the recent admission made by top Ukrainian MP David Arakhamia, who said the Istanbul talks between Moscow and Kiev were derailed by then-UK PM Boris Johnson, who urged Ukraine to “just continue fighting” instead of attempting to reach a deal with Russia.


“I was a member of the Istanbul negotiating team, but even I don’t know how it happened that we decided to break off the Istanbul [talks],” Arestovich stated.


The initiatives floated during the Istanbul talks were actually “very good,” he admitted, claiming thatUkraine’s neutrality and its non-alignment with NATO was a “red line” for Moscow.


Refusing to negotiate, however, has only resulted in heavy casualties, while its prospects to join NATO still remain dubious, he suggested.


“Where is NATO? Does it accept us or not? And will it accept us? … Then the 200 thousand [Ukrainian servicemen]or whatever, 300 thousand, would still be alive,” the ex-aide said.


The remarks come as Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu revealed Moscow’s latest estimates on Kiev’s casualties. Speaking during a ministerial meeting on Friday, Shoigu claimed that the Ukrainian military has lost more than 125,000 troops and around 16,000 military hardware pieces since the beginning of its botched counteroffensive, which started in early June. The country’s efforts, as well as Western aid, have not yielded any tangible result, the minister added.


“The total mobilization in Ukraine, delivery of Western arms, and deployment of strategic reserves by the Ukrainian command have not changed the situation on the battlefield,”Shoigu explained. “Those desperate actions simply increased the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces.”


In recent weeks, top Ukrainian officials admitted the counteroffensive had failed to reach the desired outcome, and they seemed to shift blame for the failure on each other. Early in November, for instance, Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s top general, said the battlefield situation had reached a “stalemate,”with Kiev unlikely to achieve a breakthrough unless it received a wonder-weapon of sorts.


The assessment has been vehemently rejected by Zelensky, who insisted the counteroffensive was still making progress. In an interview with AP published on Friday, however, Zelensky finally admitted that it had failed, stating that he considers the fact that his country’s troops arenot retreating at the moment a “satisfying” enough result.


(This is insanity his ego is bigger than 200-300,000 Ukrainians dead. Zelensky needs to go otherwise he will be taken out. Even the West wouldn’t mind that.)

Anonymous ID: 03163a Dec. 2, 2023, 5:04 p.m. No.20016687   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Cool! Prayers for PDJT in Iowa




Anonymous ID: 03163a Dec. 2, 2023, 5:22 p.m. No.20016736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6740 >>6743 >>6750 >>6761

Recall Katie Hobbs


President of Argentine Javier Milie teaches Master Class in How to Defeat the Deep State.


This is the way!


#RecallHobbs now at to send our Deep State packing.

Anonymous ID: 03163a Dec. 2, 2023, 5:56 p.m. No.20016847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is fucking funny: (Dark Knight) Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town



Anonymous ID: 03163a Dec. 2, 2023, 6:16 p.m. No.20016903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RedPillUSA has some pretty interesting and accurate decode videos(Scotty Mar10) Bone Thugs-n-Harmony - 1st of tha Month

