Anonymous ID: 0e7c19 Dec. 2, 2023, 6:20 p.m. No.20016919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No one ever wants to ask the question what backs a US Treasury Bond the gov sells to guarantee liquidity. I'll tell you, but you might need to sit down.


It is people who have had a Cestui Que Vie Trust taken out under their name. This is a bond, which literally means enslaved. That bond is claimed by the US gov as an asset. The asset is placed up on the STOCK market (as in LIVEstock such as cattle, but worded in finance laws as "chattel" so as to not give away the true nature of what's happening) and offered for sale. Your bank and all the other banks around the world buy these bonds at night, then sell the next morning, profiteering off of the interest your own money allows them to invest. Every time it sells, it increases in value and they are usually worth many millions of dollar by the time you reach employment age.


Here's how it works: At birth, the state you are born in has the doctor present a form (contract) to your mother to sign that claims she just gave birth (to you). This is a legal and binding claim known as a Affidavit once signed by two witnesses. In this case it will be signed by your doctor and an assistant right there in the hospital.


That contract states that your mother is unmarried. Sure, she was more than likely married to your father at the time, but only her maiden name was on the contract, and that's how she signed it. Your father's name is nowhere to be found on that document. Why is that?


Because each state has a law in place that any child born out of wedlock is automatically the legal property of that corporation. Yes, your state isn't merely a landmass, it is a subsidiary asset of the USA Corp. This means that doctor just kidnapped that child and gave it away on paper. Oh, you can take the child home with you to feed and care for, but the state legally owns it.


But the grift doesn't stop there. It gets even sicker.


In order for that child now to become a bonded chattel (corporate asset), it must be monetized (think of this as a way to identify that livestock), so it is given a number that's on the birth certificate (CUSIP number). When the state has this number after about 3 days time, they now submit it to a Cestui Que Vie Trust taken out in the name of the child, claiming that the child died, but before doing so, they gained assets, so they insure the Trust at a cost of $100k that is worth $2m under the corporation asset listed in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.


In contract law, capital letters indicates corporate inventory. So every item on a ship's BOL Bill of Lading lists out TOASTERS, BED SPREAD, SOCCER BALL, etc. Which is why little Johnny Lee Smith is submitted as JOHNNY LEE SMITH on the Trust and on every single document you will ever get from the government across the entire span of your life. Driver's license, Social Security, Tax Returns. And of course, Birth Certificate.


Now little Johnny just became a fictional character within the bonding system of the corporation. A deceased entity with an insured Trust that can be placed on the stock market and sold like pork bellies and crude oil. The Trust is secretly your liability and the assets are plundered by your government.


This is a horrifying and extremely vast subject you can look up for yourself under the term STRAWMAN if you really want to know just how much of a pawn your life now becomes for these clever slave traders. You'll need a sedative before you're done, believe me.


This terrifying and godless dispensation of your very existence as chattel does not follow Common Law rights, which is the oldest and widest-used legal system throughout the world, but rather denies your god-given right to walk as a free man on the earth that was given to you as your domain. Which means simply, the US Treasury Bonds, the actual people themselves, have been a fantastically elaborate scam for the better part of the last century. And those Bonds appear to have just been de-certified.


America has vast, vast wealth in oil, gold, silver and many other assets that can be used to back a monetary currency.