What do you think is most important to BO? In his personal life?
That thing, he talks about it all the time, you know the one thing he values most in his life.
Then there's that second thing, he's very proud of it, and talks about that to no end. What would happen if those two things were taken away?
They have a machine, Satan does. Every time they run it (even now with CERN) it still comes back as the only option in the end, being their own destruction. That's what the Fantasy Land is.. The infinity time-loopโฆ They still believe they can accomplish it (bananas).
Ok Board Ownerโฆ Good. I'll find out if you're lying about that again this time.
So you're against reporting shills?
You struggle to manage a bread when one to three people are reporting you. Plans for the future? Hundreds.
Shills Fail. God Wins.
Complain about reporting shills = Shill.
You like those holograms right BO?
Believe me, this anon has your number. Memorized.
That's where you're wrong, Satan.
You don't know anythingโฆ
Shills hate Right. Cannot learn. Can only "do". Morons. Animals. Trash.
They are afraid. They know it's all true.
Two anons in faith agree BO and Tech have a bad night? God delivers. Simple. Easy.
They will try to fill this bread and not open a new one..
Glorify another murderer. Just to show the world what trash you are.
The world is watching, you know. Staged.
Dan wants a clean board. So does POTUS. So does Q. And Q is going to be really non-plussed when he returns, one would have to imagine. Not looking good for BO and Team's jobsโฆ..
You can't imagine. God can show you tho.
Countdown to BO posting Greta/CP
They think we don't understand their commsโฆ. esp. JA.. but it's simple. Simple. Like their little animal brains.
Nothing about this will be fair.
You'll see.
True, Returns for Q&A.