he does… it's a birthmark.
all the anti-christ option children are born with an x birthmark..
Dragon should be the last thing you want to enter.
Shills thought the flood was something different.
They thought the rain would be something different…
They think dark to light is something it is not…
They can't learn our comms. Specific reason. They'll never know what it is…
What's wrong with reporting shills?
What's wrong with reporting shills?
What's wrong with reporting shills? Answer.
Do you want to protect shills? What's wrong with reporting shills?
Jesus hates evil. He called shills of the day hypocrites, the Pharisee, Scribe, Sadducee. He told them to get out of His house, and He cleaned them out of there. Something wrong with doing that here?
What's wrong with reporting shills? No answer.