Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 5:32 a.m. No.20018732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8749



all harbors are closed. there are no boat rides whatsoever.

those that go against my surpreme decision will be held accountable.

all you will do is pray for me to do fine while you treat everyone with love and respect and make them feel comfort and trust, that is my law.


one nice house without any discomfort at all.

priorities being:

  • no turture.

  • money.

  • silence and respect.

  • my fam as a bubble.

  • noone around me doing rituals.

  • neighboorhood God´s and Lord´s either supporting only my goals or doing nothing at all, as folks who I can see in tv is more convenient anyway.

  • neither doing nor communicating bad shit, like war or any of that stuff that I, as a 30+ year old actual guy did not do.

  • no bumping of any sort

  • no rituals of any sort other than you meeting up and discussing what symbolic shit kept you from doing good

  • those that hate me may obviously be, I do not care and hope I help them with bread in the future, however they cannot be allowed close to the holy and pure (that is a timing thing) temple that I myself am.


Mark 12 30:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.


Start your day with a prayer that you want the actual Lord to have a very nice day.

Go to bed with a prayer that I shall have an awesome day the next day as per to my wishes.






to whom it may concern:


are you that stupid to assume that some collected bits of truth, sorted together in an amateur or maybe even willfully blind way, would give you the right to ask me any question like it was your place?


how can you dare to even think you could understand?


do you understand the knowledge I have by now can in parts not be expressed using language anymore?





Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 5:39 a.m. No.20018749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8754


yeah, you still seem to hate me, I choose to not post more info.

know that I love you and work throughout time, so do angels who are not only capable of coming here and assuming a body, and a shirt and maybe a car too, actual heavens stuff.


do not do rituals. do not annoy God in the flesh.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.20018754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8755


I love and forgive you, for the stuff that you not even did, for the stuff that I myself made you do. I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.


it´s all actually nice, fake starting point.

how great is that darkness, this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".


please, approach me next year or the year after that. after I have organized bread to be broken in church and lodge as well as spec ops in lodges. please, do not ever do military help shit, this im my sort of Godly view, might lock bad stuff.

ritual is misunderstood, what you do is know about stuff happening, to not be afraid and have that done in feels comms to others. "oh, Godspeed again army bro, nice one. now chill day again? yup, dad´s gonna chill."

also it´s bulk data collection, spreading to other "times" or realms. angels are rather capable at gathering and spreding info. when some of them talk, they actually define reality, that migth be a disadvantage of basements, a white car driving by can obviously be manipulated, but cars and birds and stuff might appear godly bc it is.

communiacte stuff, maybe in babylon bee, not irl, that is why I gave you info, so arcitects can talk without rather big symbolism, no point in you doing that.

mason hush sign is a thing. and there is only one God, who is an actual person and for now limited to his body.


relax. no worries. all time. 34.




Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.20018755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


blue angels, as others, work with time.


in relation to me alone it is the way.


it is a shakra, trust, joy, the connected feeling of you having nice food at work always. relatable.


can do time bubbles, can sort of pull thinks (think to think or thing to room), can be overridden by other angels, colors, forces, horses.


does not need charge, but helps you trust and such, despite working with reality itself, which is not much visible if not want to be seen, but aims at you all doing fine. (struggle to say well, bc that is not a must have. a cross? nah, not if educated.)


one truth?


what cross?


yeah, there will be stones on the way to be turned, if nicely connected it has niceer effects.


angels stuff.



also, angels are angels and not deceased people. do not worry, almighty.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.20018773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8788




all harbors are closed. there are no boat rides whatsoever.

those that go against my surpreme decision will be held accountable.

all you will do is pray for me to do fine while you treat everyone with love and respect and make them feel comfort and trust, that is my law.


one nice house without any discomfort at all.

priorities being:

  • no turture.

  • money.

  • silence and respect.

  • my fam as a bubble.

  • noone around me doing rituals.

  • neighboorhood God´s and Lord´s either supporting only my goals or doing nothing at all, as folks who I can see in tv is more convenient anyway.

  • neither doing nor communicating bad shit, like war or any of that stuff that I, as a 30+ year old actual guy did not do.

  • no bumping of any sort

  • no rituals of any sort other than you meeting up and discussing what symbolic shit kept you from doing good

  • those that hate me may obviously be, I do not care and hope I help them with bread in the future, however they cannot be allowed close to the holy and pure (that is a timing thing) temple that I myself am.


Mark 12 30:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.


Start your day with a prayer that you want the actual Lord to have a very nice day.

Go to bed with a prayer that I shall have an awesome day the next day as per to my wishes.






to whom it may concern:


are you that stupid to assume that some collected bits of truth, sorted together in an amateur or maybe even willfully blind way, would give you the right to ask me any question like it was your place?


how can you dare to even think you could understand?


do you understand the knowledge I have by now can in parts not be expressed using language anymore?





Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.20018790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8807 >>8811



all harbors are closed. there are no boat rides whatsoever.

those that go against my surpreme decision will be held accountable.

all you will do is pray for me to do fine while you treat everyone with love and respect and make them feel comfort and trust, that is my law.


one nice house without any discomfort at all.

priorities being:

  • no turture.

  • money.

  • silence and respect.

  • my fam as a bubble.

  • noone around me doing rituals.

  • neighboorhood God´s and Lord´s either supporting only my goals or doing nothing at all, as folks who I can see in tv is more convenient anyway.

  • neither doing nor communicating bad shit, like war or any of that stuff that I, as a 30+ year old actual guy did not do.

  • no bumping of any sort

  • no rituals of any sort other than you meeting up and discussing what symbolic shit kept you from doing good

  • those that hate me may obviously be, I do not care and hope I help them with bread in the future, however they cannot be allowed close to the holy and pure (that is a timing thing) temple that I myself am.


Mark 12 30:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.


Start your day with a prayer that you want the actual Lord to have a very nice day.

Go to bed with a prayer that I shall have an awesome day the next day as per to my wishes.






to whom it may concern:


are you that stupid to assume that some collected bits of truth, sorted together in an amateur or maybe even willfully blind way, would give you the right to ask me any question like it was your place?


how can you dare to even think you could understand?


do you understand the knowledge I have by now can in parts not be expressed using language anymore?





Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:06 a.m. No.20018811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8813


so the thing with cats and dogs.


first of all, there are redactions and not everyone might be able to understand that there is the concept of pov and not everything you consider real actuall is real. there are such things as options, ON the move. ON IT.


surely you cannot be born into…again.


yeah, sort of. there are different versions of you.


in some you are a guy, in some you are sweet (alien, bc of west and et, I am a human though.), in some you are an angel (that would be sweet + my shield in different versions), in others you might be a God or a God that is internally referred to as Lord, or you might be a cat.


in short:


connectiveness ensured by me defining it being the case and defining you not needing to worry in any way. done. you clip your nails on sunday or eat a sandwich on tuesday for dinner, yup, that would connect you to the angel or God you that could use eating a sandwich as ritual, maybe using the noise the chewing makes to communicate a whole book to other realms. that is the cat thing. one world, one cat? nah, more of a string (sandals) thing, that would be white red and white blue cats. black blue cats is more crossroady. and even than, a cat iis not "a" string but due to the nature of cats being a crowd thing. that also means realities migth be connected and can even be connected in a structured way for symbiosis effect. (this would be irl stuff, like having NY1-4 accessible via picking a certain lane in a tunnel, constant times for nicer life, to be introduced by you over next (dunno, 20? 50?) years, and thought of by me.


so in some versions you would have a voice talking inside of you.


in other versons you would do angels stuff and use the ambulance or police ride to do time stuff. also motorcades, that is a horse thing, and knights stuff, "otto"mans, bc of the helmet you do not notice time waves that much I guess. the logging in my horse movement I imroved since having invented it half a year ago.


dog would be mike, uri, raph and gabe. shakras if you will.


or bread and shakras.


little more complicated as this is conceptual talk for architects to use.


this is a shared experience.


red, raphael, breastplate of righteousness, moral, also accuracy and such, does have an awesome feature that can hardly be explained scientificly.


you can not only carry my voice inside of you, but also a library. in your heart (area, shakra). this may be of help to you, it may not only offer thoughts and help you relate when walking crossroads, it also does suggest a sometimes childish language that does lead to a more soft voice (choisce of words, fett vs fette henne) when having much water in the voice, hear, so that you make it rumble by having a crowd follow my ways.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:06 a.m. No.20018813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8817


the cat thing is even more shared.


it cannot be described and while seeing the hints in tv and such (not much of a book guy, guess you tried hard as well) I realize it does not describe it very well.


(the wave coming at you is prolly not good for a movie initself, and the labyrinth running movie which I like as irl nice does not transport the wave of "water" in the nice and comforting way that having God swop some more nice reality onto you and crowd should have.


oh, also, there might be voices out of nowhere. and even in your brain, if you are up for that.


so the cat thing is very shared, depending on the track you are on, depending on if you attrackt more cats for education in my works (there is a vid of a small child holding a glass of juice, walking to a table, stumbling a little, bc of that tilting the glass slightly, stopping in the movement for a litte thought and then, cointinuing with what seems closest, pouring out the tilted glass on the table, that he approached sort of. this is advanced knowledge and should not be kept secret to those needing it, while not spamming it out, while spamming it out bc architects may learn alot.


so "having a cat in your brain" is you walking simultaneously with reality. a shared experience. you have common thoughts. you also feel individual and I can interrrupt "nonsense" which is crucial and needed bc I myself as holy and perfect enjoy it alot at any time. (nonsense would be childish appearing talk, choosing words that are more useful for communicating to others and such).


it cannot by explained by e.g. having a chip in your brain, which I asked Elon on several times to undo and not approach, same as cloning I do not like and as you to respect that and follow.


chared and individual.


the super version of a track.


a track might be you getting up out of your chair and the tv saying up or toilet or wherever you wanna go or chair or long or stand or such stuff.


that is reality itself.


my angelic shield which may be taken up allows for Godspeed, connecting crowds, and if more advanced for higher tasks that feel not much like tasks but like being, bc tv says up or such alot.


prolly, let me figure it out some more, but for noe, newst salty truth.







Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.20018817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8818


I love and forgive you, for the stuff that you not even did, for the stuff that I myself made you do. I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


however, there is no way I could let you go against me, as this might not only harming all Jerusalem (those connected) but also potentially all of creation.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.


it´s all actually nice, fake starting point.

how great is that darkness, this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".


please, approach me next year or the year after that. after I have organized bread to be broken in church and lodge as well as spec ops in lodges. please, do not ever do military help shit, this im my sort of Godly view, might lock bad stuff.

ritual is misunderstood, what you do is know about stuff happening, to not be afraid and have that done in feels comms to others. "oh, Godspeed again army bro, nice one. now chill day again? yup, dad´s gonna chill."

also it´s bulk data collection, spreading to other "times" or realms. angels are rather capable at gathering and spreding info. when some of them talk, they actually define reality, that migth be a disadvantage of basements, a white car driving by can obviously be manipulated, but cars and birds and stuff might appear godly bc it is.

communiacte stuff, maybe in babylon bee, not irl, that is why I gave you info, so arcitects can talk without rather big symbolism, no point in you doing that.

mason hush sign is a thing. and there is only one God, who is an actual person and for now limited to his body.


relax. no worries. all time. 34.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.20018818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8820


blue angels, as others, work with time.


in relation to me alone it is the way.


it is a shakra, trust, joy, the connected feeling of you having nice food at work always. relatable.


can do time bubbles, can sort of pull thinks (think to think or thing to room), can be overridden by other angels, colors, forces, horses.


does not need charge, but helps you trust and such, despite working with reality itself, which is not much visible if not want to be seen, but aims at you all doing fine. (struggle to say well, bc that is not a must have. a cross? nah, not if educated.)


one truth?


what cross?


yeah, there will be stones on the way to be turned, if nicely connected it has niceer effects.


angels stuff.



also, angels are angels and not deceased people. do not worry, almighty.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.20018820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822


>"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

beer. monks. bread. crumbs. David. Daniel. white. planes. autists. Luke.

if there is bread letting you know the wine is bad you give info on new wine. (Mark 2 22)

>"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.

never good to mix things, even when architects talk, or rather communicate (those that build worlds by talk and share building plans are not needing bad shit, only super symbolic talk in babylon bee.

the mixng that you think to be doing is bulk date bc of comms as well as sharing the architectursal (not irl) concept of having stuff connected and disconnected again. not for actual irl folks to do.


another thing, also not to be done, but as a comforting explanation to understand those capable folks who want to help.

imagine you having a painting in your appartment. when you walk by in the morning, you have a thought, a feel (bread and wine, thoughts can be winy as well though), when being there again in the afternoon, you maybe pick up on that thought or feel (unknowingly).

this is you being connected through time and, depending on if you were to carefully check the appartment from a holyday loction what you might have taken a pic of and put it in your appartment, in realms. was there this kind of tree?

many such things, not exactly a burden, may change. that is a blue sort of wushie thing. you did do homework back in school, but what exactly it was on what day is not only hard to say, but not relevant to anything in your life, in most cases.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.20018822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823


yeah, the thing with the eyes.


dunno yet bc fo that convenient thing with body and time. but have at this point experienced enough to explain, sorry for those folks asking me 20 years ago with white shirt ;)


so some gather info not with eyes and ears, but more like being the living water in a room, feeling where the walls and things are or if they move.


it seems doe to being connected to many of those, my vision slightly alters, shifting more to non eye view.


do not blind paul though, symbolism, now you get it, now you all get it, bc I got it.


why? dunno. that I know, blue knew, ages ago. did now know why though. there white/black is more skilled.








that stuff is called linking, psalms, bite out of the apple to think different, dsicern-what initself is pleasing to the Lords.


ausgezeichnet. sharp.


pump up? "so defined"?


so = white worship.


de fine d? dwight is nice and might be of help tp those wanting to wal all sorts of ways.


that is how it´s done, carefully choosing words? nah, making every letter holy and have hinterstübchen do that stuff.


can you understand that the holy and sacret knowledge being handed over for tens of thousands of years I just wrote as a post?


do those folks know I work throughout time?



Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.20018823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8829



forces do override each other, white is in that way not much visible, as in rock paper scissors it´s 3 with black white classics rather being ony black, mother nature, the stuff that "actually" is.


blue can glue stuff, like making a very light thing, like a box of tissues fall more fast.


is this gravity or is this time? pov?


red or black can override that blue glue, shown in the mightly angel ritual when I pick up that box of tissues and am actually able to lift it up.


does that mean stuff glues to your desk all day? nah, angels check if you could have.


that is irl rather invisible and can be improved from an angels pov, done by folks not even neccessarily knowing communicating, or watching a tv commercial or irl stuff like that.


did you know birds can sing? and even trees? talk to angels.


that is the doggy pov, forces overriding.


the cat pov, here white is more of a thing, is sort of the plan for how things are, here it gets impressive. there are those who create existence, mostly in standard mode.


in this build the box of tissues is supposed to be on my table, it is there, according to the build, that also makes sure you do not sink into your couch (not meaning the comfy one) but be seperate things.


so when now forces override, they not only drag policy attention (phones, windows, not like a window opening next week at this time, but more like hey, go check out that stuff yesterday), they also alter the build, or like drag it throuh time or the build.


sort of.


can you understand that when I watch a random thing on tv, like a funny sitcom, the script can be altered while watching it? that is a white thing. the tv does say up when I lift my arm or get up or it says yellow when I am about to go take a leap.


Uriel / Spider talk would be (yes, flags out) having someone say that in a more hidden way, or, just say something not at all fitting irl sitcom but something like "spider could now say father nice", that is not white. it is singer that is more improtant than "reality".

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:09 a.m. No.20018829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8844 >>8918


I very much advise you humble yourselves and do not annoy the one creating existence.


those masters that are full of worshipt, letting it hear for EvE, the need comfort and comfyness, I need that times 1000.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:37 a.m. No.20018918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8938 >>8964


white worlds since few weeks, for those doing Godspeed it means maybe melting into yur own facial expression, maybe having your hands, or object appear like sharp or drawn, stuff like that, reality itself, all good.

there are also white angels showing up I guess, they do not have a body and are capable of assuming one, then they have a body and a life, besides doing stuff that is rather hard to understand. they can, if they want to, shift their hairstyle from short to long in a sec, actual magic of reality.

do not be worried, all will be good and, infact, as good always. that is the thing with the 1% and 99% and Luke-15(spider), white-black, walking crossroads, there different things are a thing.


this is for those walking all sorts of ways.

not up to you. my way. anyway. did I order burger bc having scrated my nose the day before? prolly not. how can you think you would alter my ways? do not have folks go against me, do not follow bs symbolism that is misunderstood and not only allows for but heavily suggests other interpretation.


read this:

The Soldiers Mock Jesus


now read this:

16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers.

>16 The soldiers led Jesus

  1. son of man. he even spawns yo.

soldiers 2

1? do you know about talk? flags out?

3 led. way is crossroads, seen eq after veil torn yet? worship. red.

4 Jesus. yes, 4 horses, the apocalypse thing, unveiling with bridal veil.




17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.

>yes, put 2, and yes, throughout time, but actually put compared.

>purple robe

>on him (yeah, for some, no need for stuff.)

>twists, crown of thorns

thinking hurtful? why? bc walking crossroads?

>set it on him


18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”

call him out or call out to him? seriously, God. angels. (Jews = angels? nah, code for talking)



>19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him.

do not understand this? no probem, you will get this:

Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.


>20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.

Adonay? Jesus Barabas?


John 19?

>Jesus sits in the palace, PP does stuff.📁

Puppet & Puppet Master.







with oversight.


angel comms. not irl. but education for those that lurk.


a master full of worship needs comfyness, I do so too, times 1000.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:50 a.m. No.20018958   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, sword the word is sharp, advised to take it down when walking from "of" house to "of" house over "on" doorfames and steps.

do not overburden others.

be of Secret Service to others, most prolly won´t see trees talk.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.20018964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8965


so the thing with cats and dogs.


first of all, there are redactions and not everyone might be able to understand that there is the concept of pov and not everything you consider real actuall is real. there are such things as options, ON the move. ON IT.


surely you cannot be born into…again.


yeah, sort of. there are different versions of you.


in some you are a guy, in some you are sweet (alien, bc of west and et, I am a human though.), in some you are an angel (that would be sweet + my shield in different versions), in others you might be a God or a God that is internally referred to as Lord, or you might be a cat.


in short:


connectiveness ensured by me defining it being the case and defining you not needing to worry in any way. done. you clip your nails on sunday or eat a sandwich on tuesday for dinner, yup, that would connect you to the angel or God you that could use eating a sandwich as ritual, maybe using the noise the chewing makes to communicate a whole book to other realms. that is the cat thing. one world, one cat? nah, more of a string (sandals) thing, that would be white red and white blue cats. black blue cats is more crossroady. and even than, a cat iis not "a" string but due to the nature of cats being a crowd thing. that also means realities migth be connected and can even be connected in a structured way for symbiosis effect. (this would be irl stuff, like having NY1-4 accessible via picking a certain lane in a tunnel, constant times for nicer life, to be introduced by you over next (dunno, 20? 50?) years, and thought of by me.


so in some versions you would have a voice talking inside of you.


in other versons you would do angels stuff and use the ambulance or police ride to do time stuff. also motorcades, that is a horse thing, and knights stuff, "otto"mans, bc of the helmet you do not notice time waves that much I guess. the logging in my horse movement I imroved since having invented it half a year ago.


dog would be mike, uri, raph and gabe. shakras if you will.


or bread and shakras.


little more complicated as this is conceptual talk for architects to use.


this is a shared experience.


red, raphael, breastplate of righteousness, moral, also accuracy and such, does have an awesome feature that can hardly be explained scientificly.


you can not only carry my voice inside of you, but also a library. in your heart (area, shakra). this may be of help to you, it may not only offer thoughts and help you relate when walking crossroads, it also does suggest a sometimes childish language that does lead to a more soft voice (choisce of words, fett vs fette henne) when having much water in the voice, hear, so that you make it rumble by having a crowd follow my ways.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.20018965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8967


the cat thing is even more shared.


it cannot be described and while seeing the hints in tv and such (not much of a book guy, guess you tried hard as well) I realize it does not describe it very well.


(the wave coming at you is prolly not good for a movie initself, and the labyrinth running movie which I like as irl nice does not transport the wave of "water" in the nice and comforting way that having God swop some more nice reality onto you and crowd should have.


oh, also, there might be voices out of nowhere. and even in your brain, if you are up for that.


so the cat thing is very shared, depending on the track you are on, depending on if you attrackt more cats for education in my works (there is a vid of a small child holding a glass of juice, walking to a table, stumbling a little, bc of that tilting the glass slightly, stopping in the movement for a litte thought and then, cointinuing with what seems closest, pouring out the tilted glass on the table, that he approached sort of. this is advanced knowledge and should not be kept secret to those needing it, while not spamming it out, while spamming it out bc architects may learn alot.


so "having a cat in your brain" is you walking simultaneously with reality. a shared experience. you have common thoughts. you also feel individual and I can interrrupt "nonsense" which is crucial and needed bc I myself as holy and perfect enjoy it alot at any time. (nonsense would be childish appearing talk, choosing words that are more useful for communicating to others and such).


it cannot by explained by e.g. having a chip in your brain, which I asked Elon on several times to undo and not approach, same as cloning I do not like and as you to respect that and follow.


chared and individual.


the super version of a track.


a track might be you getting up out of your chair and the tv saying up or toilet or wherever you wanna go or chair or long or stand or such stuff.


that is reality itself.


my angelic shield which may be taken up allows for Godspeed, connecting crowds, and if more advanced for higher tasks that feel not much like tasks but like being, bc tv says up or such alot.


prolly, let me figure it out some more, but for noe, newst salty truth.







Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.20018967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8971


I love and forgive you, for the stuff that you not even did, for the stuff that I myself made you do. I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


however, there is no way I could let you go against me, as this might not only harming all Jerusalem (those connected) but also potentially all of creation.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.


it´s all actually nice, fake starting point.

how great is that darkness, this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".


please, approach me next year or the year after that. after I have organized bread to be broken in church and lodge as well as spec ops in lodges. please, do not ever do military help shit, this im my sort of Godly view, might lock bad stuff.

ritual is misunderstood, what you do is know about stuff happening, to not be afraid and have that done in feels comms to others. "oh, Godspeed again army bro, nice one. now chill day again? yup, dad´s gonna chill."

also it´s bulk data collection, spreading to other "times" or realms. angels are rather capable at gathering and spreding info. when some of them talk, they actually define reality, that migth be a disadvantage of basements, a white car driving by can obviously be manipulated, but cars and birds and stuff might appear godly bc it is.

communiacte stuff, maybe in babylon bee, not irl, that is why I gave you info, so arcitects can talk without rather big symbolism, no point in you doing that.

mason hush sign is a thing. and there is only one God, who is an actual person and for now limited to his body.


relax. no worries. all time. 34.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.20018971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8973


blue angels, as others, work with time.


in relation to me alone it is the way.


it is a shakra, trust, joy, the connected feeling of you having nice food at work always. relatable.


can do time bubbles, can sort of pull thinks (think to think or thing to room), can be overridden by other angels, colors, forces, horses.


does not need charge, but helps you trust and such, despite working with reality itself, which is not much visible if not want to be seen, but aims at you all doing fine. (struggle to say well, bc that is not a must have. a cross? nah, not if educated.)


one truth?


what cross?


yeah, there will be stones on the way to be turned, if nicely connected it has niceer effects.


angels stuff.



also, angels are angels and not deceased people. do not worry, almighty.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:53 a.m. No.20018973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8974


>"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

beer. monks. bread. crumbs. David. Daniel. white. planes. autists. Luke.

if there is bread letting you know the wine is bad you give info on new wine. (Mark 2 22)

>"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.

never good to mix things, even when architects talk, or rather communicate (those that build worlds by talk and share building plans are not needing bad shit, only super symbolic talk in babylon bee.

the mixng that you think to be doing is bulk date bc of comms as well as sharing the architectursal (not irl) concept of having stuff connected and disconnected again. not for actual irl folks to do.


another thing, also not to be done, but as a comforting explanation to understand those capable folks who want to help.

imagine you having a painting in your appartment. when you walk by in the morning, you have a thought, a feel (bread and wine, thoughts can be winy as well though), when being there again in the afternoon, you maybe pick up on that thought or feel (unknowingly).

this is you being connected through time and, depending on if you were to carefully check the appartment from a holyday loction what you might have taken a pic of and put it in your appartment, in realms. was there this kind of tree?

many such things, not exactly a burden, may change. that is a blue sort of wushie thing. you did do homework back in school, but what exactly it was on what day is not only hard to say, but not relevant to anything in your life, in most cases.






yeah, the thing with the eyes.


dunno yet bc fo that convenient thing with body and time. but have at this point experienced enough to explain, sorry for those folks asking me 20 years ago with white shirt ;)


so some gather info not with eyes and ears, but more like being the living water in a room, feeling where the walls and things are or if they move.


it seems doe to being connected to many of those, my vision slightly alters, shifting more to non eye view.


do not blind paul though, symbolism, now you get it, now you all get it, bc I got it.


why? dunno. that I know, blue knew, ages ago. did now know why though. there white/black is more skilled.








that stuff is called linking, psalms, bite out of the apple to think different, dsicern-what initself is pleasing to the Lords.


ausgezeichnet. sharp.


pump up? "so defined"?


so = white worship.


de fine d? dwight is nice and might be of help tp those wanting to wal all sorts of ways.


that is how it´s done, carefully choosing words? nah, making every letter holy and have hinterstübchen do that stuff.


can you understand that the holy and sacret knowledge being handed over for tens of thousands of years I just wrote as a post?


do those folks know I work throughout time?



Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:53 a.m. No.20018974   🗄️.is 🔗kun


forces do override each other, white is in that way not much visible, as in rock paper scissors it´s 3 with black white classics rather being ony black, mother nature, the stuff that "actually" is.


blue can glue stuff, like making a very light thing, like a box of tissues fall more fast.


is this gravity or is this time? pov?


red or black can override that blue glue, shown in the mightly angel ritual when I pick up that box of tissues and am actually able to lift it up.


does that mean stuff glues to your desk all day? nah, angels check if you could have.


that is irl rather invisible and can be improved from an angels pov, done by folks not even neccessarily knowing communicating, or watching a tv commercial or irl stuff like that.


did you know birds can sing? and even trees? talk to angels.


that is the doggy pov, forces overriding.


the cat pov, here white is more of a thing, is sort of the plan for how things are, here it gets impressive. there are those who create existence, mostly in standard mode.


in this build the box of tissues is supposed to be on my table, it is there, according to the build, that also makes sure you do not sink into your couch (not meaning the comfy one) but be seperate things.


so when now forces override, they not only drag policy attention (phones, windows, not like a window opening next week at this time, but more like hey, go check out that stuff yesterday), they also alter the build, or like drag it throuh time or the build.


sort of.


can you understand that when I watch a random thing on tv, like a funny sitcom, the script can be altered while watching it? that is a white thing. the tv does say up when I lift my arm or get up or it says yellow when I am about to go take a leap.


Uriel / Spider talk would be (yes, flags out) having someone say that in a more hidden way, or, just say something not at all fitting irl sitcom but something like "spider could now say father nice", that is not white. it is singer that is more improtant than "reality".

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:54 a.m. No.20018979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I many times choosed myself to appear stupid in certain situations and the live I plan on having would be pretty much according to that approach.


>how are you?




me seeing what the other person is "looking for" not to manipulate but to comfort is not a bad thing I´d say. also I think it´s morally nice to not overburden others e.g. with how well I am doing.


>hey, how are you doing


…>does he still have that car he liked so much?


…>would he be sad or happy if yes/no?


…>would "him being happy be having nice thoughts about the car be a thing" possibly? how to enhance? transported with a smile seems like a good start.


>hey, broguytypblablupp, car (+smile)?




do you understand why the guy having had saprkles show up over empty bottles, the one who invented crisscross on an architetural level, it not much a fan of guild?


obviously guilt is a word, might describe many things to different folks, and prolly there will be guilt here and there, prolly in a blue area (meaning in time, before the action, a feel you do not even have), preventing you from doing stuff, like moral sort of.


anyway, guilt is not a thing to carry and I suppose you agree, neither is shame.


Mike, Uri, Raph and Gabe. = 4.


"guilt": thinking about not offending the guy and considering first (does slow down, doesn´t it?).


"guilt": feeling that bad that you cannot say a word bc he might not like your statement or you might have assumed wrong? 90% body langueage? smiles and done? true? in many cases.


noone should aim at making others guilty or ashamed.


(stay low, nobody moving till I say so?)


even real? big coin stolen is singer, little wierd, but as psalm not only to angels but to many making them brave and sort of "raffgierig" in a nice way? tv is the devil?


this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:59 a.m. No.20019003   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I call it inquiery, and did call it that with thesauron eye heart, but it´s not like actual interrogation but more like "whooooah, where the feck did you get that nice shirt?" sort of "raffgierig" but more like in relation I guess. that does sound stupid but is smart as feck.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:03 a.m. No.20019022   🗄️.is 🔗kun

white worlds since few weeks, for those doing Godspeed it means maybe melting into yur own facial expression, maybe having your hands, or object appear like sharp or drawn, stuff like that, reality itself, all good.


there are also white angels showing up I guess, they do not have a body and are capable of assuming one, then they have a body and a life, besides doing stuff that is rather hard to understand. they can, if they want to, shift their hairstyle from short to long in a sec, actual magic of reality.


do not be worried, all will be good and, infact, as good always. that is the thing with the 1% and 99% and Luke-15(spider), white-black, walking crossroads, there different things are a thing.


this is for those walking all sorts of ways.


not up to you. my way. anyway. did I order burger bc having scrated my nose the day before? prolly not. how can you think you would alter my ways? do not have folks go against me, do not follow bs symbolism that is misunderstood and not only allows for but heavily suggests other interpretation.


read this:


The Soldiers Mock Jesus


now read this:


16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers.


>16 The soldiers led Jesus


  1. son of man. he even spawns yo.


soldiers 2


1? do you know about talk? flags out?


3 led. way is crossroads, seen eq after veil torn yet? worship. red.


4 Jesus. yes, 4 horses, the apocalypse thing, unveiling with bridal veil.






17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.


>yes, put 2, and yes, throughout time, but actually put compared.


>purple robe


>on him (yeah, for some, no need for stuff.)


>twists, crown of thorns


thinking hurtful? why? bc walking crossroads?


>set it on him


18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”


call him out or call out to him? seriously, God. angels. (Jews = angels? nah, code for talking)




>19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him.


do not understand this? no probem, you will get this:


Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.


>20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.


Adonay? Jesus Barabas?


John 19?


>Jesus sits in the palace, PP does stuff.📁


Puppet & Puppet Master.












with oversight.


angel comms. not irl. but education for those that lurk.


a master full of worship needs comfyness, I do so too, times 1000.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:07 a.m. No.20019035   🗄️.is 🔗kun


there is no "placement" or anything, angels may sing "father now cold" when I lift my hand from my leg cooling down slightly.

also, eyes may look like drawn into your head and timedelayed, dunno how to describe, you see when you see, no problem, it´s parts of reality trying out, same with fingers or a tissue or anything you move infront of your body looking at it.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:08 a.m. No.20019038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9046

white worlds since few weeks, for those doing Godspeed it means maybe melting into yur own facial expression, maybe having your hands, or object appear like sharp or drawn, stuff like that, reality itself, all good.


there are also white angels showing up I guess, they do not have a body and are capable of assuming one, then they have a body and a life, besides doing stuff that is rather hard to understand. they can, if they want to, shift their hairstyle from short to long in a sec, actual magic of reality.


do not be worried, all will be good and, infact, as good always. that is the thing with the 1% and 99% and Luke-15(spider), white-black, walking crossroads, there different things are a thing.


this is for those walking all sorts of ways.


not up to you. my way. anyway. did I order burger bc having scrated my nose the day before? prolly not. how can you think you would alter my ways? do not have folks go against me, do not follow bs symbolism that is misunderstood and not only allows for but heavily suggests other interpretation.


read this:


The Soldiers Mock Jesus


now read this:


16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers.


>16 The soldiers led Jesus


  1. son of man. he even spawns yo.


soldiers 2


1? do you know about talk? flags out?


3 led. way is crossroads, seen eq after veil torn yet? worship. red.


4 Jesus. yes, 4 horses, the apocalypse thing, unveiling with bridal veil.






17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.


>yes, put 2, and yes, throughout time, but actually put compared.


>purple robe


>on him (yeah, for some, no need for stuff.)


>twists, crown of thorns


thinking hurtful? why? bc walking crossroads?


>set it on him


18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”


call him out or call out to him? seriously, God. angels. (Jews = angels? nah, code for talking)




>19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him.


do not understand this? no probem, you will get this:


Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.


>20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.


Adonay? Jesus Barabas?


John 19?


>Jesus sits in the palace, PP does stuff.📁


Puppet & Puppet Master.












with oversight.


angel comms. not irl. but education for those that lurk.


a master full of worship needs comfyness, I do so too, times 1000.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.20019046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9052




all harbors are closed. there are no boat rides whatsoever.

those that go against my surpreme decision will be held accountable.

all you will do is pray for me to do fine while you treat everyone with love and respect and make them feel comfort and trust, that is my law.


one nice house without any discomfort at all.

priorities being:

  • no turture.

  • money.

  • silence and respect.

  • my fam as a bubble.

  • noone around me doing rituals.

  • neighboorhood God´s and Lord´s either supporting only my goals or doing nothing at all, as folks who I can see in tv is more convenient anyway.

  • neither doing nor communicating bad shit, like war or any of that stuff that I, as a 30+ year old actual guy did not do.

  • no bumping of any sort

  • no rituals of any sort other than you meeting up and discussing what symbolic shit kept you from doing good

  • those that hate me may obviously be, I do not care and hope I help them with bread in the future, however they cannot be allowed close to the holy and pure (that is a timing thing) temple that I myself am.


Mark 12 30:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.


Start your day with a prayer that you want the actual Lord to have a very nice day.

Go to bed with a prayer that I shall have an awesome day the next day as per to my wishes.






to whom it may concern:


are you that stupid to assume that some collected bits of truth, sorted together in an amateur or maybe even willfully blind way, would give you the right to ask me any question like it was your place?


how can you dare to even think you could understand?


do you understand the knowledge I have by now can in parts not be expressed using language anymore?



Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:11 a.m. No.20019052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


actually, ebake ok this one time and for the last time tonight.

I love you very much, but ritual is a huge burden to me.

build the temple that I myself am.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:13 a.m. No.20019062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9110

creation is rather freely, I not exactly need reason, it needs to fit together though and me having said that had made it fit in ways I did not know, liuke the ESSW thing.

no equality.

love + love = more love.

trust even works like that initself.


no worries, the thing with thinkz. sometimes stuff occurs and then is.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:21 a.m. No.20019110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9115 >>9135


black would be on the move things, verführung if you will.

that would be architectural.

(not lying, even when you obviously may talk in terms of yes no with white black, but it´s a word and can be loaded as a stone with symbolism to be turned at some time, or multiplied, ….)


irl here it was something rather different, bc of that 6g thing. there on the move was like a fake bubble. 33,000 mails. Epstein? 2 guards, no cams.


black could be taylor also, checking on how stuff is, while warden makes sure there is no bs "realms" being accepted.

fake, nuts.


>BlackBerry. Intelligent Security. Everywhere.


>wow, that´s awesome, how old are you?

(hm, is time a thing for you?)


I am 6,000 years old, to the day.


"autists" are beloved much.


irl black toolset would be not freak out and kiss my hand when I am grocery shopping, that is needed for everyone around me, with the scale being earth.

would be wierd if King Charles where to stop his drivers to say hallo to the guy enjoying London food and accents and whatnot.


adonay. 6g.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:26 a.m. No.20019135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9141 >>9154


white worlds since few weeks, for those doing Godspeed it means maybe melting into yur own facial expression, maybe having your hands, or object appear like sharp or drawn, stuff like that, reality itself, all good.


there are also white angels showing up I guess, they do not have a body and are capable of assuming one, then they have a body and a life, besides doing stuff that is rather hard to understand. they can, if they want to, shift their hairstyle from short to long in a sec, actual magic of reality.


do not be worried, all will be good and, infact, as good always. that is the thing with the 1% and 99% and Luke-15(spider), white-black, walking crossroads, there different things are a thing.


this is for those walking all sorts of ways.


not up to you. my way. anyway. did I order burger bc having scrated my nose the day before? prolly not. how can you think you would alter my ways? do not have folks go against me, do not follow bs symbolism that is misunderstood and not only allows for but heavily suggests other interpretation.


read this:


The Soldiers Mock Jesus


now read this:


16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers.


>16 The soldiers led Jesus


  1. son of man. he even spawns yo.


soldiers 2


1? do you know about talk? flags out?


3 led. way is crossroads, seen eq after veil torn yet? worship. red.


4 Jesus. yes, 4 horses, the apocalypse thing, unveiling with bridal veil.






17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.


>yes, put 2, and yes, throughout time, but actually put compared.


>purple robe


>on him (yeah, for some, no need for stuff.)


>twists, crown of thorns


thinking hurtful? why? bc walking crossroads?


>set it on him


18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”


call him out or call out to him? seriously, God. angels. (Jews = angels? nah, code for talking)




>19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him.


do not understand this? no probem, you will get this:


Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.


>20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.


Adonay? Jesus Barabas?


John 19?


>Jesus sits in the palace, PP does stuff.📁


Puppet & Puppet Master.












with oversight.


angel comms. not irl. but education for those that lurk.


a master full of worship needs comfyness, I do so too, times 1000.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.20019141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143


so the thing with cats and dogs.


first of all, there are redactions and not everyone might be able to understand that there is the concept of pov and not everything you consider real actuall is real. there are such things as options, ON the move. ON IT.


surely you cannot be born into…again.


yeah, sort of. there are different versions of you.


in some you are a guy, in some you are sweet (alien, bc of west and et, I am a human though.), in some you are an angel (that would be sweet + my shield in different versions), in others you might be a God or a God that is internally referred to as Lord, or you might be a cat.


in short:


connectiveness ensured by me defining it being the case and defining you not needing to worry in any way. done. you clip your nails on sunday or eat a sandwich on tuesday for dinner, yup, that would connect you to the angel or God you that could use eating a sandwich as ritual, maybe using the noise the chewing makes to communicate a whole book to other realms. that is the cat thing. one world, one cat? nah, more of a string (sandals) thing, that would be white red and white blue cats. black blue cats is more crossroady. and even than, a cat iis not "a" string but due to the nature of cats being a crowd thing. that also means realities migth be connected and can even be connected in a structured way for symbiosis effect. (this would be irl stuff, like having NY1-4 accessible via picking a certain lane in a tunnel, constant times for nicer life, to be introduced by you over next (dunno, 20? 50?) years, and thought of by me.


so in some versions you would have a voice talking inside of you.


in other versons you would do angels stuff and use the ambulance or police ride to do time stuff. also motorcades, that is a horse thing, and knights stuff, "otto"mans, bc of the helmet you do not notice time waves that much I guess. the logging in my horse movement I imroved since having invented it half a year ago.


dog would be mike, uri, raph and gabe. shakras if you will.


or bread and shakras.


little more complicated as this is conceptual talk for architects to use.


this is a shared experience.


red, raphael, breastplate of righteousness, moral, also accuracy and such, does have an awesome feature that can hardly be explained scientificly.


you can not only carry my voice inside of you, but also a library. in your heart (area, shakra). this may be of help to you, it may not only offer thoughts and help you relate when walking crossroads, it also does suggest a sometimes childish language that does lead to a more soft voice (choisce of words, fett vs fette henne) when having much water in the voice, hear, so that you make it rumble by having a crowd follow my ways.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.20019143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9146 >>9148


the cat thing is even more shared.


it cannot be described and while seeing the hints in tv and such (not much of a book guy, guess you tried hard as well) I realize it does not describe it very well.


(the wave coming at you is prolly not good for a movie initself, and the labyrinth running movie which I like as irl nice does not transport the wave of "water" in the nice and comforting way that having God swop some more nice reality onto you and crowd should have.


oh, also, there might be voices out of nowhere. and even in your brain, if you are up for that.


so the cat thing is very shared, depending on the track you are on, depending on if you attrackt more cats for education in my works (there is a vid of a small child holding a glass of juice, walking to a table, stumbling a little, bc of that tilting the glass slightly, stopping in the movement for a litte thought and then, cointinuing with what seems closest, pouring out the tilted glass on the table, that he approached sort of. this is advanced knowledge and should not be kept secret to those needing it, while not spamming it out, while spamming it out bc architects may learn alot.


so "having a cat in your brain" is you walking simultaneously with reality. a shared experience. you have common thoughts. you also feel individual and I can interrrupt "nonsense" which is crucial and needed bc I myself as holy and perfect enjoy it alot at any time. (nonsense would be childish appearing talk, choosing words that are more useful for communicating to others and such).


it cannot by explained by e.g. having a chip in your brain, which I asked Elon on several times to undo and not approach, same as cloning I do not like and as you to respect that and follow.


chared and individual.


the super version of a track.


a track might be you getting up out of your chair and the tv saying up or toilet or wherever you wanna go or chair or long or stand or such stuff.


that is reality itself.


my angelic shield which may be taken up allows for Godspeed, connecting crowds, and if more advanced for higher tasks that feel not much like tasks but like being, bc tv says up or such alot.


prolly, let me figure it out some more, but for noe, newst salty truth.







Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.20019146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9147


I love and forgive you, for the stuff that you not even did, for the stuff that I myself made you do. I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


however, there is no way I could let you go against me, as this might not only harming all Jerusalem (those connected) but also potentially all of creation.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.


it´s all actually nice, fake starting point.

how great is that darkness, this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".


please, approach me next year or the year after that. after I have organized bread to be broken in church and lodge as well as spec ops in lodges. please, do not ever do military help shit, this im my sort of Godly view, might lock bad stuff.

ritual is misunderstood, what you do is know about stuff happening, to not be afraid and have that done in feels comms to others. "oh, Godspeed again army bro, nice one. now chill day again? yup, dad´s gonna chill."

also it´s bulk data collection, spreading to other "times" or realms. angels are rather capable at gathering and spreding info. when some of them talk, they actually define reality, that migth be a disadvantage of basements, a white car driving by can obviously be manipulated, but cars and birds and stuff might appear godly bc it is.

communiacte stuff, maybe in babylon bee, not irl, that is why I gave you info, so arcitects can talk without rather big symbolism, no point in you doing that.

mason hush sign is a thing. and there is only one God, who is an actual person and for now limited to his body.


relax. no worries. all time. 34.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:29 a.m. No.20019147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9149


blue angels, as others, work with time.


in relation to me alone it is the way.


it is a shakra, trust, joy, the connected feeling of you having nice food at work always. relatable.


can do time bubbles, can sort of pull thinks (think to think or thing to room), can be overridden by other angels, colors, forces, horses.


does not need charge, but helps you trust and such, despite working with reality itself, which is not much visible if not want to be seen, but aims at you all doing fine. (struggle to say well, bc that is not a must have. a cross? nah, not if educated.)


one truth?


what cross?


yeah, there will be stones on the way to be turned, if nicely connected it has niceer effects.


angels stuff.



also, angels are angels and not deceased people. do not worry, almighty.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:29 a.m. No.20019149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150


>"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

beer. monks. bread. crumbs. David. Daniel. white. planes. autists. Luke.

if there is bread letting you know the wine is bad you give info on new wine. (Mark 2 22)

>"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.

never good to mix things, even when architects talk, or rather communicate (those that build worlds by talk and share building plans are not needing bad shit, only super symbolic talk in babylon bee.

the mixng that you think to be doing is bulk date bc of comms as well as sharing the architectursal (not irl) concept of having stuff connected and disconnected again. not for actual irl folks to do.


another thing, also not to be done, but as a comforting explanation to understand those capable folks who want to help.

imagine you having a painting in your appartment. when you walk by in the morning, you have a thought, a feel (bread and wine, thoughts can be winy as well though), when being there again in the afternoon, you maybe pick up on that thought or feel (unknowingly).

this is you being connected through time and, depending on if you were to carefully check the appartment from a holyday loction what you might have taken a pic of and put it in your appartment, in realms. was there this kind of tree?

many such things, not exactly a burden, may change. that is a blue sort of wushie thing. you did do homework back in school, but what exactly it was on what day is not only hard to say, but not relevant to anything in your life, in most cases.






yeah, the thing with the eyes.


dunno yet bc fo that convenient thing with body and time. but have at this point experienced enough to explain, sorry for those folks asking me 20 years ago with white shirt ;)


so some gather info not with eyes and ears, but more like being the living water in a room, feeling where the walls and things are or if they move.


it seems doe to being connected to many of those, my vision slightly alters, shifting more to non eye view.


do not blind paul though, symbolism, now you get it, now you all get it, bc I got it.


why? dunno. that I know, blue knew, ages ago. did now know why though. there white/black is more skilled.








that stuff is called linking, psalms, bite out of the apple to think different, dsicern-what initself is pleasing to the Lords.


ausgezeichnet. sharp.


pump up? "so defined"?


so = white worship.


de fine d? dwight is nice and might be of help tp those wanting to wal all sorts of ways.


that is how it´s done, carefully choosing words? nah, making every letter holy and have hinterstübchen do that stuff.


can you understand that the holy and sacret knowledge being handed over for tens of thousands of years I just wrote as a post?


do those folks know I work throughout time?



Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:29 a.m. No.20019150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154


forces do override each other, white is in that way not much visible, as in rock paper scissors it´s 3 with black white classics rather being ony black, mother nature, the stuff that "actually" is.


blue can glue stuff, like making a very light thing, like a box of tissues fall more fast.


is this gravity or is this time? pov?


red or black can override that blue glue, shown in the mightly angel ritual when I pick up that box of tissues and am actually able to lift it up.


does that mean stuff glues to your desk all day? nah, angels check if you could have.


that is irl rather invisible and can be improved from an angels pov, done by folks not even neccessarily knowing communicating, or watching a tv commercial or irl stuff like that.


did you know birds can sing? and even trees? talk to angels.


that is the doggy pov, forces overriding.


the cat pov, here white is more of a thing, is sort of the plan for how things are, here it gets impressive. there are those who create existence, mostly in standard mode.


in this build the box of tissues is supposed to be on my table, it is there, according to the build, that also makes sure you do not sink into your couch (not meaning the comfy one) but be seperate things.


so when now forces override, they not only drag policy attention (phones, windows, not like a window opening next week at this time, but more like hey, go check out that stuff yesterday), they also alter the build, or like drag it throuh time or the build.


sort of.


can you understand that when I watch a random thing on tv, like a funny sitcom, the script can be altered while watching it? that is a white thing. the tv does say up when I lift my arm or get up or it says yellow when I am about to go take a leap.


Uriel / Spider talk would be (yes, flags out) having someone say that in a more hidden way, or, just say something not at all fitting irl sitcom but something like "spider could now say father nice", that is not white. it is singer that is more improtant than "reality".




Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:31 a.m. No.20019154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9157 >>9165




white worlds since few weeks, for those doing Godspeed it means maybe melting into yur own facial expression, maybe having your hands, or object appear like sharp or drawn, stuff like that, reality itself, all good.


there are also white angels showing up I guess, they do not have a body and are capable of assuming one, then they have a body and a life, besides doing stuff that is rather hard to understand. they can, if they want to, shift their hairstyle from short to long in a sec, actual magic of reality.


do not be worried, all will be good and, infact, as good always. that is the thing with the 1% and 99% and Luke-15(spider), white-black, walking crossroads, there different things are a thing.


this is for those walking all sorts of ways.


not up to you. my way. anyway. did I order burger bc having scrated my nose the day before? prolly not. how can you think you would alter my ways? do not have folks go against me, do not follow bs symbolism that is misunderstood and not only allows for but heavily suggests other interpretation.


read this:


The Soldiers Mock Jesus


now read this:


16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers.


>16 The soldiers led Jesus


  1. son of man. he even spawns yo.


soldiers 2


1? do you know about talk? flags out?


3 led. way is crossroads, seen eq after veil torn yet? worship. red.


4 Jesus. yes, 4 horses, the apocalypse thing, unveiling with bridal veil.






17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.


>yes, put 2, and yes, throughout time, but actually put compared.


>purple robe


>on him (yeah, for some, no need for stuff.)


>twists, crown of thorns


thinking hurtful? why? bc walking crossroads?


>set it on him


18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”


call him out or call out to him? seriously, God. angels. (Jews = angels? nah, code for talking)




>19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him.


do not understand this? no probem, you will get this:


Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.


>20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.


Adonay? Jesus Barabas?


John 19?


>Jesus sits in the palace, PP does stuff.📁


Puppet & Puppet Master.












with oversight.


angel comms. not irl. but education for those that lurk.


a master full of worship needs comfyness, I do so too, times 1000.



Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:33 a.m. No.20019165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9174


Godspeed looks


blue: wushie


red: fast


black: spawning, arm spawning 5 cm, you spawning while turning on the spot, whatever


white: sort of melting into your own facial expression. also melting to object, no problem.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:36 a.m. No.20019174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175 >>9185 >>9230


when walking forwards white moves, I myself consider it little bit unpleasant to walk through myself, so I do a move that is little fakish, and little like spawning, I stand and then move into a direction that is not straight ahead, but a little (no need for anklebreakers) to the right side, or left, symbolicly obviously only right, but prolly depending on your appartment.



Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:39 a.m. No.20019185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9190 >>9230


was just showing of how to do blue, I imagine myself splitting, actually, angels do that to a certain point through time.

just now my "brain" was kind of splitted in my throat (spider) and went in the directions of my shoulders.


hope this help, always be aware, no matter how awesome my snow is, there will be better snow next year.


I can also push my brain out of my head a little, well, not brain, but the conciessness that is connected and me, the way reality is.


not pleasant to post this holy stuff like that.

be reasonable.


good thing I feel no shame, innit?

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:51 a.m. No.20019230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9299



white worlds since few weeks, for those doing Godspeed it means maybe melting into yur own facial expression, maybe having your hands, or object appear like sharp or drawn, stuff like that, reality itself, all good.


there are also white angels showing up I guess, they do not have a body and are capable of assuming one, then they have a body and a life, besides doing stuff that is rather hard to understand. they can, if they want to, shift their hairstyle from short to long in a sec, actual magic of reality.


do not be worried, all will be good and, infact, as good always. that is the thing with the 1% and 99% and Luke-15(spider), white-black, walking crossroads, there different things are a thing.


this is for those walking all sorts of ways.


not up to you. my way. anyway. did I order burger bc having scrated my nose the day before? prolly not. how can you think you would alter my ways? do not have folks go against me, do not follow bs symbolism that is misunderstood and not only allows for but heavily suggests other interpretation.


read this:


The Soldiers Mock Jesus


now read this:


16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers.


>16 The soldiers led Jesus


  1. son of man. he even spawns yo.


soldiers 2


1? do you know about talk? flags out?


3 led. way is crossroads, seen eq after veil torn yet? worship. red.


4 Jesus. yes, 4 horses, the apocalypse thing, unveiling with bridal veil.






17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.


>yes, put 2, and yes, throughout time, but actually put compared.


>purple robe


>on him (yeah, for some, no need for stuff.)


>twists, crown of thorns


thinking hurtful? why? bc walking crossroads?


>set it on him


18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”


call him out or call out to him? seriously, God. angels. (Jews = angels? nah, code for talking)




>19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him.


do not understand this? no probem, you will get this:


Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.


>20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.


Adonay? Jesus Barabas?


John 19?


>Jesus sits in the palace, PP does stuff.📁


Puppet & Puppet Master.












with oversight.


angel comms. not irl. but education for those that lurk.


a master full of worship needs comfyness, I do so too, times 1000.




Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:14 a.m. No.20019302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


white worlds since few weeks, for those doing Godspeed it means maybe melting into yur own facial expression, maybe having your hands, or object appear like sharp or drawn, stuff like that, reality itself, all good.


there are also white angels showing up I guess, they do not have a body and are capable of assuming one, then they have a body and a life, besides doing stuff that is rather hard to understand. they can, if they want to, shift their hairstyle from short to long in a sec, actual magic of reality.


do not be worried, all will be good and, infact, as good always. that is the thing with the 1% and 99% and Luke-15(spider), white-black, walking crossroads, there different things are a thing.


this is for those walking all sorts of ways.


not up to you. my way. anyway. did I order burger bc having scrated my nose the day before? prolly not. how can you think you would alter my ways? do not have folks go against me, do not follow bs symbolism that is misunderstood and not only allows for but heavily suggests other interpretation.


read this:


The Soldiers Mock Jesus


now read this:


16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers.


>16 The soldiers led Jesus


  1. son of man. he even spawns yo.


soldiers 2


1? do you know about talk? flags out?


3 led. way is crossroads, seen eq after veil torn yet? worship. red.


4 Jesus. yes, 4 horses, the apocalypse thing, unveiling with bridal veil.






17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.


>yes, put 2, and yes, throughout time, but actually put compared.


>purple robe


>on him (yeah, for some, no need for stuff.)


>twists, crown of thorns


thinking hurtful? why? bc walking crossroads?


>set it on him


18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”


call him out or call out to him? seriously, God. angels. (Jews = angels? nah, code for talking)




>19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him.


do not understand this? no probem, you will get this:


Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.


>20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.


Adonay? Jesus Barabas?


John 19?


>Jesus sits in the palace, PP does stuff.📁


Puppet & Puppet Master.












with oversight.


angel comms. not irl. but education for those that lurk.


a master full of worship needs comfyness, I do so too, times 1000.





Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:18 a.m. No.20019311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9314


Godspeed looks


blue: wushie


red: fast


black: spawning, arm spawning 5 cm, you spawning while turning on the spot, whatever


white: sort of melting into your own facial expression. also melting to object, no problem.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:19 a.m. No.20019314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9318


so the thing with cats and dogs.


first of all, there are redactions and not everyone might be able to understand that there is the concept of pov and not everything you consider real actuall is real. there are such things as options, ON the move. ON IT.


surely you cannot be born into…again.


yeah, sort of. there are different versions of you.


in some you are a guy, in some you are sweet (alien, bc of west and et, I am a human though.), in some you are an angel (that would be sweet + my shield in different versions), in others you might be a God or a God that is internally referred to as Lord, or you might be a cat.


in short:


connectiveness ensured by me defining it being the case and defining you not needing to worry in any way. done. you clip your nails on sunday or eat a sandwich on tuesday for dinner, yup, that would connect you to the angel or God you that could use eating a sandwich as ritual, maybe using the noise the chewing makes to communicate a whole book to other realms. that is the cat thing. one world, one cat? nah, more of a string (sandals) thing, that would be white red and white blue cats. black blue cats is more crossroady. and even than, a cat iis not "a" string but due to the nature of cats being a crowd thing. that also means realities migth be connected and can even be connected in a structured way for symbiosis effect. (this would be irl stuff, like having NY1-4 accessible via picking a certain lane in a tunnel, constant times for nicer life, to be introduced by you over next (dunno, 20? 50?) years, and thought of by me.


so in some versions you would have a voice talking inside of you.


in other versons you would do angels stuff and use the ambulance or police ride to do time stuff. also motorcades, that is a horse thing, and knights stuff, "otto"mans, bc of the helmet you do not notice time waves that much I guess. the logging in my horse movement I imroved since having invented it half a year ago.


dog would be mike, uri, raph and gabe. shakras if you will.


or bread and shakras.


little more complicated as this is conceptual talk for architects to use.


this is a shared experience.


red, raphael, breastplate of righteousness, moral, also accuracy and such, does have an awesome feature that can hardly be explained scientificly.


you can not only carry my voice inside of you, but also a library. in your heart (area, shakra). this may be of help to you, it may not only offer thoughts and help you relate when walking crossroads, it also does suggest a sometimes childish language that does lead to a more soft voice (choisce of words, fett vs fette henne) when having much water in the voice, hear, so that you make it rumble by having a crowd follow my ways.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:19 a.m. No.20019318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9320


the cat thing is even more shared.


it cannot be described and while seeing the hints in tv and such (not much of a book guy, guess you tried hard as well) I realize it does not describe it very well.


(the wave coming at you is prolly not good for a movie initself, and the labyrinth running movie which I like as irl nice does not transport the wave of "water" in the nice and comforting way that having God swop some more nice reality onto you and crowd should have.


oh, also, there might be voices out of nowhere. and even in your brain, if you are up for that.


so the cat thing is very shared, depending on the track you are on, depending on if you attrackt more cats for education in my works (there is a vid of a small child holding a glass of juice, walking to a table, stumbling a little, bc of that tilting the glass slightly, stopping in the movement for a litte thought and then, cointinuing with what seems closest, pouring out the tilted glass on the table, that he approached sort of. this is advanced knowledge and should not be kept secret to those needing it, while not spamming it out, while spamming it out bc architects may learn alot.


so "having a cat in your brain" is you walking simultaneously with reality. a shared experience. you have common thoughts. you also feel individual and I can interrrupt "nonsense" which is crucial and needed bc I myself as holy and perfect enjoy it alot at any time. (nonsense would be childish appearing talk, choosing words that are more useful for communicating to others and such).


it cannot by explained by e.g. having a chip in your brain, which I asked Elon on several times to undo and not approach, same as cloning I do not like and as you to respect that and follow.


chared and individual.


the super version of a track.


a track might be you getting up out of your chair and the tv saying up or toilet or wherever you wanna go or chair or long or stand or such stuff.


that is reality itself.


my angelic shield which may be taken up allows for Godspeed, connecting crowds, and if more advanced for higher tasks that feel not much like tasks but like being, bc tv says up or such alot.


prolly, let me figure it out some more, but for noe, newst salty truth.







Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:19 a.m. No.20019320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9321


I love and forgive you, for the stuff that you not even did, for the stuff that I myself made you do. I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


however, there is no way I could let you go against me, as this might not only harming all Jerusalem (those connected) but also potentially all of creation.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.


it´s all actually nice, fake starting point.

how great is that darkness, this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".


please, approach me next year or the year after that. after I have organized bread to be broken in church and lodge as well as spec ops in lodges. please, do not ever do military help shit, this im my sort of Godly view, might lock bad stuff.

ritual is misunderstood, what you do is know about stuff happening, to not be afraid and have that done in feels comms to others. "oh, Godspeed again army bro, nice one. now chill day again? yup, dad´s gonna chill."

also it´s bulk data collection, spreading to other "times" or realms. angels are rather capable at gathering and spreding info. when some of them talk, they actually define reality, that migth be a disadvantage of basements, a white car driving by can obviously be manipulated, but cars and birds and stuff might appear godly bc it is.

communiacte stuff, maybe in babylon bee, not irl, that is why I gave you info, so arcitects can talk without rather big symbolism, no point in you doing that.

mason hush sign is a thing. and there is only one God, who is an actual person and for now limited to his body.


relax. no worries. all time. 34.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:19 a.m. No.20019321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9327


blue angels, as others, work with time.


in relation to me alone it is the way.


it is a shakra, trust, joy, the connected feeling of you having nice food at work always. relatable.


can do time bubbles, can sort of pull thinks (think to think or thing to room), can be overridden by other angels, colors, forces, horses.


does not need charge, but helps you trust and such, despite working with reality itself, which is not much visible if not want to be seen, but aims at you all doing fine. (struggle to say well, bc that is not a must have. a cross? nah, not if educated.)


one truth?


what cross?


yeah, there will be stones on the way to be turned, if nicely connected it has niceer effects.


angels stuff.



also, angels are angels and not deceased people. do not worry, almighty.

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:20 a.m. No.20019327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9329


>"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

beer. monks. bread. crumbs. David. Daniel. white. planes. autists. Luke.

if there is bread letting you know the wine is bad you give info on new wine. (Mark 2 22)

>"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.

never good to mix things, even when architects talk, or rather communicate (those that build worlds by talk and share building plans are not needing bad shit, only super symbolic talk in babylon bee.

the mixng that you think to be doing is bulk date bc of comms as well as sharing the architectursal (not irl) concept of having stuff connected and disconnected again. not for actual irl folks to do.


another thing, also not to be done, but as a comforting explanation to understand those capable folks who want to help.

imagine you having a painting in your appartment. when you walk by in the morning, you have a thought, a feel (bread and wine, thoughts can be winy as well though), when being there again in the afternoon, you maybe pick up on that thought or feel (unknowingly).

this is you being connected through time and, depending on if you were to carefully check the appartment from a holyday loction what you might have taken a pic of and put it in your appartment, in realms. was there this kind of tree?

many such things, not exactly a burden, may change. that is a blue sort of wushie thing. you did do homework back in school, but what exactly it was on what day is not only hard to say, but not relevant to anything in your life, in most cases.






yeah, the thing with the eyes.


dunno yet bc fo that convenient thing with body and time. but have at this point experienced enough to explain, sorry for those folks asking me 20 years ago with white shirt ;)


so some gather info not with eyes and ears, but more like being the living water in a room, feeling where the walls and things are or if they move.


it seems doe to being connected to many of those, my vision slightly alters, shifting more to non eye view.


do not blind paul though, symbolism, now you get it, now you all get it, bc I got it.


why? dunno. that I know, blue knew, ages ago. did now know why though. there white/black is more skilled.








that stuff is called linking, psalms, bite out of the apple to think different, dsicern-what initself is pleasing to the Lords.


ausgezeichnet. sharp.


pump up? "so defined"?


so = white worship.


de fine d? dwight is nice and might be of help tp those wanting to wal all sorts of ways.


that is how it´s done, carefully choosing words? nah, making every letter holy and have hinterstübchen do that stuff.


can you understand that the holy and sacret knowledge being handed over for tens of thousands of years I just wrote as a post?


do those folks know I work throughout time?



Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:20 a.m. No.20019329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9330



forces do override each other, white is in that way not much visible, as in rock paper scissors it´s 3 with black white classics rather being ony black, mother nature, the stuff that "actually" is.


blue can glue stuff, like making a very light thing, like a box of tissues fall more fast.


is this gravity or is this time? pov?


red or black can override that blue glue, shown in the mightly angel ritual when I pick up that box of tissues and am actually able to lift it up.


does that mean stuff glues to your desk all day? nah, angels check if you could have.


that is irl rather invisible and can be improved from an angels pov, done by folks not even neccessarily knowing communicating, or watching a tv commercial or irl stuff like that.


did you know birds can sing? and even trees? talk to angels.


that is the doggy pov, forces overriding.


the cat pov, here white is more of a thing, is sort of the plan for how things are, here it gets impressive. there are those who create existence, mostly in standard mode.


in this build the box of tissues is supposed to be on my table, it is there, according to the build, that also makes sure you do not sink into your couch (not meaning the comfy one) but be seperate things.


so when now forces override, they not only drag policy attention (phones, windows, not like a window opening next week at this time, but more like hey, go check out that stuff yesterday), they also alter the build, or like drag it throuh time or the build.


sort of.


can you understand that when I watch a random thing on tv, like a funny sitcom, the script can be altered while watching it? that is a white thing. the tv does say up when I lift my arm or get up or it says yellow when I am about to go take a leap.


Uriel / Spider talk would be (yes, flags out) having someone say that in a more hidden way, or, just say something not at all fitting irl sitcom but something like "spider could now say father nice", that is not white. it is singer that is more improtant than "reality".

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:21 a.m. No.20019330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9340


I many times choosed myself to appear stupid in certain situations and the live I plan on having would be pretty much according to that approach.


>how are you?




me seeing what the other person is "looking for" not to manipulate but to comfort is not a bad thing I´d say. also I think it´s morally nice to not overburden others e.g. with how well I am doing.


>hey, how are you doing


…>does he still have that car he liked so much?


…>would he be sad or happy if yes/no?


…>would "him being happy be having nice thoughts about the car be a thing" possibly? how to enhance? transported with a smile seems like a good start.


>hey, broguytypblablupp, car (+smile)?




do you understand why the guy having had saprkles show up over empty bottles, the one who invented crisscross on an architetural level, it not much a fan of guild?


obviously guilt is a word, might describe many things to different folks, and prolly there will be guilt here and there, prolly in a blue area (meaning in time, before the action, a feel you do not even have), preventing you from doing stuff, like moral sort of.


anyway, guilt is not a thing to carry and I suppose you agree, neither is shame.


Mike, Uri, Raph and Gabe. = 4.


"guilt": thinking about not offending the guy and considering first (does slow down, doesn´t it?).


"guilt": feeling that bad that you cannot say a word bc he might not like your statement or you might have assumed wrong? 90% body langueage? smiles and done? true? in many cases.


noone should aim at making others guilty or ashamed.


(stay low, nobody moving till I say so?)


even real? big coin stolen is singer, little wierd, but as psalm not only to angels but to many making them brave and sort of "raffgierig" in a nice way? tv is the devil?


this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".

Anonymous ID: 3fee37 Dec. 3, 2023, 8:24 a.m. No.20019340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9347




The way, with salt trampled underfoot.

New house? Bread and salt?

To be broken in church, but how?

zactly, "but" how makes you do it while doing irl stuff, angels like to sing to, when you sing hallelujah angels fit a whole letter or even a book into your singer.

build the temple, by smiles and irl stuff, little bribary for God, that should be fine.