Good let the fucking invaders die. It is that or i is mobs of people going after them forming militias to stop the invaders.
She is right to be pissed, but hate to use the term optics but it is what it is. By Trump distancing himself from it and placing it in the hands of people who were supposed to know he was able to have some plausible deniability when the time comes, but Pence Fauci they signed on for the war criminals part of this. Sucks for them.
a black man with blonde bangs what a world we live in.
and how do you afford to buy your own off the grid land and how to do afford all the stuff you need. You sir are a fucking idiot.
yeah you are either a bot or a nigger. Let me know which either way you are stupid and fuck off.
not jealous because then I would be jealous of a retard. Enjoy your fucking shit, no matter what it is you stupid fuck.
that sounds like what your god does.