Anonymous ID: 9b2f52 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:28 a.m. No.20018893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8916 >>9188

Got this in really late last bread so reposting.


Last year there was a body broker from Seattle who was littering body parts around the forest in Prescott. There is definitely some weird stuff going on in Arizona regarding body parts for sale. I remember Mitt Romney owned a Fetus disposal company so I imagine he was involved in this too.


There was a creepy old man named Edwin Rowlette who lived in Prescott and kept his dead wife in the freezer for 5 years, he was never convicted of a crime because he claimed he was involved in cryogenics. He smelled like cat piss and wore slippers held together with duct tape. His daughter turned him into the police because he got a new freezer and you feared it was for her.

Anonymous ID: 9b2f52 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:08 a.m. No.20019042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9188 >>9220 >>9233 >>9236


Rueters did an interesting series on the human crop shop issue. This is one of the series. This gal in Colorado was running a funeral home and selling body parts. Her mother pulled peoples gold teeth to sell.


There is even more money to be made in dissecting those bodies and selling the parts. A price quote Hess sent to an Arizona medical training lab in 2016 offered torsos for $1,000 each. A pelvis with upper legs went for $1,200, heads for $500, a knee for $250, and a foot for $125, according to a 2013 Donor Services price list reviewed by Reuters.


None of the former employees or associates Reuters interviewed worked directly for the body broker business. They were affiliated with her funeral business. But two said Hess sometimes bragged about how lucrative it was to sell bodies and body parts.

Anonymous ID: 9b2f52 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:33 a.m. No.20019168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9188


This company in Portland ships American bodies all over the world.


MedCure sells or leases about 10,000 body parts from U.S. donors annually, shipping about 20 percent of them overseas, internal corporate and manifest records show. In addition to bulk cargo shipments to the Netherlands, where MedCure operates a distribution hub, the Oregon company has exported body parts to at least 22 other countries by plane or truck, the records show.