Anonymous ID: 9f5869 Dec. 3, 2023, 6:43 a.m. No.20018936   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8947 >>9065

Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse

CHRIS HEDGES โ€ข DECEMBER 1, 2023 โ€ข 1,100 WORDS โ€ข 68 COMMENTS โ€ข REPLY


Phase One of Israelโ€™s genocidal campaign on Gaza has ended. Phase Two has begun. It will result in even higher levels of death and destruction.


The skies over Gaza are filled โ€” after a seven-day truce โ€” with projectiles of death. Warplanes. Attack helicopters. Drones. Artillery shells. Tank shells. Mortars. Bombs. Missiles. Gaza is a cacophony of explosions and forlorn screams and cries for help beneath collapsed buildings. Fear, once again, is coiling itself around every heart in the Gazan concentration camp.


By Friday evening, 184 Palestinians โ€” including three journalists and two doctors โ€” had been killed by Israeli air strikes in the north, south and central Gaza, and at least 589 injured, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Most of them are women and children. Israel will not be deterred. It plans to finish the job, to obliterate what is left in the north of Gaza and decimate what remains in the south, to render Gaza uninhabitable, to see its 2.3 million people driven out in a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing via starvation, terror, slaughter and infectious diseases.


The aid convoys, which brought in token amounts of food and medicine โ€” the first batch was shrouds and coronavirus tests โ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 9f5869 Dec. 3, 2023, 7:13 a.m. No.20019063   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9169

Israel Is Not Our Ally

BERNARD M. SMITH โ€ข OCTOBER 19, 2023 โ€ข 4,900 WORDS โ€ข 214 COMMENTS โ€ข REPLY


>Israel is a grotesque country. Not only do we not receive anything in compensation for our support, but American interests are also damaged as a result of our support for Israel. There is no moral imperative to support Israel. There is no shared civilization or values between us. Israel is a pariah state that is propped up by American support. Compromise that support and Israel would face an existential threat given the terrible things that it does and the lack of international support it has sans America. While my own politics tend towards non-intervention generally such that I lament American imperial pretensions, I am not immune to human suffering beyond the borders of my country. To be sure, I denounce the murder of civilians in any conflict โ€” whether they are Israeli or Palestinian or whether they are Rwandan, but it is not my business โ€” or my countryโ€™s business โ€” to fix it as a matter of foreign policy. Whether or not it is too late in the game to address the enormous cost of Americaโ€™s immoral and stupid support of Israel, these things must be said.


>Israel is not our greatest ally โ€” not by a long shot.